2. Zayn

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It took me forever to write this cause Zayn doesn't have any feels xD so I had to think of alot of talking -Cassie :)

2. Zayn

I walked home from school and it started to rain. The rain getting in my hair made me shiver. I was soked by the time I got home. When I got home I threw my bag on the ground and hung up my jacket. I slid my shoes off. I heard talking in the kitchen so I walked there and plus I was starving. When I walked in everyone looked at me. My mom and dad and a face I didn't wanna see in my home. "What is he doing here" I sighed and rolled my eyes. He looked down and didn't say a word. "We didn't want you to fail this year so we thought he might help you out" my mom smiled. "Well he won't! I'll just get good grades myself mother" I growled. "I can go. It's alright" he started to grab his stuff but my mum shook her head. "No. Zayn your gonna listen to Harry and he will help you, maybe you two will become friends" my mum smiled. "I hope not" I heard Harry mumble. I rolled my eyes and started to head up stairs. "Zayn! Take Harry with you." My mum pushed Harry towards me but I kept walking up the steps. I went into my room and slammed the door. Maybe I can jump out the window. I started to clear things out of the window sil. I didn't want Harry to help me, mostly cause i'm his bully and cause I had a crush on him forever. Me and Harry used to be best friends, my mum didn't know that cause we always snuck out to see eachother cause his mum didn't trust him with me. I don't want to be friends with him again mostly cause I know he doesn't want to be friends with me again at all.

*Flash Back*

"Harry" I shook Harry but he just turned over and faced the wall. "HARRY!" This time he just moaned and started to move a bit. "Harold Edward Styles" I laughed and started to jump on Harry's bed. "Dude, how did you get in here" Harry finally sat up and smiled at me. I pointed at his opened window. "Really? How the hell can you open a window from the outside" Harry laughed. I shrugged and sat down on his bed. Harry looked at the door. "Harry" I asked confused. "Zayn hide" Harry whispered. I looked around his room and jumped into his closet. "Hey Harry, can you help me with something" I heard Harry's mum ask. "Yeah sure let me get dressed." "Alright" Harry's mum most of walked out cause I heard the door close. I got out of Harry's closet and sighed. "Zayn I don't know why she doesn't like you" Harry sighed. "I wish she liked me then we wouldn't be like this" I sighed and walked over to Harry. "Well I gotta help her so you should go." I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist and pulled him closer. He smiled. I could feel his breathe down my neck. "I love you Styles" I whispered and kissed Harry's neck. "I love you too Malik" Harry smiled. I pecked his lips and let go. "Now I want you to stay" Harry moaned. "Well I can't" I laughed. "Come on Harry" Harry's mum yelled. "COMING" Harry moaned. "Bye Harry" I laughed and started to climb out the window. Harry watched as I jumped out the window to a tree and to the ground. "Bye Zayn" Harry winked and closed his window. I don't know why his mother doesn't like me. I never did anything to her for her to hate me. Just I love her son, I never hurt him and never want to.

*End of flashback*

I shook my head and started to put one foot out my window to leave. I broke that promise to Harry a long time ago. I hurt him everyday. I still love him and will never forget him so maybe I just hurt him to see him in pain like how he left me. As soon as I was gonna jump Harry ran into my room. "Trying to sneak away again Malik" Harry smirked. "Whatever works" I sighed. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back into my room. "Thanks" I rolled my eyes. He closed the window and shook his head. "Zayn I don't want to be here. I know you don't want me here so let's just get this over with" Harry sighed and sat on my floor. "Harry I never said that" I sighed. "You didn't have to I can just tell by your face." I hate it when Harry can tell how I feel or what i'm thinking. He does it all the time like he known me forever, well he has but we haven't talked in forever. "Well maybe my face says that but I didn't say anything" I laughed and sat across from Harry on the floor. "Do you have any homework" Harry stared at the floor. "No, I finished it with someone" I sighed. "Then i'll leave" Harry started to get up but I pulled him back down. "No. Harry I don't want you to go" I sighed. Harry just looked at me. "Don't leave me again" I let go of him. He sat back down. "Zayn I didn't want to leave you it just happened" Harry looked at me like a lost puppy. When Harry talked to me now he acted as if I never hurt him when I know I did. I can see it in his face he was scared of me but sat down cause I 'ordered' him to. I don't want him to feel that way around me anymore. "Oh, I gotta go" Harry growled after looking at his phone. "Harry will you ever talk to me" I sighed as he started to leave. "Well first of all don't do your home work till I come and we'll see" Harry winked and left. I think I got my Harry back. But I know i'm gonna blow it. I'll just be his bully all over again. It always happens. I'm just a mess waiting to fall out again. When I get something it just all goes bad and I reget everything I ever did. It was getting late. I just smashed my head on my pillow to go to sleep but then someone yelled my name. "ZAYN! DINNER!" I looked at teh clock. It was only 5:30, and I wanted to sleep. The fuck? I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. Meaning I was sort of a only child it was lonely and quiet but when my brother comes home it's just yelling. My brother is Kevin, but he's like never home. He used to date my new teacher, Mr. Tomlinson. I just hope he isn't trying to get him back or anything, that would be totally weird. I sat down at the table. "So are you and Harry friends" my mum smiled at me. "I don't know" I said faintly. "Did you like used to know him or something" my dad said while eating. "Why do you ask that?" I froze. "Cause I heard you two talking while I walked passed there and you said don't leave me again. I didn't know there was a before." "Oh, there wasn't I was just reading my text messages to him cause we had nothing to talk about" I felt my face get all red. I didn't really want to talk about this anymore so I hurryed and ate. I wanted to sleep and just get out of here.

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