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A black jean jumpsuit with a white long sleeved inner shirt is casual enough right?, plus jumpsuits really make me look cute so yeah, this is a pretty great casual look. A gentle knock on my door resounds and before I can grant permission to whoever it is, the door creaks open to reveal a slim and very beautiful figure of Ameerah.

" Hey, baby girl. You're going out?" She asks softly, gently closing my door behind her and gracing me with her enchatting smile. " yeah I am, Haneef is coming to pick me up. He says he wants to surprise me" I answer, wrapping a black veil around my head and looking directly at the full length mirror in front of me to avoid myself wrapping something absurd. I can see Ameerah say some words under her breath, with furrowed eyebrows. " I can see that you really don't want to listen to my advice" she says and I watch her view in the mirror again, roll her eyes. " Ameerah I see nothing wrong with hanging out with your ex boyfriend. And he seems very cool so tell me why?, why should I stay away from him?" This time, I respond to her face squarely from where I'm standing.

" I can't tell you why so just forget about it, do what you like" she answers, rather rudely. " Honestly speaking, if you really want me to stay away from him you should give me a valid reason. The only reason that's obvious here is that you're just jealous that your ex is trying to be happy without you" I truly don't care if he hurt her, but it seriously had to be said. " I'm trying to look out for you and you're calling it jealousy?, do you honestly think I would have left him for no reason and end up being jealous?" She snaps and with my hands on my waist, I walk closer to where she's sitting on my bed. " Then what's your reason?" I ask, looking straight into her eyes but she looks away, guilty. " can we not talk about him anymore?, please. I don't want him ruining our new bond" She says with pleading eyes and I give in, it would've been hard not to.

" Thank you very much, for bringing Daddy back to me" she says and I sit beside her on my bed. " He gave me like all the answers to questions that made me depressed all this while and I'm honestly more than grateful for your kind gesture Zakiyah. May Allah bless you" she adds, now hugging me tightly. " You know it was I and Saleem that made it all possible" Saleem would have been more than glad that this was the outcome, I miss him every single day. " He's in a better place In Sha Allah" sure. " Daddy wants me to move to Abuja with his family" A better environment without Habeebah?.
I'm certainly in for that option.

" That would be very nice Ameerah"

" It will but he needs to talk to your dad first, to you know officiate everything"

" Like you're getting married" I say and watch as we both giggle at the idea. " Honestly I thought I would get married to Haneef but things happened" the weak smile on her face makes me more and more curious. " Ameerah you can trust me with anything, why did you really leave Haneef?"

With a very heavy sigh she responds, " in as much as I need to tell you, I also don't want you to know. You'll be safer not knowing anything" I'd be lying if I said those words didn't send chills down my spine. My default IPhone ringtone blares around the room from the my bed and I grab it, as soon Ameerah gets a look at the Caller ID, she hurriedly leaves the room. I'm aware of all their family secrets but right now, I can't help but feel that there's something I'm missing. " Kiyah, I'm outside your house"

" Alright" I answer and end the call. With one more look at the mirror, I wear a pair of white sneakers and grab my black midi side bag, I'm all set. I'd already informed Daddy who I'd be spending the day with and he was more than glad that I'm slowly letting happiness creep into my life again, it's better than been depressed all the time I mean. It still hurts but sulking 24/7 won't do me any good.

Walking out of my room and down the stairs, I find Habeebah sitting with crossed legs on a couch in our main parlor, watching whatever intrigues her psychopathic mind. Not mentioning a word, I walk as fast as I can to avoid a scene unfolding but of course, a psychopath doesn't know know peace is in her dictionary. I really can't wait for all her drama to be finally over. " So you can't greet right?. Even after almost killing me, you can't even greet and apologise to me you witch. I wonder how your father's living knowing he brought a witch to life, that's probably how your mother died, you killed her"

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