14. Zayn

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14. Zayn

"Are you sure this is save" Niall sighed as we walked in the middle of the woods. "What you scared Ni" Harry laughed. "Will you both shut up" I rolled my eyes. "Sorry" Niall giggled. "Where are we going anyways?" "Just come on" I smirked and kept walking. I was taking Niall and Harry to the secert hide out. It's pretty much where we send the messages to Josh and Liam. There is actually been my first time in there. Kevin always said I couldn't go in there so I had to stay outside. I was pretty excited to see what was in it or what Kevin did to it. Kevin made it anyways, so that's why it's in the middle of no where. There was a light by the little house thing. "Is that is" Harry walked in front of me. I nodded and we walked in. Niall turned on the lights. There was a table with a bunch of cell phones on it. There were pictures of Liam and Josh all over the place. Most of them were Liam with Louis. "Well that's no creepy at all" Niall tried not to laugh. I rolled my eyes and sat at the table. Niall grabbed a phone and looked at the messages. "We all have one phone so see who's it is" I sighed and looked for mine. "Does mine have a H on it" Harry smiled at me. I nodded. "Kay then I found it" Harry laughed. "So you guys really wanna be in this thing or you can all back out now" I winked. "If you ask me again i'll back out Malik" Niall growled. I nodded slowly and Harry smiled at me. I know this isn't save.. I never wanted Harry to be in it. I just act mean but really i'm not. People say i'm like my brother but i'm not. I wish i never did this. I hurt people too much. I know I can't back out but I just want to.. "So what do we do tonight" Niall sighed. Niall and Harry both are getting used to what happens. But they don't really understand. I got up and tossed them black hoddies. "Wear them then i'll explain" I sighed. They put on the hoddies and sat back down. "Harry you see what Liam and Louis are up to" I smiled at Harry. Harry nodded. "Niall you see what Josh is doing.. If he's still alive" I smirked. "HE'S DEAD" Niall yelled. "No.. well I don't know" I shrugged. "HE BETTER NOT MALIK!" "NIALL I GOT YOU INTO HERE AND I CAN EASILY TAKE YOU OUT" I yelled. "Well hello Ladies" Kevin laughed. "I'm leaving" Niall growled and walked out. "Out of the group or to stalk Josh" Harry stood up. "Josh" Niall mumbled and walked out with his phone. "Kevin how the hell are you out of jail?" "Zayn.. I can do things and when I want things done they get done" Kevin smirked. "So pretty much your not telling us" Harry laughed. "I have many things hiden Harold. It just takes time to find them" Kevin smriked and walked away. "Louis bailed him out" I rolled my eyes. "Oh" Harry nodded. "Yeah, so you going?" "Yeah" Harry laughed and put the phone in his pocket. "Be back here in a hour kay" I smiled at Harry. He nodded and pecked my lips. "Be careful" I mumbled and he ran away. I walked back out into the woods. It was dark. Kevin was the leader of all this so all I do is things he tells me to do. I don't really do big things but that's good. I don't want to hurt anyone..Unlike my brother. I don't know what his freaking problem is. I just want all of this to end. I sighed and leaned on a tree. One hour.. One fucking hour left.. I started to walk on the street. Meaning no one can see me if I get hit it's mostly my fault. My phone started buzzing. "Hello?" "Hey.. Uh what do I text Liam if I saw him with a child and Louis" Harry giggled. "Text him.. Getting close to Louis quickly? Well that could change. With a winky face and a H" I shrugged. "Kay. Thanks" Harry hung up.. Maybe I can stand in the middle of the road and see what happens. Aha.. Nothing good.. Kevin said he went shopping for a gun.. I didn't really know what to do. Someone pulled me into the woods. "What the hell" I mumbled. "Zayn.. Please say it's you" the figure smiled. "Josh" I sort of asked cause I was confused..


"I thought you hung yourself" I sighed handing Josh a cup of tea. "Yeah well the bar broke so" he shrugged. "So why did you come to me?" "I don't really know.. Just don't think i'm on your team or anything" Josh smirked. "Didn't really think of it till now" I winked. "Yeah.." "Well why didn't you call Niall or something? And you need to clean your flat" I giggled. "Cause I threw my phone and I know" Josh rolled his eyes and laughed. "Why would you do that?" "Your brother texted me saying he joined your team and I was pissed. Still am so don't come close to me.. I do have a bat" Josh said very seriously.. Damn I can see he hates me. Well then why the hell is he talking to me. "If you want to hurt me that bad why are you talking to me?" "I want to help you break that group" Josh sighed. "Oh yeah. What's your idea Devine" I crossed my arms. "I don't know yet. Still thinking but I will think of something. But don't think i'm doing this for you. I'm doing this for Niall, Harry and Liam" Josh looked out the window. "Kay.. But if anything really bad happens it's my brother. He doesn't want to stop the group. That's why all of us can't leave it" I sighed. "Then maybe we need to stop him.." "How do we do that? He unstopable and he's more powerful than any of us!" "Just cause he's bigger than us doesn't mean I don't have a bat" Josh smirked. "Besides killing him" I laughed. "I think I have an idea.. it will take a while but I can do this" Josh smriked. "Kay. Till then there's still a group.." "I know. But don't act scared or anything. Got it Malik?" "Got it." "Good" Josh smirked.


I walked into the school. Josh said he's not coming back to school yet cause his neck needs to heal. He told me not to tell anyone anything.. I feel bad for Niall about that. He already thinks Josh is dead. I walked to my locker and got out my math book. "Hey Babe" Harry smiled. "Hey" I laughed. "Oh I gotta go to class. Bye Zaynie" Harry yelled as he ran to class. Harry is amazing. He has the best curly hair that goes in one direction, he has amazing green eyes, his dimples are cute, the way he sings in the shower, and the way his clothes form to his body. He wears the most skinnest pants ever and shirts that show most of his tattoos. When he smiles he could makes a freaking dead person smile. That's why I don't want to hurt him. I hurt him enough. I really don't want to hurt him more. I want to end all of this but I know I can't. Josh is right, Kevin is too powerful for any of us to beat. I mean Kevin can be nice, well when he was young he was nice, but not I just don't know. Yes, i;m scared of him. Not cause he's bigger than me or anything just cause I know what he can do. He can hurt peopel without even thinking twise about it. He would hurt someone for eating something or even breathing air. He always gets what he wants and it's annoying. I hate him so much. He runined my life and he ruins everyone's life. He is now ruining Niall's, Josh's, Louis's, Liam's and Harry's life. It's not fail. They never did anything to him. I don't even think they talked to him. Well Louis has but not the other lads. He's a fucking messed up jerk. I wush he would just move away and never come back. Move to Africia. Africia is far from here so i'll glady buy him air plane tickets to there. I'll be happy to see him gone. When he hit me with that bat he didn't think about it. It just happened. I hate him for that. I will hate him forever. I know he's my brother but in my heart he's not. Some people see me as a bully but I can change. I want to change but my brother is the only think keeping me from changing. With his stupid club think that is messed up. I don't know why I said yes, I rather die then hurt the one I love. I regret a lot of things. Many, but hurting Harry is the one I regret the most. He was so nice to me and of course Kevin has to ruin it. Just.. I don't know what his problem is. I want to help him for he can be my brother again but he won't listen to me. He won't even listen to my mum. He's just a sad little kid that has nothing else to do. He hurts people because of his mistakes and it makes him look amazing. Well to him. When he hurts someone I just want to hurt him..


Kevin pinned me against a wall. "DID YOU TELL NIALL" he yelled. "No" I sighed. I felt so small. He was so big, like a loin and I was a mouse. But are loins scared of mice.. Or is that elephants.. I don't know. "Good. You better now. That would make him happy.. No one wants to see him happy-" "I wanna see him happy" I growled. "You never know when to shut the fuck up so you Zayn" Kevin laughed. "You don't know when to stop" I don't know what I'm doing.. "Oh yeah, what does that mean?!" "Nothing" I mumbled. "Good just don't tell Niall. He'll find out himself" Kevin laughed an walked away. I fell to the ground in pain and I was scared. Scared of what Kevin will do and cause I'm a mouse..

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