17. Harry

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17. Harry

Liam locked himself in his room.. He won't come out and I been sitting here for like a hour.. "Liam c'mon open the door" I sighed.. All I could hear was soft crying and things being thrown around.. I feel bad for Liam. But he won't feel better if he just stays in there.. He won't talk to anyone! I just want to help him. I would feel the same if I saw my mum who was missing for years was dead. Liam always thought she was alive.. I think I know who did this, well not kill Liam's mum, but made sure someone found the body.. Zayn. Zayn always wants to see Liam cry and suffer. Zayn is just.. Grr.. I love him but then I hate him. He's a great person if he wasn't with his brother.. I just don't know how to explain Zayn.. Sometimes he's amazing, nice, happy and cute. Then he's all mean, mad at the world, hurts anyone and anything and is just a ass.. "Liam..." I knocked on Liam'd door.. It was quiet.. I tried to open the door and it opened. I walked inside of Liam's room and papers were all over. Books across the room. Blankets everywhere. His desk and chair fell down. His tv was a black and white.. and the lights were all unplugged. The window was opened. I looked around the room and Liam's closet was open.. He wasn't in there.. I quickly ran down the stairs and outside.. Liam took my car. That little-.. I ran to Zayn's house. He could be there with a bat you know like uh beating on Zayn. That's seriously what I would do, cause I would think Zayn killed my mum if I was Liam. But i'm not Liam and maybe Liam went to Louis's or something. But all I know is that I need to find him.. I knocked on Zayn's door. HURRY THE FUCK UP ZAYN.. Zayn swung open the door. "Have you seen Liam?!" "No, he's at Louis's" Zayn smiled. "Alright" I yelled as I ran to Louis's. "Want me to drive you" Zayn yelled after me. "NO YOU ALREADY MESSED THINGS UP ENOUGH" I yelled back. "What does that mean" I felt Zayn's hand on my arm and he spun me around. "You had to make sure Liam found his mum's body!" "Liam's mum is dead? I thought she was just missing?" "ZAYN DON'T PLAY DUMB!" "I'm not.." Zayn sighed. "Whatever" I sighed and ran off. I heard Zayn running behind me. "ZAYN LEAVE ME ALONE!" "YOUR DOING A MISTAKE BY HELPING LIAM" Zayn yelled but kept running behind me. "I don't care. I love him Zayn" I growled as I turned around. Zayn looked like he was gonna cry cause I said that.. "As a brother Zayn. God" I patted Zayn's shoulder. Zayn smriked then it faded. "Kevin is gonna kill you.. Don't really don't know what your gonna get into" Zayn sighed. "I know your trying to help, but I know.. But i'm getting myself out of this. If it means me dying. I don't care Zayn! I don't want to hurt Liam anymore or anyone!" "Well Kevin is gonna find out One Way Or Another" Zayn pantted as we ran to Louis's. "If he does, I know what's coming.. Your gonna help me though?" "Of course.. So new plan is ruin this club?" "Yeah pretty much" I said as we waited for the cars to stop. "Alright.." I can hear in Zayn's voice he wanted to do this for a long time. But never did cause of Kevin. "We can shut down Kevin. Thrust me Zayn.. It's 2 agaist 1" I smirked. "Yeah but Kevin can be 9 people just by himself compared to us!" "Well we have to do it if you want this to stop" I sighed. "Yeah I know.." Zayn sighed as we ran up Louis's steps to his house. I knocked on the door. "LOUIE" I yelled. This guy with blonde hair that was a mess answered. "Louis isn't home" the guy spoke like he just woke up. "Is Liam Payne here" I sighed. I could hear someone crying in the background. I looked behind the guy and saw Liam shaking. The guy opened the door for me and Zayn to come in. I ran to Liam. "Liam" I pushed the hair out of his face. He flinched back to my touch. "It's alright Liam.. Calm down.." Liam saw Zayn and stopped moving.. "Liam he wants to stop this as much as we do... He's nice.. C'mon Liam.. It's fine.. Your alright" I lifted Liam into my lap. He sqeezed onto my shirt and cried like a little kid.. I petted his hair back for it wouldn't get in his face again. I could hear him taking heavy breathes. I kissed Liam on the head and he sniffled. But he kept crying.. I looked at Zayn who was gonna cry. Liam was like crying out for help. For a week or so I haven't been here.. This was Liam's cry for help and I was here.. Liam let go of me and looked at Zayn.. I stood up and sighed. "Thanks A-andy" Liam sniffled. The guy with the blonde hair nodded.. Zayn and Liam walked to the car. "Thanks for letting him come here it-" I started to thank Andy but he cut me off. "Can you just tell me what happened?" "His uh mum's body was found" I sighed. "Oh.. I'm uh sorry for your uh lose" Andy just sat still. "Can you just have Louis call him when he gets home" I smiled at Andy. "Of course" Andy smiled. I nodded and walked out. "Oh your Harry right" Andy looked at me. "Yeah" I giggled. "Liam talks about you alot. Don't hurt him alright" Andy winked and laughed. "Wouldn't dream of it" I laughed and walked to the car. Liam was crying into Zayn's shirt now. Zayn didn't know what to do so he was just sitting here with a shocked face on. I smiled at Zayn. I got into the car.. I'm guessing I have to drive.. We have to end this Kevin shit.. Soon or else i'm just gonna kill him and say that's the end.. He hurts everyone.. I just don't know..


Liam was playing mario kart so I decided to sneak out.. Niall, Zayn and I are gonna talk to Kevin. I am seriously shaking right now. One, cause I don't want Liam to notice i'm gone. Two, I don't know what Kevin is gonna do. I climbed out my window and saw Zayn and Niall in Zayn's car already. I got in the back next to Niall. Zayn was in the front. "So were gonna meet Kevin at the house, well place thang" Niall laughed. "Yeah" Zayn smirked. "WOOOOOOOOOO" Niall yelled and about shook the car. "Why you so excited?! I'M FREAKING SHAKING" I rolled my eyes. "Cause were gonna be done with this.." Niall eyed me. "Yeah but Kevin can do many things to us Ni.." I sighed. "I know" Niall pouted. I petted his head and laughed. "Here goes nothing" Zayn sighed as we pulled into dark place. "Our bodies can be hiden right over there" Niall pointed to a ditch. "NIALL!" "Sorry" Niall sighed.. So many emotions were going through me.. I felt like crying but knew I couldn't.. I would feel weak. Well I already feel weak so I can't feel it twise I guess. I sighed as we got out of the car. Kevin was standing right there. "Hey ladies" Kevin laughed. "I'm not a lady" I growled. "Well you are to me" Kevin laughed. "Well maybe your a devil to me but do I say that" I smirked. "Shut up Styles" Kevin growled. "I don't have to. Your not my grandma" I tried so hard not to giggle. But Niall burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at Horan" Kevin pushed Niall. "Don't push him" I yelled and pushed Kevin back. Zayn helped Niall up and just pulled me back. "What do you guys want anyways" Kevin sighed. He seemed annoyed now.. "To be out of this.. This group thang" I sighed. "Well you can't Haz.. You already know what happens to people who do" Kevin laughed. "Well I don't care. We just want out" Niall sighed. "Fine, walk away now.. But you don't know what's coming later" Kevin smriked. "You don't scare me Kevin" Zayn said quietly. "Yeah, but a bat might" Kevin smirked. "Don't touch him Kevin. You think your all powerful but your not" Niall growled. "Whatever" Kevin rolled his eyes and started to walk away. I grabbed his arm and made him spin around. "If we leave no you leave everyone alone including us! Got it Kevin?!" "No" Kevin pushed me down. I got up and growled. I punched Kevin in the face. Kevin hit me harder. "HARRY!"

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