7. Louis

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7. Louis

"Andy! Help me pick a tie" I yelled to Andy who was sitting in the living room. "Why? Your already wearing stripes" Andy looked at me. "I know but i'm changing" I sighed and took my shirt off. "Keep the red pants" Andy laughed and sat on my bed. I nodded and got on a black shirt. "Now what tie" I showed Andy the ties. "Red one" Andy smiled. "Well can you help me" I laughed. Andy got up and put the tie around me. "Thanks" I smiled. Andy nodded and got back in his phone. "So you have to be there early or what" Andy looked up from his phone and at me. "Yeah, you wanna come help set up.. I just hope Liam will be there" I sighed. "He will be" Andy smiled. "How do you know" I looked at Andy. "Cause I know. Like every person in the school is gonna be there." "Then it's harder for me to talk to him cause teachers will be watching us" I sighed at Andy. "Yeah and you are a teacher, so I don't know why you would date him" Andy sat up. "What? You suggesting me to get back with Kevin" I growled at Andy. "No. Just you two have different meanings in the world that don't link. He's a student, your a teacher. He's gonna go to college, you'll be here. He has different friends, you have me. He's 17, your 21. You both want and need different things. He needs his little 17 year old friends and you need to get to work without anyone judging you with who you date or like. And people are gonna judge you if you date a 17 year old" Andy stood up. "So, once I quit the job he won't be scared to be around me. He's fine with his friends knowing he likes me-." "Louis, you shut him out that one night! What if he doesn't love you like that anymore. Maybe you should go back to Kevin before he knows too much and hurts you or him. He didn't do anything, your the one who is putting him into danger, and if you go and stay with him Kevin will find out and he will tell Liam things that doesn't mean anything to him or you. That's how Kevin and his thing works. He kills the pray then takes the prize" Andy yelled. "No. Kevin doesn't even know about Liam and I! All I know is that Liam doesn't even know about him.. Unless Zayn told him." "Liam is friends with Zayn" Andy's eyes grew big. "Yeah but most likely Zayn is nothing like his brother" I shrugged. "You never know with that family Lou" Andy sighed. "I know what Kevin can do but I won't let him ruin anything with me and Liam. I love Liam too much. He can't hurt me or else I hurt back. He has many things on me but fuck that, if he hurts Liam I swear it's the last thing the mofo will do" I growled. "What if he finds out? Will be do the same thing he did to you to Liam. You know when you dated me after I dated him.." Andy looked at the ground. "I don't know.. all I know is that he's in town but he won't find me. Only you and Liam plus his friends know where I life." "Meaning Zayn" Andy looked at me. "Zayn is just a kid he can't be like his brother" I sighed. "He could be, you never know" Andy winked and smirked. "Let's just not talk about this. I might have Liam come over tonight so you and your friends need to find somewhere else to party tonight" I smiled at Andy. "Yeah i'm just gonna watch spongebob all night so no one is coming over" Andy smirked. "Well leave the door locked" I smiled at Andy. "You got your key" Andy looked confused. "Of course. I always have it" I shrugged. "Alright, want me to do anything special to your room" Andy winked. "Andy it's not gonna be like that and I don't even know if he'll come or not" I sighed. "He will, trust me and this time I won't yell your name again and force you to push him out" Andy smiled.

"Louis" someone yelled from outside my room. "Louis who was that" Liam whispered. "Kevin.." I threw Liam's clothing at him and he got dressed and so did I. I handed Liam his bag. "Liam I think you need to leave" I kept looking behind him to make sure Kevin didn't see us. "I'll see you in class" I pushed Liam out of my house and slammed the door in his face.

"Dude I thought you were Kevin" I looked at Andy. "Well maybe you shouldn't of given me a key" Andy smirked and walked to the living room. "So i'll be home late like always, but i'll call you when I leave alright" I got my keys. I put on my shoes and looked at Andy who was looking for a movie to watch. "Yeah, I got it. No worries" Andy didn't take his eyes off the tv. "Are you sure you don't want me to cook" I looked at Andy again. "I'll get pizzia, damn calm yourself" Andy laughed. "Alright" I smirked and walked out the door. I walked down the steps to my car. I really hope Liam is here tonight or else i'm gonna die..

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