22. Liam

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Okay so, if you guys read the Zayn chapter it says Liam knows what you guys are about to read o_o.. So this chapter is gonna be a different dating then that chapter. Like it's a couple days before the Zayn thing :3! Sorry if it got confusing... I had to have my friend write a bit in this cause I had writers block -____-.. Anyways! :D Read on :) xx

Chapter 22. Liam

I shuffled down the steps with a blanket wrapped around me. I am so freaking happy I only have 1 more week of school.. But then I have college.. Whatever though.. Harry was sitting at the table drinking some coffee. "Morning" Harry looked at me. "Morning curly" I coughed. "So how you feel?" "Uh so far didn't puke" I shrugged. "Louis called. He left a message" Harry pointed to the house phone. "Thanks" I sighed and got the phone. I jumped on the couch and put my feet on the coffee table. "Hey Li, it's uh Louis. I tried your cell and you uh didn't answer. Well anyways, you need to call me back as soon as you um get this" Louis sighed and hung up the phone. I threw my blanket on the couch and ran up stairs. "What happened" Harry yelled after me. I ran down stairs with my phone and went outside. Harry looked at me and nodded and went up stairs. I dialed Louis's number. "Hey" he answered like he was waiting for me to call him. "Hey, why'd you need me to call you" I giggled. "Um.. Liam.. Uh the doctor knows why your sick" Louis sighed. "What's wrong with me Louis" I about cried. "Li.. You're uh.. pregnant" Louis sighed once again. I didn't know what to say.. I didn't know weather to jump off a cliff or cry. So I guess I decided to cry. "Liam, babe don't cry. C'mon Liam. It's alright" Louis tried to calm me down but tears just kept coming. Just.. How? Why?.. So many questions and nothing will come to mind. "Baby, it's alright" Louis kept trying to calm me down but I hung up. I just sat at the steps outside and hid my face in my hands. How can this happen? Well I know how it can happen but to a man? Is it possible?? Why me though, why can't it be Louis?! He's older, he has less to life for. Damn, now I sound mean. I sighed and went back inside. "Hey, what's wrong?" How do I tell Harry? Hey, Harry i'm pregnant! Yeah, I wonder how the hell he'll react to that. "Nothing" I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "Liam you were just crying after you got off the phone with Louis.." Now he's gonna think we broke up, great. "It's nothing Harry" I sighed and started to head up stairs. "Liam. Did you two break up?" "No!" "Then what is it" Harry ran up the stairs behind me. I ran to the bathroom and started to puke. JUST GET THIS THING OUT OF ME! Harry started to draw circles on my back. I flushed the toilet and laid on the floor. Harry left and came back in with a blanket and pillow. "Harry.. If I tell you I know you'll freak out" I coughed and wrapped the blanket around me. "I can take it. Liam, were best friends" Harry laughed. He laid down next to me and looked me in the eyes. "Harry, I have the flu" I didn't want to tell him. I don't want to. Not now.. Please. Harry laughed and smirked at me. He kissed me on the head as I drifted to sleep. Maybe this was all a dream. I don't want a kid. Not now. Just me and Louis. Not me Louis and a kid. No. Just me and Louis..


"He's upstairs" I heard Harry talk to someone as I slowly woke up. When I saw the door open I saw a tall brown haired guy with a blond haired lad. "Hey Li" the blond one smiled at me. I rubbed my eyes and saw Niall and Josh. "Hey" I manged to get out. "How you feeling?" Josh sat down by my head. He lifted up my head and put it in his lap. I simply just shrugged. "Liam, were gonna go out. Alright call me if you need anything" Harry smiled at me. I nodded and curled up on Josh's lap. I pouted at Josh and he kissed my head and laid my head back on the pillow. I sighed and laid on the cold ground. Maybe I can fall back asleep and just block everything out. Like nothing happened. Like I was never here.. As I started to fall asleep there was a loud bang at the door. I moaned and got up. Then another bang. "I'M COMING!" I opened the door and Louis was standing there blushing. "Louis, what are you doing here?" "Uh to see you if that's alright" Louis laughed and pecked my lips. I smiled and let Louis in.  "Yep" I shrugged and rubbed my eyes once more. "So what you been up to" Louis smiled. Well someone's in a good freaking mood. "Uh sleeping." Louis nodded and kept looking around the house. I went back upstairs to pick up the mess I made in the bathroom. "So how's the morning sickness going" Louis leaned on the frame on the door. I gave him a evil look and he laughed. "You been sleeping on the floor?" "I puked and that's where I landed after that so yeah" I shrugged and threw the stuff back in my room. "Legit" Louis laughed and looked at me. I walked back down the stairs and started to make some tea. "So we need to talk.." Oh shit. "About what?" "If you want to keep the baby and things.." "Louis, do you even know how long until this thing gets out of me!?" "The doctors said 4 to 5 months babe.." "Is it a boy or girl?" "We need to go to the doctor in a month or so to see that" Louis sighed and sat on the couch. I nodded. "The doctor said you been pregnant for a month already Li.." My eyes bugged out but I nodded anyways. "So have you got any thoughts of keeping it or adoption yet?" "Uh.. Lou, i'm going to college soon. I mean I know you want a family and all-" "You can think about it" Louis cut me off. "I don't want a family Louis! Understand that! I'm only 17! I don't want this! I just want us!" "So your saying you never want a family?!" "Louis I never said that!" "But that's what your saying now" Louis yelled. "LOUIS JUST STOP! IF YOU CAME HERE TO FREAKING PISS ME OFF THEN YOUR JOB IS DONE HERE" I growled and knocked down my tea. "Liam-" "I got it" I sighed and grabbed a towel. "I didn't." "Save it Louis" I just kept cleaning up the tea and I saw Louis start to walk towards me but then by the door. "Where are you going" I sighed without looking up. "Home." "Louis.." "Liam, I get it. Your young. But i'm 21! I don't want to get a family when i'm 30!" "Then maybe we shouldn't do this at all.." "What are you talking about?!" "If you don't want such a age difference then how about we stop being us. No more us." "Fine" Louis growled and stormed out.


I don't know if I should call him or if he'll call me.. I just laid in bed staring out the window. I wanna call him but I can't. He hates me and I know it. Most things happen for a reason. So maybe that was a call that this wouldn't work out. Even if it did would I even be happen? He wants things that I know I can't give him. He just doesn't understand! I'm just a kid!

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