5. Harry

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I know in my last chapter and the start of this chapter was a monday o_o.. but i'm just like gonna make it a friday cause... Yeah I don't know why but I really had nothing else to write xD. Well yeah I have things to write but not for this chapter :P. So the boys will be back in school by a Louis chapter :).

5. Harry

"Liam" I held Liam in my arms and just let him cry. Liam lifted up his head and shook his head, "I got a paper to write." Liam went into my dad's office and closed the door. My dad wasn't home so he can go in there. "Harry do you want me to leave" Zayn put his hand on my sholder. "Do you have anymore homework" I sighed and turned around. "Nope" he smiled. "Alright, see yeah tomorrow then" I pecked Zayn's lips and he nodded. He ran down the steps and said bye to my mum and left. I knocked on my dad's office's door. "Liam open the door" I sighed and leaned my head on the door. "I'm busy" Liam snuffled. "Boys time for dinner" my mum yelled. Liam walked out of the room and walked right past me. I sighed and walked down the steps behind him. Liam sat down and I sat by him. My mum started to put stuff on the table then my dad walked in. "Hello boys" my dad smiled at us. "Hi" I smiled. My dad hugged my mum. "Sir, I left my stuff in your office, I was trying to work and I left it there" Liam looked at my dad. "It's alright" my dad smiled and sat down across from me. "So how was your day" my mum looked at me. "Awesome, me and Zayn are working together on a project" I smiled at looked at Liam who was just playing with his food with a fork. "Liam, how was your day" my mum smiled at Liam. "Just daisy" Liam sighed. "Great" my mum smiled. "I'm not really that hungry" Liam got up and looked like he was gonna cry. "Liam you can't just starve" I grabbed Liam's arm. "Yeah, well watch me" Liam snapped and marched upstairs. "Harry what's wrong with Liam" my dad watched Liam walk up the steps. "Nothing, he's fine" I lied. "He doesn't seem alright" my dad looked at me. I can't tell my dad Liam loves his teacher that just sounds crazy. "He's just have a bad day, that's all" I smiled. I don't want to lie to my parents but I know they would freak out and go all crazy on us. And mostly Liam would hate me, forever..


I knocked on my dad's office door cause Liam was in there. "Harry go away" Liam growled. I walked in aways. He was on his computer and writing things down. "You know that's not due till friday right" I smiled. He nodded, "I wanna quit Louis's class, so I just wanna finish this and be done." "I thought you really liked him" I said confused. "Yeah, but it's for the best" Liam shrugged and kept writing. "What happened" I sighed and sat by Liam. "Nothing Harry, just let me finish this" Liam sighed. "No Liam, tell me! I need to know" I growled. "Harry you don't need to know anything, it was bad enough I told you I liked my fucking teacher" Liam looked like he was gonna cry again. "You know how hard it is, to see him do other things that I can't do till 4 years! He can do anything! I just sit here and study and try my hardest for school and he doesn't do anything like I do Harry" Liam cried. "Liam, different ages can he hard" I rubbed Liam's back. "That's nothing Harry, that's just the start. He leads me on and then just dumps it all like I was nothing! Am I nothing Harry? Am I not worth being here anymore? Is he just gonna leave me like my mum" Liam cried again. "Liam your mum didn't leave you! She just went missing!" "Well she never came back now did she Harry?! Louis will just leave me like she did and never come back for me. I'll just be alone. Is he really that careless Harry..." Liam stood up and sighed. "Liam you will never be alone.. you have me, Niall, Josh and my family" I got up and walked over to Liam. "Yeah but it's not my family Harry.. It's your's" I sighed. "No it's our's Li" I smiled at Liam and pushed his hair back. "Will Louis just forget me and leave me like my mum" Liam sighed. "I don't know Liam.. maybe your mum will come back" I held Liam into my chest and let him cry. "I don't think so Harry.." It hurt me to see Liam in this much pain cause of one guy. Louis must of did something really bad and I need to find out. "Will you please just tell me what happened so I can understand more" I asked while putting my hand through Liam's hair. "We almost did it then he pushed me out of his house" Liam cried and sighed. I was gonna say something but then I saw a shadow by the door and my parents left to go shopping. "Liam, look at the door" I whispered to Liam. He looked at the door. "Who do you think it is" Liam whispered back. "I don't know.." I went to open the door but then I saw someone run down the steps and go somewhere. "Harry there's someone in here, and it's not mum or dad" Liam said. He sounded scared. We walked down stairs and saw the door open. "Harry who do you think it was" Liam shivered. I shrugged and closed the door. Then I turned around and saw someone wrote on the mirror in the living room. "Liam come look" I waved my hand towards Liam.

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