19. Louis

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Chapter 19. Louis

Tomorrow was Liam's mum's funeral.. I feel bad for him. He's just been crying all day. But now he's sick.. I don't know how he got sick cause he's been skipping school. I really need to tell Liam why I been leaving the house a lot. But I don't think I know how to. Cause I can't just walk up to him and say it. It will hurt him too much. But the problem is gone now, well I believe cause I haven't hear anything so do I really have to tell him? My mind says no but my heart says yes.. FUCK OFF HEART! I love Liam though.. He knows when I'm lying to him or not telling him something. He always has this feeling when I'm at the front door or close to him. His eyes when he cries, he looks like a lost puppy. But I feel like his master to help and care for him cause I love him. His little nose that I love to put next to mine. His lips that form well when he talks or sings. He has these amazing crinkles by his eyes when he smiles and it looks hot. Liam can get serious a lot and that just makes him 10x as sexy. He is so smart. But he is so caring, love able, not boring, always knows what to talks about and he cares about me. When he sings it's like angels are singing. I don't know why he's not doing anything with his voice! It's so.. perfect... Liam is just perfect. I love how he just makes up nicknames for anyone. He likes to call me Lou Bear. I him so much that words can't describe what I feel about this boy. He tries to dance but he fails and just laughs it off like nothing happened. He so nice with kids but he never wants one. Well not now. If I had to pick one word for Liam, well there isn't just ONE simple word that can describe Liam..  He's just my one and only. My forever and always. The one I wish and want to spend my life with. I would die for this boy.. Starting as a teacher and student thing, and now it's just love. Just us. Us forever. I don't know if Liam wants to be forever together. But I know I do. I want to and I hope he does too.. Andy says all he talked about was me when I was gone. It makes me smile when he says my name. It just makes me smile whenever I see Liam. Liam is my light. He's my heart. He's my everything. I would seriously do anything for him. If he had one wish that was impossible I'd make it possible. I would look all day and night for something Liam would want. I just never want to loose him or I don't know where I would be.. Well I would still be a teacher, but I would have no one to hold. No one to say I love you to. No one to kiss or cuddle with. No one to love. No one to spend my life with and possibly start a freaking family with.. I put my hood over my head and started to walk out the door. I just looked down as I walked down the steps. Then I ran into someone. "Louis" Liam cried and held onto my shirt. "Shh, what's wrong babe" I put my arms around Liam and held him. "People.. Keep talking about my mum and I just want everyone to shut up" Liam cried into my shirt a lot more. "Liam, don't let them get to you. They just have nothing else to talk about because they have a screwed up life" I rubbed Liam's back. Liam sniffled and let go of me. "Take my hand" I put my hand out to Liam. He looked at it and took it. I put his hand up to my heart. "Liam James Payne, I hate to see you cry. Your beautiful! Please don't cry. I love you Liam. Don't let people get to you. Just let things go. Don't hold onto them forever. They're not worth it. But your worth everything. Your my everything. Don't let freaking people make you cry. Cause I just hate it. Just remember I'll always be here alright?" Liam smiled and nodded. "I love you Lou Bear" Liam smiled and pecked my lips. "Now, let's go make some tea" I took Liam's hand as we walked up the steps. Andy was gone for the weekend so we could be alone and he could just talk about anything. Liam walked into the flat first. I could still see Liam didn't feel so well. "So how's your tummy" I smiled at Liam as he sat on and couch and I put my shoes and jacket down. "Still bad. It got worse though.. I keep yelling over these little things. I keep crying over freaking nothing! I just don't know" Liam sighed and laid his head down. "Have you seen a doctor love?" "No.. Would you take me later" Liam's eyes sparkled. "Of course I will! You call your doctor alright?" Liam nodded and got out his phone and walked to the porch. I finished the tea and poured it in 2 cups. I put them on the table and turned on some TV. Liam slid open the door and smirked at me. "So what time" I looked at Liam right after In took a sip of my tea. "2 hours from now" Liam smiled and jumped onto the couch and snuggled up next to me. Liam was about to take a sip of his tea but then he went running to the bathroom. I ran to him and started to rub his back as he puked into the toilet. Liam flushed the toilet and I grabbed some mouth wash. Liam used the mouth wash and leaned against the wall and slid down. I put the mouth wash back and pouted at Liam. "I don't know what's wrong with me Louis" Liam sighed. "Probablly the flu" I shrugged. "What if it's not?" "Well I don't know" I shrugged once again. Liam sighed. "Liam look at me" I smiled. Liam picked his head up and looked at me. "I love you so much" I giggled and pecked his lips. "You know I just puked right" Liam winked. "Yeah I know" I laughed.


Me and Liam sat in the car. Nothing but music was playing and me humming along. "Louis, why were you not talking to me and Andy when I was sleeping at the flat?" I stopped humming. I just drove, frozen. I didn't want to tell him.. I didn't wanna see his reaction. "Were you cheating on me?" I looked at Liam who looked like he was gonna cry. "Just tell me Louis!" "I was just tired, that's all" I lied. "Louis if you want to break up with me just tell me! I just hate being lied to!" Liam started to cry. "Liam don't cry.. Please.." "So you were cheating on me?!" "No! I was talking with Kevin.." Then everything was back to quiet besides the radio. "Why?" "Cause I wanted him to leave you alone.. And the only way I could was talk to him." "What did you talk about?" "Just how I had to bail him out of jail and he would leave you lads alone" I said in a sort of whisper. "Alright." "Your not mad?" "No, Boo your like my super hero!" "What" I coughed. "You would do anything for me.. So your my hero" Liam smiled and kissed my cheek. "But don't super heros get hurt" I chuckled. "Well not this one.. Wait did you get hurt" Liam eyed me. "No" I laughed and smiled at Liam. "Are you mad that  I'm not mad?" Liam laughed. "I'd be mad if you puke in my car" I laughed. Liam smiled and started to sing along to the song. Soon we pulled into the doctors. Liam got out and looked like he was gonna puke.. I put my arm around Liam as we walked into the office.


"So Liam, what has been going on" The doctor asked. "Uh I been puking" Liam shurgged. The doctor nodded. They already tested Liam and were just waiting to see if he has the flu. The doctor got something and looked up at Liam. Liam was just smiling at me so he didn't notice. "Mr Tomlinson, can I see you outside for a second" the doctor seemed serious. I walked out with the doctor but before he closed the door I looked at Liam who mouthed 'Tell me what he says!' "Mr Tomlinson, this is very rare but Liam is-" I don't know how the hell to tell Liam that! Everything is just happening so fast I just don't know.. Is it even freaking possible?!

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