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Zakiyah's POV

As I watched the bloody scene, my head began to literally bang and I could feel my heart beat faster. I couldn't take any more of the scene in so as I cried, I quietly walked back to the car and started it, driving my way as my body led me. Where I was going?, no idea. My head needed to be cool down and being around the scene wasn't helping.

The doctors said I was fine after all my months of therapy, where did that outburst come from along with this crazy headache?. I can't afford to still be ill, it was a mild attack and I was cleared. I can't be sick, I'm just shocked and overwhelmed by all what's going on, it's too much to handle.

Ameerah didn't deserve to lose her life like that, for crying out loud their relationship could have ended pretty peacefully if that evil soul hadn't intervened. Come on I'm sure Habeebah knew she was going to be caught at once if she appeared in Mr Abdulmalik's house. She couldn't have simply appeared only to stop the wedding by telling them the truth, it's not possible, she's too sly and coldhearted to let herself get caught because she tried to protect her children. Children she didn't protect when she had multiple chances too.

The only issue there was could have been corrected if only she hadn't intervened, Haneef out of crazy obsession did all what he did and Ameerah?, Ameerah only wanted to be loved. She had a taste from it with Haneef which naturally meant to occur since they're siblings and didn't want to let go, no matter what. Proving to them the right and calm way could have sorted things out better, Haneef seeking proper treatments would have been better to manage his condition but no, Aunty Habeebah's existence just had to ruin everything.

I know I and Ameerah's relationship wasn't the best but at a point, I honestly did consider her as an elder sister I never had. She was just a victim of her emotions, a victim of circumstance who tried to maneuver around life with a traumatising past. She grew up loved by her father and after the fire incident, grew up having to live being depressed by her father's sudden absence. She felt loved again by Haneef and she was willing to not lose him again at all cost, it was foolish and selfish but once in her shoes, all her wrong decisions were just a selfish way for her to be happy. She deserved genuine happiness, " she really deserved to be happy" I say to myself, trying to clean my tears as I stick my eyes to the road.

Once upon a time, my heart softened towards Ameerah, who knows, it would've happened again if things were properly sorted out. Letting out a scream from the sudden blow to the back of Saleem's car, I match my brakes as hard as possible.
The road is literally free and empty, it's a freaking quiet housing estate, so how did this happen for crying out loud?. Only someone high on something could've run into me so aggressively. I angrily get down the car, ready to give the drunkard a piece of my mind if he's still alive and that took an entirely different turn.

Saleem's POV

Holding on tight to Haneef was almost impossible, even I found it very hard to not break down as I watched Ameerah's blood soaked body fall lifelessly to the ground.
Everything that unfolded marked the end of all his struggle to be with her, all the crazy things he pushed himself to do because of his obsession with her, it was the end. Ameerah was declared dead upon her arrival at the hospital.

Haneef was stabbed with a tranquilliser to get him calm before we took him to the hospital. He's going to be transferred to the mental institution in Kaduna. At least the police now have Habeebah, and Mr Abdulmalik's currently preparing for her Janazzah. It's painful that this had to happen to my bestfriend, it's literally the cherry on top all of his problems. It's probably going to make his recuperation slower than intended. I was meant to meet Zakiyah back in the car but I couldn't find her and the car, she probably drove away before I could leave the scene with Haneef.

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