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It's honestly hard to ignore the glares Ameerah is sending Haneef across the table. Saleem is doing his best to make me and the other girls ignore her and of course, Haneef is sure enjoying himself with us but Ameerah, if I am to paint her as a cartoon figure right now, I'll make sure to add flames escaping all parts of her body.
She's fuming.

" I've honestly never tasted pancakes this good, they're so yummy" Saleem says from my side while chewing down a fork of chocolate pancakes. He ordered the same breakfast I ordered for, pancakes, sausages, a fruit bowl and tea.
Lipton with lots of milk.

"Here, open up" he says again, signalling for me to open my mouth and I quickly obey. Within seconds of waiting with my eyes closed, a chunk of pancakes rests in my mouth and I begin to happily chew down.
Saleem is so cute. " Aww, you eat like a baby" he says again and hastily plants a quick kiss on my cheek. Saleem is adorable and I can't help but love him more.

Immediately he turns back to face his meal, I quickly repeat his actions on me and watch his smile widen as my lips part his cheek. " Aww, I love you guys" Adama chirps and I blush while chewing down my food and facing my meal. " We love you guys, but please na, us that we're single don't make us feel worse" Candy adds with a nice smile and Saleem laughs a bit. " Don't worry, all your prince charmings are on their way" says Saleem.

" All their prince charmings are on their way, mine is already here" Juwairiyah isn't one to flaunt what she has, but I can see she is very ready to flaunt Reedo. " Ugh, abeg. Must you all tell us you have boyfriend" That's Tay Tay, she's been trying to bully us all through our breakfast but Saleem has been firing back her shots.
Her face right now is more than hilarious. " Tayibah, don't worry. You're a very beautiful woman, I'm sure guys are lining up for you" Saleem compliments and I watch my tough bestfriend blush. " you know babe, you're right. But the thing is she sends all her suitors away with punches or harsh words. The guy that'll win her heart will be someone that's savage enough to return her comebacks" I comment and Tayibah rolls her eyes.

" Well I hate to break it to you guys but as time goes on, all this romance stuff is going to wear off and you're going to want to call it quits" Ameerah says and everyone tilts their faces to look at her. " That can only happen if the person you're dating is selfish and a player. If they call it quits just because they're bored then if you really love them, you'll go out of your way to make them see why the two of you are meant to be, you'll do everything you can to win them back. If they don't come back after all your efforts, you kidnap them and get married to them by force" Haneef answers, eyes stuck on Ameerah.

" or you could just give up and move on with your life" Ameerah answers and I finally realise that they're talking about themselves. I wonder when and why they broke up, they sure would make a really nice couple.

But they both have a crazy mentality. I mean if someone breaks up with you just because they're tired of being with you, then they don't even love you at all. Why stress yourself trying to get them back?. " well, Haneef I really think that if someone breaks up with you because they're bored then they never really liked you in the first place. So there's no need to waste your time trying to win them back" Candelaria answers.
Someone with sense. " Well Candy, I'm sure you know the way girls and forming are like twins. A lady might just break up with you in the name of she being tired but truly, what she wants is to know how far her partner can go to get her back, how extremely romantic and mischievous he can get to win her back you know?"

" That's actually true" Tay Tay comments and Haneef continues. " If her partner really loves her, he'll do everything he can to get her back but if he doesn't, he'll leave her alone" Haneef replies and I use the opportunity to stare at Ameerah who's now trying to hold back a small smile on her face.
Okay all this is weird, she was just glaring at him a while ago. I wouldn't want to stress my mind out by thinking about what happened to these two so it's better to just hear what truly happened between them. " So where should we go next from here?" Saleem changes the topic and I hear Candy sigh heavily from the seat across me. She's happy Saleem changed the topic, I am too.

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