1. Louis

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Hey guys! :D This is my new book! In this chapter Louis is gonna have alot of flash backs cause I really didn't know what to write cause he doesn't really know anyone O_O! So anyways enjoy the chapter :D!

1. Louis

Today was my first day as a music teacher in the High School. I've always loved Music but never enough to me a teach for it. But I needed something to do if I wanna live on my own. I'm not married even though i'm 21 but I really don't know what to do with my love life anymore, nor do I care. I know being a 21 year old and being a teacher is young but I need to start somewhere. Music has been my thing. Music just like speaks to me, more than I book ever will. It was only 7:00am and my class starts at 8:30am. I only have one class each day. Mostly cause people never seen me work before and wanna see how it goes and cause I really am not good with alot of people's names. Maybe only 20 or so but that's all I can remember in one day tops. I just hope that my age won't react to how the kids talk to me. I don't wanna yell at them nor do I really want to do work but teaching seems fun, mostly cause it's music! I jumped out of bed and turned my phone on. I only been here for a week so my house isn't really clean or done. So all I have is a tv and couch in my living room and a pile of boxes. I really have to finish. It was now 7:18. I have to leave here by 8 so I have a while I think. I went into the shower and by the time I got out it was 7:30. I dried my hair and got on a blue and white strpied top and red pants with white shoes. I made tea and a bagle. Then someone came through my door. "Hello Louie" my friend Andy laughed. "Aye Andy" I laughed back. "So you getting ready for work" Andy sat at my table and sat by me. "Yep" I sighed. "Well you have 15 minutes! So" Andy got up and turned on music. "DON'T BE SO TENSE" Andy laughed and started to dance like a weirdo around my house. Andy acts like a 5 year old sometimes. "Andy don't you have a job also" I crossed my arms. "Aww crap yeah" Andy grabbed his jacket. "BYE LOUIE I'LL CALL YOU LATER" Andy ran out the door. Odd kid I might add. He's not really a kid but he acts like one. If he was shorter he could be a kid. I turned off the radio and grabbed my jacket and cleaned up my kitchen. I keep thinking all the kids will hate me or something. I don't know why but I don't think they'll like me. Well they never really met me but some people just hate me for who I am or what I do. I sighed and got into my car. Once Andy used to bully me but then we became best friends.

-*Flash Back*-

"Louis Tomlinson? Do I look like I care what your name is" Andy pushed me on a locker with all his buddies right behind him. I felt so small, like everything was crashing down around me. Andy kicked me and laughed at me. I sank onto the locked and just laied there. "Get up Tomlinson!" Andy yelled. I shook my head. "COME ON GET UP" Andy kicked me again. "Andy stop" I screamed. "No! Why would I ever listen to you" Andy laughed at me. "Please Andy" I said very faintly. All life in me was fading away as I laied here and died while this guy won't ever stop. I felt like I was living in hell. I do cut cause of Andy, he's been hurting me when I first met him. It's not a good feeling, you feel so small inside but you just don't know what to do next. My head started to spin when I tried to get up. When I did I just fell back down. "Tomlinson get up" Andy yelled. I tried to get up by holding onto a locker handle. But then I fell again cause one of Andy's friend kicked the locker door down. I wanted to yell for a teacher but I didn't wanna be called a geek again. I was made fun of cause I was gay and I liked Andy. Right now I didn't really like him. He was better when it was just me and him without his friends. When it was just me and him we could smile and laugh for hours just about one thing a person said. He always treats me like this when he's with his friends though. I don't know why. It's just like he likes me one day then the next day he's a different Andy. "Come on Andy, he's not getting up" One of his friend's started to pull him away. "Alright." Andy's friends started to leave but then Andy walked up to me. "Louie i'm so sorry! Call me" Andy kissed me. I punched him, "SAVE IT ANDY!" I got up and ran away till my legs couldn't hold. I hated being like this. I hate it, he just plays with me like a big game! It's the worst feeling ever to feel like shit! That's what Andy made me feel like, every day untill we were alone. I don't understand. Then things went all black.

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