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There's nothing I love more than a large strawberry smoothie cup from smoothies et al on friday afternoons after all the traffic hassle and the scorching may sun.
I can't wait for rainy season honestly. " Thank you very much" I thank the lady behind the cash register and I and my bestfriend Juwairiyah find our way towards the exit door.

" You'll drop me off and then you can ride alone to your house, I really want to sleep" Juwee groans with all her might and in return I roll my eyes at her. She and my second bestfriend have turned me into their personal driver since Daddy got me my own car for my birthday, a grey Toyota Venza. I love this car honestly, it's the love of my life right now. " All you love to do is sleep, don't go and read and start preparing for resumption"

" Dude, shut up. What am I going to study for when I don't even know if I'm getting the admission or not?, spare me the reading crap abeg, as if studying all night for waec wasn't enough"

" It wasn't enough o, better start preparing for another battle" My friends and I graduated from Meadows International school about a month ago, set of 2019 and we're presently awaiting admission into several universities. " Let me rest first" she answers and immediately, I suddenly crash into someone, spilling my smoothie all over their extremely nice white Kaftan.

Omo, I don die.

" Are you mad?, don't you look at where you're going?" The deep masculine voice rages and I try my hardest to fight back my tears and swallow a big lump down my throat as I try to avoid looking at my victim. " I am so sorry please forgive me" I don't even know whether to try cleaning the man's attire, that will just piss him off more. " You're so stupid, some mothers don't know how to raise their children properly. You must be blind"

" Excuse me what did you just say?" I snap with a firm voice and lift my head instantly to look at the stupid man uttering rubbish. No bastard has the right to question the manner in which my late mother raised me. " I was looking at where I was heading to and you just showed up abruptly. You must be stupid to question the way I was raised just because you bumped into me and spilled my drink over yourself" I don't care if I'm making a scene right now.

" Do you know how much this costs?"

" Name your fucking price" I snap back again, this time staring at him dead in the eye. Such a mannerless fool.
" Please get out of my sight"

" Who the hell do you think you are to be saying rubbish anyhow?" I'm ready to beat somebody's son wallahi. " Babe, let's go" I hear juwee say and her hold around my wrist tightens. " See this small girl is saying nonsense o, go and tell your mother to teach you manners" That's it.

I snap my wrist away from Juwee and use all the energy in me to throw a hard punch at the young man's nose who's barking at me. I watch him stagger away from me, cursing under his breath and my lips slowly form a small smile. " Ah babe, let's leave here o" In as much as I would love to pounce on him again, I don't know who he is and in all honesty, he can take me to jail for harassing him but we all know who started this.

We run for the door the instant people start rushing towards us, leaving the young man wincing in pain from his broken nose. I unlock my car, we instantly hop in and I drive away. " Babe why?"

" Why what?, didn't you see how he was insulting mummy?, is he mad?. Some people are just so inconsiderate and are quick to talk rubbish not regarding if the person's parents are alive or not"

" True, I fully support the punch you gave him though but you should have controlled yourself and the guy was so fine" She answers, taking out her smoothie cup from the nylon where the cashier placed it for her.
Juwairiyah loves guys like damn.
Her eyes doesn't stay on one guy at all but they're usually always fine sha. " You and these your eyes ehn, they need cleansing I swear"

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