4. Liam

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4. Liam

I ran into Niall's flat. It was finally monday! I ran into his room and started to jump on his bed. "TODAY'S THE DAY NIALL!!" Niall sighed and put his head under a pillow but I kept jumping. "NIALL!!! LET'S GO TO SCHOOL!!" I laughed. "Liam get off of me" Niall growled. "Not till you wake up" I kept jumping. But then Niall grabbed my legs and made him be on top of me. Niall looked at me and then at the clock. "GOD DAMN IT LI! IT'S ONLY 6am" Niall sighed. "Oh well! We can go out for breakfast" I smiled at Niall. "Fine go wake up Josh" Niall laughed and got off of me. I skipped out of Niall's room and went into Josh's room. "JOSH JOSH JOSH JOSH" I yelled and threw a pillow that was on the floor at Josh. "What" Josh moaned. "Wake up! Me and Niall are going out for breakfast and you need to come" I laughed. I was so excited for today. But what if he turns me down? He won't.. I hope. "Fine just wait in the living room for I can get dressed" Josh threw the pillow back at me and laughed. I skipped to the couch and turned on Spongebob. I got my phone out. I just stared at it for a second till Niall yelled at me, "LIAM! Invite Louis and Harry." "But if I invite Harry Zayn will come" I sighed. "Oh well" Niall giggled and walked out of his room and sat on the couch with me. "Fine."

Liam: Hey :) Good morning

Louis: Morning child :D

Liam: You wanna come with me and Niall to get breakfast before school, well and other people

Louis: Yeah, i'll meet you there :)

Liam: Alright! :) :)

"So Louis is coming, did you get Hazza and Zayn" I poked Niall's face. "Yeah we have to pick them up, do we have to pick up Mr Tomlinson too" Niall poked me back. "Nope! He's gonna meet us there" I winked at Niall. "Let's get Josh" Niall turned off the tv and knocked on Josh's door. "JOSH WE WILL LEAVE WITHOUT YOUR ASS" Niall yelled into Josh's door. Josh got out of his room and gabbed his bag and ran down the steps. "Were going in Liam's car" Niall yelled at Josh after he grabbed his bag. Josh and Niall have the same red backpacks, but Josh's has a J on it and Niall has a N on it. "I is driving" Josh yelled as he jumped into the driver's seat. Niall sat next to him. I took the bags and put them all in the back. Then I got into the car on the far left. "So we have to pick up Harry and Zayn first" Niall pecked Josh's lips after he said that. Josh nodded and started to head towards Harry's flat.

I life with Harry for many reasons, well one. My mum has been missing for the past couple of years. Harry's mum let me stay with them untill she's found. I think when she's found she'll be dead.. Harry is like a big brother to me. He's so amazing but he says Louis isn't the guy for me. Louis is amazing! His long brown hair that just goes in One Direction. His amazing hazle eyes that look like the color of the sea after a rainstorm. The way his lips move when he talks or when he smiles. His british tone is just so amazing. I just love everything about Louis in so many reasons I can't explain. I know he's like 4 years older than he and theere's like a 90% chance he won't even like me like I like him. I understand if that happens, but I don't want him to loose his job. I don't know alot about him but I hope tonight i'll get to learn more. If he doesn't love me like I love him I just don't know what to do if that happens.. "Niall, what if Louis doesn't like me like I like him" I sighed and put my head on the window. "I don't know Li" Niall sighed. Then Zayn and Harry got in the car. I smiled at Harry and just looked at Zayn. He had black ripped pants on with a pain white tee with a black hoodie. His shoes were black also, his hair was in a quiff. Still looks like a fucking bad boy. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "So are we gonna meet Mr Tomlinson or do we have to get him" Harry smiled at me. "He's meeting us there" Josh said while turning into the diner. I could see Louis sitting by his car on his phone. It was already 6:30am. Pretty early but I started jumping in my seat. "Liam calm down or he'll think your a fool" Niall laughed. I shook my head and got out of the car. I ran towards Louis and hugged him. He hugged me back. "Hey" I laughed. "Hi" he flipped his hair back and put it back in place. "That's Niall, Josh, Harry and Zayn" I smiled and they all walked over to us. "Hello" Louis laughed and eyed Zayn. "Well let's get inside" Harry smiled and held Zayn's hand. We got inside and sat at a booth. Zayn, Harry and Louis on one side. Then me Niall and Josh on one side. At least I was across from Louis. I smiled at Louis while we waited for the waiter. I could see Louis felt odd sitting with a bunch of students, probablly cause he's the teacher. "Can we call you Louis or do we have to call you Mr Tomlinson" Niall asked Louis. "You can call me, Louis, Lou, or Louie" Louis smiled at Niall. Niall nodded slowly. Finally the waitress came and took our orders. Harry and Zayn were having their own confersion, so was Niall and Josh. I just looked around the place to find something to talk to Louis about. Then I found a picture of a cake. "Louis do you like cake?" Wow I sound like a idot. He laughed and said, "Yeah cake is good!" "So are cupcakes" I added. "Yeah. Cupcakes and frosting" Louis smiled at me. I had a drink in front of me so I was gonna grab a straw but when I was gonna get it Louis was also. Our hands touched and I just took my hand back and blushed. "Oh, mine's over here" Louis blushed like mad and grabbed the straw next to him. I took the straw and put it in my drink and started to drink it. Then our food came. But still everyone talking to their boyfriends just left me and Louis sitting and no one talking. I grabbed a pancake with a fork and put it in my mouth. "Instead of you driving with you friends, wanna ride with me" Louis smiled at me. I quickly swallowed the pancake, "I'd love to!" "Cool" Louis winked. We all quickly finished eating. "I'm gonna ride with Louis" I whispered to Niall. He nodded, "don't do dirty things" he winked. I shook my head and got my bag out of Niall's car. I followed Louis to his car, it was bright red and it just looked really amazing. It's probally gonna be odd just sittin in a car with my teacher. Even though I like him doesn't mean he likes me. He's nice to me, but he doesn't love me like I love him. Louis opened the car door for me and winked at me. I got in and he closed the door for me also. Another thing to add on the list of reasons why I love Louis. Louis got in the car and started it. "Can I turn on the radio" I smiled at Louis. "Of course!" I turned on the radio and went to my favorite one. Call me maybe was playing. It's sort of a old song but everyone knows it. "Hey I just met you and this is crazy! But here's my number! So call me maybe" Louis sang. OMG!! HIS VOICE!! OMG IT'S LIKE AN ANGLE! "You sing well" I smirked. "Aww thanks" Louis laughed. "Why arn't you a singer?" "Cause boy! Ain't nobody got time for that" Louis laughed. "Well your really good anyways" I smiled. "So, what's your first class today" Louis asked. "Yours" I winked. "Cool, well it's already 7, were both gonna be late" Louis sighed. "It's 7:19.. School really doesn't start till 7:30" I smiled. "True" Louis laughed. We pulled into the school parking lot and I turned off the radio. Louis got my bag for me and handed it to me. "Thanks" I smiled. Louis nodded and our eyes met. He smiled and I smiled back. He started to lean in so I did the same. But then he just backed out and got out of his car. I sighed and got out and put my bag over my sholder and started to head towards the school. "Liam, wanna walk with me" Louis smirked. "No i'm fine" I snapped and walked into the school. I really thought it was gonna happen, but he just doesn't like me. Maybe cause were at the school I just don't know. Meaning Harry sits with Zayn now I need someone to sit with. I looked around to find a seat but then I saw Harry sitting by himself so I walked over to him. "Hey why arn't you sitting with Zayn" Harry didn't look sad or anything.. "He's sitting with Ajay" Harry pointed at them laughing. I sat my bag down and sat by Harry. "Do you think he will change if he talks to Ajay more" I looked at Ajay and Zayn. Mr Tomlinson walked in and wrote something on the board but I didn't give a crap. "I don't know." "Oh, do you want him to change" I laughed. "Liam, read what I wrote on the board" Louis pointed at me. "Okay.. Pick a partner for a new project. Uh what project" my eyes grew big. "The project I gave on friday. You can now pick partners and you have till friday to finish it and we'll be working on it in class too" Louis smiled. "You gonna be partners with Zayn" I poked Harry. "Aha I don't know-" Then Zayn walked over, "Hazza, wanna be partners?" "I guess that's a yes" I said quietly and Zayn just rolled his eyes at me. "Sure" Harry smiled and Zayn walked away. "Well now I need to find a partner" I sighed. "Go ask Louis if you can work by yourself" Harry laughed. "I might." I raised my hand. "Li? I mean Liam" Louis blushed like mad. He made a nickname for me, cool. "Can I work by myself" I sighed. "I'll help you, so i'll be your partner" Louis smiled. "Oh great" I said faitly and sighed. "Why don't you want to be partners with Louis? I thought you liked him." "I do like him but he almost kissed and he backed out and now I feel weird around him." "Maybe he backed out cause you were at school" Harry shrugged. "I don't know.."


Me and Louis walked to his flat for me to learn guitar. "You excited" Louis laughed. "Of course" I laughed. Louis tried to work his key but it was already unlocked. "That's odd" Louis shook his head. I was expecting to see someone robbing Louis's house. Louis walked into his house. "Hmm.." Louis set his bag on his table and he took my bag and took it to his room I guess. He places it by the door of his room and he grabbed his guitar. He handed me it. "What the hell am I suppose to do now" I laughed. "Sit." I sat on the floor. "On the bed silly" Louis laughed. I stood up and sat on his bed. He climbed on behind me and put his arms around me. He put his hands in mine and put them where they should be. "Okay, move the pick down the strings and hold on to one of the strings" Louis smiled. I tried and it made a sound. "Was that suppose to happen" I laughed. "Yep" Louis laughed. We just sat there for a momnet then Louis took his guitar and put it down on the floor. He made a little evil smile and started to kiss down my neck. "Louis.. what are you doing" I sighed. "Nothing" Louis said as he started to suck on my neck. I moaned, but then I flipped Louis on his back and I was on top of him. He smiled and laughed at me. I leaned into Louis and he leaned in also. Almost like this morning but it was gonna happen, I believe. I kissed him and he kissed back. Like everything in the world was falling and I was the only thing standing. Standing from Louis's touch and how he kissed me. Without breaking the kiss I started to lift Louis's shirt off. He did the same to me once I was done with him. He broke the kiss and stared at my body. He put his hands up and down my abs and pulled me closer on him. "I want you to rock me" Louis whispered in my ear sort of out of breathe. I started my way down to Louis's pants. "You sure you wanna do this?" He nodded. I started to undo his pants and buckle. I slid them down to his ankles. He still had his underwear on but I don't know if he really wants to go this far. I sat up and pulled Louis's almost naked body towards me. All he had on was his underwear. I started to kiss all down his body till I reached his underwear, I pulled them down with my teeth and grabbed his member in my hands and started to suck on it. "Louis" someone yelled from outside his room. "Louis who was that" I whispered. "Kevin.." Louis threw my clothing at me and I got dressed and so did he. Louis handed me my bag. "Liam I think you need to leave" Louis kept looking behind him to make sure this Kevin guy didn't see us. "I'll see you in class" Louis pushed me out of his house and slammed the door in my face. He just left me like I was nothing. Like non of that happened. I walked down the steps crying, maybe Zayn wasn't lying. I should of fucking listened to him. I started to run to Harry's house. It wasn't that far away. I kept running while crying and it felt like rain was falling but all that was falling was me, my soul. Everything I wanted with Louis isn't there anymore. I just need to get home. I kept on running till I saw Harry's house. I started to turn the handle to the door, it was cold, everything around me was cold. Cold and dark. When I got inside my mum (Harry's mum but I call her mum also) looked at me. "Sweety are you okay" she came to hug me but I shook my head. "I'm fine. I'm just gonna go in my room." Me and Harry share a room so I hope he isn't home. I went in there but Harry and Zayn were making out. So I ran out and just locked myself in the bathroom. "Liam.. what's wrong" Harry knocked on the door. I kept crying, I didn't know what to say. Or what to do. Why can't they just leave me here to die. Why do they have to care so much? I'm nothing. "Li what happened with Louis" Harry wouldn't go away. "NOTHING HARRY I'M FINE" I yelled. "Liam I know your not just please open the door." I opened the door and ran into Harry's arms and cried. "It's okay Liam.." "No it's not" I cried.

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