16. Liam

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16. Liam

It's been quite odd since everyone is like in their own group now. There's Josh and Joey. Niall, Zayn and Harry. Then there's me. To be honest I have like no one to talk to now.. It's quiet at Harry's house when it's just me and him. He's not home alot though, mostly he's with Zayn. I don't know why Josh isn't talking to me anymore, but I guess I have to deal with it. I still have Louis even though he's been busy trying to get a new job. I don't know what's worse, Harry being mean to me, Louis sort of shutting me out since he got fired or that Josh isn't talking to me. Louis shutting me is weird but it's not gonna change the fact that I love Louis. I been sleeping at Louis's house for a while cause Harry keeps yelling at me. Like when I was getting a drink he yelled at me for taking 'his' water. I mean he had his right behind him. If we talked it was just yelling. So I just wanted to leave. Louis hasn't really been home so it was mostly me and Andy. Andy's really great. He's funny and I might say, he has nice hair. He lets me cuddle with him and mostly we watch Toy Story. Andy says he loves the movie. I do also so that's what we watch all the time. If Andy didn't also live here i'd be lonely. I wanna help Louis find a new job but he said no. I think he's mad at me for making him get fired. But it's not my fault, it's Zayn's.. Well it was my fault trushing him and being around Louis with him. So it is my fault Louis got fired. I started to feel someone shift in the bed. I don't know if Louis will talk to me. Well he does say goodnight when he gets home but then he just walks to his room. It would be easier to talk to Harry than Louis as of now.. I just don't wanna get up.. I don't wanna go to school. I wanna stay home with Andy all day and sleep. Maybe Andy will let me. I just feel like i'm ruining Louis's life now.. I just don't know anymore. I just wish I can sleep forever and never wake up. Sleep my life away seems legit. I really have nothing to live for I guess. It seems like Louis hates me and all my best friends arn't talking to me. I feel like I messed up everyone's life's. Ugh, I just don't know what to think anymore or what to say anymore.. I wanna slowly fall back asleep.. "Morning sunshine" I heard Andy about yell in my ear. I sighed and laid my face in the pillow. I wish Andy can just understand I DON'T WANT TO GET UP. "Liam you have to go to school.." "No" I mumbled. "Come on. I will drive you and we'll get breakfast somewhere cause I can't cook" Andy laughed. "Andy go away" I sighed. "LIAMMM" Andy started to shake me. I fell off the bed and landed face first into the floor. I shot up and looked at Andy. He started to laugh. "You my sir are annoying" I sighed and shuffled to Andy's bathroom. Then I heard the front door open. Thinking it was Louis I ran out of Andy's room. "LOUIS" I yelled. "Hi" Louis sighed and pushed passed me. See, it's like he hates me. "What's wrong" I pouted at Louis. "Nothing. Just get ready for school" Louis never looked at me and just walked to his room. I felt like crying right now. I felt Andy wrap his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my head. "Andy, does he hate me" I sighed. "No.. He's just having a hard time. That's all" Andy shrugged. He let go of me and I walked back to the bathroom to get dressed. I really wish Andy knew something. Cause he would tell me.. Well I believe he would. But Louis is just like not talking to anyone. He's mostly just in his room. At dinner he just takes his plate and leaves. Maybe I should just move back with Harry or something. I mean maybe that's why Louis is acting all weird. Maybe he doesn't wanna be himself around me. It was fine when it was him and Andy but now I ruined everything. I ruined his job, his friends, his life and mostly his love life. I'm just a kid, he doesn't need me. I changed and got out of the bathroom. I heard yelling from Louis's room. "JUST LEAVE ANDY" I heard someone yell, most likely Louis. "I'm only trying to help you" Andy yelled but sounded calm. "I don't need help. I just need you to leave" Louis yelled and I saw him walk out of his room. Louis looked at me and ran to me. "Louis.. Are you okay" I looked at Louis. His eyes were all red and dried tears were all over his face. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just I love you Liam. Even if something happens to me I will always love you" Louis pecked my lips then walked out of his house. What is that suppose to mean? Is he like gonna die.. That's pretty much all I got out of what Louis said. 'If something happens to me.' What will happen to him? "ANDY" I yelled in panic. "What" Andy ran out of Louis's room. "Is Louis still talking to Kevin" I sighed. "I don't know.." Andy sighed. "What if he is" I eyed Andy. "I don't know Li. Let's just get you to school" Andy put his arm around me as we walked out of the house. Andy knows nothing just like me. Louis is just driving me crazy with all of this. He like says nothing to me then he finally says something and all I got was in my head is that he's gonna die. Someone is gonna hurt him and I think I know who..


"Thanks Andy" I laughed as I got out of Andy's car. "Want me to pick you up tonight" Andy smiled. "No, it's fine" I smiled. "You sure" Andy pouted. "Yeah, I'll see you later alright?" Andy nodded and drove away. I saw Harry walking into the school while staring at me. I waved and he smiled. He fell into some guy. The guy pushed him and Harry's smile changed. It looked like he was gonna cry. I ran over to Harry who was staring at the guy who pushed him walk away. "Haz, you okay?" "Get off me" Harry growled and pushed me off. I saw Zayn walking towards us. So Harry has to change, of course. "Don't play with fire Liam" Zayn laughed and helped Harry up. "Zayn is your brother messing with Louis" I sighed. "I don't know. And if I did I wouldn't tell you" Zayn laughed. "Zayn please" I swear i'm gonna punch him. "Maybe.. But what if he knows about you and that guy Li? What's his name?" "Andy" I said quietly. "Yes, your new boy toy aye" Zayn smirked. "Is that what you told Louis" I looked at Harry. "No, only Kevin is talking to Louis, Li" Harry looked at the ground. Zayn pushed Harry to the ground and gave him a look. "You have no idea what you got yourself into Styles" Zayn yelled and kicked Harry. "ZAYN FUCK OFF" I yelled and pushed Zayn away. Zayn growled and ran away. I helped Harry up. "We shouldn't hang out" Harry sighed. "Oh well, not my problem" I smirked and helped Harry to the nurse. "What ever happened to Louis wasn't my fault Liam. It was Zayn and Kevin.. So please don't hate me" Harry sighed as he limped. "I don't hate you Haz. I just hate that you changed" I sighed as we walked into the nurse's. I don't know if this means that me and Harry are friends or something again. I just wanna go and find Zayn and freaking kill him. The nurse had Harry put ice on his leg. "Thanks" Harry smiled and we walked out of the nurses. "Well i'll see you in class" Harry sighed as he limped to class. "Alright" I smiled as I walked the other way. Well maybe now the rest of my day will be nice.. Yeah that never happens so I don't see it happening now. Zayn kept staring at me as I walked to my locker. I grabbed my math books and walked to class. "Liam" someone called for me. I turned around. It was Louis. "What are you doing here" I sighed. "I just need to tell you something and I couldn't text you" Louis sighed. I could see he was crying. I wiped the tears out of his eyes and nodded for him to continue. "I've been talking to Kevin.. And he told me about his little group thing-" "Don't you join it too Louis!" "I didn't.. That's why I might be in trouble... Cause now I know about it.."


I was walking home from school with Harry. We were playing a game me and Harry made up when we were young. It's when someone makes up a random story and you just have to keep adding on to it. "So one day, Louis and Harry were making out" Harry laughed. "Then Liam comes into the room" I laugh. "And then we have 3 some" Harry laughs alot louder. "But Liam says no and slaps Harry" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Then Zayn comes and takes Harry away to a magical unicorn land" Harry smirked. "But Liam grabs Harry cause Zayn is evil" I smirk. "Harry sighs and walks away." "Then Liam slaps Harry's ass and runs" I laughed. "Then Harry tackles Liam and snogs the hell out of his face" Harry laughs. "Then Liam pushes him off and screams" I laugh. "And then Harry smirks and walks away all evil like nothing happened" Harry laughed. "Then Louis slaps Harry and Harry falls" I smirk. "Then I get back up and grab Liam!" "AND HARRY TAKES ME TO CANDY LAND!" "And we eat all the candy" Harry laughed. "Then Liam and Harry have candy childs cause Harry got pregnant with a candy princess and then Liam ate her so now Liam the mum" I laughed. "But Harry thinks wouldn't the girl get pregnant?" "Then Liam tells Harry No, cause candy can't have childs. And there's such things at mpreg" I laughed. "Then Harry says Liam got on the Internet too much" Harry eyed me. "THEN LIAM CHANGES THE SUBJECT" I blushed. "Liam and Harry have a girl and name it Darcy" Harry smiled. "But Liam wants to name it Taylor.." "But Harry thinks Taylor is a very popular name and likes Darcy better" Harry smiled. "Then Liam makes the middle name Taylor.. So Dacy Taylor Payne" I laughed. "Harry wants the last name to be Styles.." "NO LIAM LIKES PAYNE" I yelled and laughed. "Fine Harry sighs" Harry laughed. "Then the happy family moves to Earth and live in the UK" I smirk. "Then Liam meets up with his ex and they get back together so Harry leaves Darcy and Harry" Harry pouted. "But then Liam remembered Harry and Dacry and breaks up with Louie" I smile. "Dacry thinks YAY" Harry laughed. "Then Liam, Harry and Dacry live in the UK and Dacry moves away back to candy land" I pouted. "But Dacry vists some times" Harry laughed. "Yeah so anyways, Harry and Liam live-" I got cut off by seeing a bunch of caution tape at my old house. Where my mum and I used to live. "Sir what's going on" Harry poked one of the guys. "We found a body" the guy sighed. There was a couple of guys bringing out a body that seemed dead.. It was a girl.. Harry grabbed me and I cried into his shirt... After all of this I have to see my own mum was dead..

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