9. Niall

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9. Niall

I walked into the school with Josh. His hand was in mine. I saw Harry and Liam talking at their lockers. Then my phone went off, so did Josh's.

'Zayn may be hurt but i'm not ;). Game on gays'

I looked at Josh's phone and he got the same text. "Where's Zayn" Josh looked at Harry. "He's in the hosptial.. I didn't even tell you.. How did you know" Harry's eyes grew big. "I think they got the same text" Liam sighed. Liam and Harry showed me their phone's and we all got the same meassges. "You guys don't know who it is" Josh sighed. They shook their head. "I think I do" I growled and saw Zayn. Zayn walked into the bathroom and I followed him. "NIALL! WHERE ARE YOU GOING" Harry yelled. Josh ran after me as I walked into the bathroom. Liam was right after Josh. "Harry is staying in the hall" Liam whispered. I saw Zayn smirking while fixing his hair. "Can I help you" Zayn asked. "Don't touch Harry. I swear I will hurt you Zayn! If you hurt any of us you won't life to be happy about it cause Zayn we know who you are. We know what your doing so now just knock it off!" "I know alot more than you guys do" Zayn smiled and kept fixinging his hair. "What is that supoose to mean" Liam almost yelled. "I mean if Harry hears about this then one of you three loose a life.. If you tell him he won't believe you anyways" Zayn smriked. "Zayn were telling Harry" Josh growled. "Alright, then what one to fall first? Joshie, Li or Nialler" Zayn smirked and poked each of our chest. When he got to me I grabbed his arm. "IF YOU HURT ANY OF US MALIK I WILL FIGHT FREAKING FIRE WITH FIRE! I CAN HURT YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL HURT US! THERE'S 4 OF US AND ONLY ONE OF YOU" I yelled and started to twist Zayn's arm. "There's more than you think" Zayn sighed and made me let go of his arm. "What" Liam looked at Zayn. "I already said enough" Zayn smiled. "NOW YOU HAVEN'T! JUST TELL US WHAT YOU WANT" Josh yelled. "Nothing, just to watch you suffer. See you cry in pain and wonder. Just see how much you'll cry for me when you really need me" Zayn smirked. "Why would we need you" Liam questioned. "I know things that you haven't thought of. Like where your mum is Liam. Or why your mum doesn't like gays Joshie" Zayn smirked. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MUM" Liam yelled. "Nothing.. you'll see. Just don't tell Harry. Or you can join us and I can tell you all the answers" Zayn smiled and cupped Josh's chin in his hands. I slapped his hand off of Josh. "Were never going against Harry! He's our friend and he thought you were too" Josh sighed. "Well things arn't what they seem not are they Mr Devine" Zayn laughed. "We noticed" I mumbled. "So join us or we keep hurting you all" Zayn winked. "Who's us" I questioned. "Me and some other people" Zayn smirked. I looked at Liam who looked like he was thinking about it. "Were not gonna join you Zayn. We will find things you haven't even found yet! So watch out Zayn" I growled. Zayn smirked and walked off into the school. Liam sighed and walked out of the bathroom. Me and Josh followed. Harry was at his locker texting. "I'm telling him" Liam growled and walked to Harry. "Zayn is the guy who is texting us. There's a whole team Haz. And he knows what happened to my mum" Liam sighed. Harry looked from his phone and laughed. "Haz?" "Stop making things up! I know you fucking hate him! Doesn't mean you need to make things up!" "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU BELIEVE HARRY! THE BULLY OR YOUR BEST FRIENDS" I yelled. "You guys are serious?" Harry looked like he was gonna cry. Josh nodded. Harry slammed his locker and ran. "HARRY WHERE ARE YOU GOING" Liam yelled after him. "To find Zayn" Harry growled. I sighed and me and Josh ran after him. He found Zayn. He pushed him outside. "Hey Haz" Zayn smirked. "Don't hey Haz me! Zayn, all I did was love you and tell you everything. But now your trying to kill my friends and sending them texts that make no sence! Just leave them alone! Leave me alone! Zayn your not who I thought you were. Your a freaking killer! All you ever wanted was for me to trust me and then just forget about everything. Well that's not how it works Zayn. You don't kill or hurt people because you want to or they did something you don't like. Your a monster Zayn and you know what don't talk to me. Don't come to me when you need me. Just leave me and everyone I know! I don't want to see you messing with anyone. Me, Josh, Niall, Liam and mostly Louis. Just" Harry started crying and he ran away. "Guess i'll see you tonight. Let's see what one gets cut off the list" Zayn smirked and walked away. How can he be so fine with this when Harry is just crying?! I swear if we weren't in school I would kill him..


Me Liam and Josh all walked into Louis's class. Harry skipped school for the rest of the day. I told him i'll get him his home work. "Good after noon Josh, Niall and Liam" Louis smiled. Class didn't start till like 5 minutes. Liam walked down to Louis and whispered something in his ear. Louis nodded and shivered. He came back and sat by me and Josh. "What did you tell him?" "I told him that he can't trust Zayn" Liam sighed and laid his head on his desk. People started coming in. I really wanted to ditch with Harry but that wouldn't do any good. It would just give me time to think about everything. Which I really just wanted to forget. I just need something to eat and maybe i'll be alright..


I walked into the lunch room. Josh bought me Nandos so i'm in a good mood. I was sitting in the middle of the lunch room with Liam and Josh. People kept staring at us, it was quiet odd but I didn't mind. This girl started to whisper to the other girl next to her. She pointed at me and I just need to say something.. "Hey, I'm Niall Horan. You never freaking seen me but I see you pointing at me. Child" I sighed and looked at Josh who was laughing. Liam was also. "She was staring at me" I laughed. Josh shook his head and laughed. "Well you don't call a person a child" Liam laughed. Then the speacker went off.

"Liam Payne, Josh Devine and Niall Horan you three are needed to Mr Tomlinson's class"

Liam's face lite up. Josh threw his food away and so did I. "Yes i'm leaving so you can start pointing again" I looked at the girl. I just saw her and her friend laughing as I left. I shook my head and held Josh's hand. Liam was skipping. "Liam why are you skipping" Josh laughed. "Cause I can" Liam yelled and we walked into the music room. "Hi Lo- I mean Mr Tomlinson" Liam's smiled faded when he saw Zayn sitting there. "Well i'm out" I yelled and started to head towards the door. Josh grabbed my arm and held me back. "Why you need us Bo- MR TOMLINSON" Liam coughed. Louis laughed. "Come to the hall. Zayn stay" Louis smiled and we walked out to the hall. "I still can't call you Boobear though" Liam laughed. "I just wanted to let you know that I know one of the people who has been helping Zayn with your problems and the only reason Zayn is in there is cause he owes a test" Louis sighed. "Who. Liam did you tell him everything" I slapped Liam's arm. "I told him Zayn and some guy were looking for us and that he wouldn't tell us who the other guy was" Liam rolled his eyes. Nice lie I might say.. "Well it was Kevin" Louis sighed. I nodded slowly. I believe Kevin is Zayn's brother. "His brother" Josh asked. "Yes" Louis nodded. "Thank Bo-I MEAN MR TOMLINSON. No I really mean Boobear" Liam laughed. Louis shook his head and walked back in his class room. "I bet you there's more than two people" I sighed. "Well were getting there I guess" Liam shrugged. He was right. I just really wanna know why they're doing this. I never talked or did anything to Zayn and his family. I only talked to him when he was with Harry. That was really never actually. But I only fooled around and never said anything that would make him want to kill me. Or my friends..

I walked into my flat. Then my phone went off. I was about to not answer but I looked anyways...

'Break up with Josh or i'll break you. You got 2 hours. Hope he doesn't cry'

Zayn really doesn't know what he got himself into.. I sighed and laid on the couch. Josh was out with his friends and I was bored. I was at Harry's but he was asleep and Liam went to Louis's.. Gotta think of something to do.. I don't want to break up with Josh. I rather die.. I just need something to take my mind off of it. SPONGEBOB.. Yeah no.. Hmmmm ... I just laid on the couch and stared at my phone. 'They call me Love Drunk cause i'm far from tispy!' I love Little Mix. Sometimes I wish I can date Jade.. 'Getting so hot that i'm getting cold! Now i'm feverish and i'm bout to blow' Jesy is really pretty too. Alright.. This is gonna hurt him as much as it's gonna hurt me. I grabbed my phone and texted Josh.. 'I love you Josh, but it's best if we break up.. There's uh not really a reason right now but i'm really sorry Josh.. If I could explain I would. Josh just I love you but i'm sorry. xx Love you forever..' I started to cry and just waited for Josh to kick me outta his house..

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