13. Louis

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13. Louis

My alarm kept beeping. "ANDY" I yelled and shoved my face in my pillow. "Wake up" I heard Andy laugh and my alarm clock turned off. "No" I moaned. "Well you have to" Andy jumped on me. "ANDY GET OFF ME" I laughed. "Well are you gonna get up" Andy laid his head on my back. "Fine" I sighed and got up. "WOO" Andy yelled and ran out of my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Another day of failing. I sighed and walked towards the kitchen. "Louie" Andy yelled from his room. "What" I sighed. "Can you watch Lux tonight?" Lux was Andy's sister. She was so cute.. But I had plans with Liam.. Crap. "Lemme ask Liam. And why can't you" I smirked. "Cause I have a date tonight with a guy" Andy winked at me when he walked out of his room. "Oh, so who's this dude" I eyed Andy. "I don't know.. I think it was like Nick or something" Andy shrugged and sat on the couch. "Alright.." I rolled my eyes. "WELL ASK LIAM" Andy yelled and started flipping out on the couch. "He will be over any minute so i'll ask him then" I rolled my eyes and walked towards my room. "YAY" Andy yelled. I always wanted to see how Liam was with kids. Mostly cause I thought Liam would look so freaking hot with kids and cause one day I want a kid. Well adopt one cause I can't like have one. So if Liam says sure it would be like a test. If I trust him with a kid. I turst him with my life so I don't thinkI won't trust him with a kid. Maybe we should like get a dog together and see how that goes. Taking care of a dog is sort of like taking care of a baby right?.. Right, cause they both need things. But dogs sleep alot and don't wake you up.. I don't know. But I don't plan on getting a kid till i'm 25 or something. So like 4 years.. I just don't want to be 30 and get a child then. And when i'm 25 Liam would 21 be so he would be outta college if he even goes. I'm stupid. I'm pulling Liam down, he won't be able to do the things he wants to do. I'm like a drag. I'm thinking of starting a fucking life with this kid and I want it to last but I don't know what he wants. I want a family with him but he's too young. I just gotta see how things go I guess.. Cause soon someone is gonna notice me and Liam and then I loose everything.. Andy doesn't even have a job so I have to pay for the flat. It's not a problem but soon i'm gonna get a place with Liam. I need to stop thinking about this. I gotta remember he's a kid. But he's a kid that I love more than anything. I wonder if I could go to jail for dating Liam. I bet not.. well I hope not. Cause I love him. And speaking of jail I don't know why I bailed Kevin out of it. He promised he would keep his mouth shut about me and Liam if I did it. I could of just quit my job. Well I rather quit my job. But Kevin said he would leave me alone now and I sort of believe him. I don't know why I do though. I just thrust him on this one thing though. I had 3 minutes till Liam would be here. I got on a blue pants with a superman shirt. I put my hair to one side and grabbed my jacket. Liam was sitting on the couch talking to Andy. "Aww she's so cute" Liam smiled at Andy's phone. Andy was showing pictures of Lux to Liam. "I know. See this is her with Louis" Andy laughed. In the picture I was sleeping and Lux was drawing on my face. "Hey Liam" I eyed Andy. Andy put his phone away and smiled. "Hey" Liam looked up at me. "So Liam do you want to help Louis watch Lux tonight?" "I'd love to" Liam smiled. "Thanks" Andy patted Liam's back and walked to his room. "Oh I got you a tea" Liam blushed and handed me a tea. "Oh thanks" I laughed and took it. "Yeah" Liam smiled. "So how's Harry" I asked while getting my shoes on. "Different" Liam mumbled. "BYE ANDY" I yelled and walked out with Liam. "Like how different" I put my arm around Liam. He slid my arm off of him. I brushed it off. "I don't know. Just different. I found out something about him. Well same with Niall and everything has just been different" he sighed. "Oh. Have you heard anything from Josh about Niall" I smiled at Liam as we got in my car. "No. I tried calling him all weekend and he hasn't answered" Liam shrugged. "Oh" I nodded and started to drive to the school. "Yeah.. Lou can I ask you something?" "Of course!" "Have you ever thought about killing yourself" Liam looked at ground as if he knew the answer. "Um" I didn't want to scare him or anything. "Well.. With Kevin and all this crap and you know.," Liam looked me in the eyes. "Uh.. I don't think so.. You okay Li?" Liam shook his head, "It's like a never ending battle!" "Just don't think about it babe.. It's gonna be alright" I smiled. "Alright" Liam sighed. I laughed it off and smiled at Liam. 

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