6. Josh

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6. Josh

Tonight was home coming and I still didn't ask Niall. I fell asleep in Niall's bed last night cause all we did was watch movies. I wanna ask him but I just don't know. Niall was facing the wall, I started to kiss his neck. I could see he smirked but I kissed his neck further down. "Joshie" Niall moaned. "Yay! Your up" I laughed. Niall sat up and I put my head on his sholder. "Will you be my date for home coming" I smiled at Niall. "Of course" Niall laughed and pecked my lips. "So want me to make breakfast" I smiled and got off the bed. "Nah, i'm just gonna get a bagle" Niall shrugged. "Alright" I rolled my eyes. I walked out of Niall's room for he can get dressed. I eat in school so I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. The first thing that turned on was Spongebob. "WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA" Niall yelled as he walked out of his room. "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS" I yelled. Niall laughed and started to make his bagle. "Need help" I smiled as I walked to the counter. "Nope" Niall shook his head and turned around from the toaster. "Do we have to wear a tux" Niall's eyes grew big. "No.." I laughed. "Thank god" Niall smiled. I laughed and walked out onto the porch. "Where you think your going" Niall gave me a look. I keep my drums on the porch cause Niall and I don't have alot of room in the house. "I'm gonna play the drums till we have to go" I smiled. "I'll be out when my bagle is done" Niall winked. I nodded and walked out. I started to think of what song to play the beat to. I'll just make up a random beat I guess. I started to play. When I play everything goes away. Everything outta mind till someone talks or yells at me. I sometimes get made fun of at school for holding hands with Niall or kissing him but I don't care, I love him and I wanna show him I love him. I want to protect him and show people he's mine and only mine. Well he's not really mine, but my boyfriend and only my boyfriend I guess. "AYE JOSH" I heard someone yell. I looked down from the porch. It was Zayn and Ajay. "Hey" I rolled my eyes. "How you doing gay boy" Ajay yelled and Zayn just laughed."Zayn I wouldn't be laughing your gay too" I sighed. He just rolled his eyes. "So where's your boyfriend" Ajay winked. "Don't you have something better to do" I growled and sat back down at my drum set. "Hey were not done with you" Ajay yelled back. "Well I am" I yelled and started to bang on my drums again. They kept yelling hateful things about Niall and I but I kept playing drums. Then I saw Niall walk out and he sat down in the chair. He looked down at Zayn and Ajay who finally shut up then smiled at me. I stopped playing drums and smiled at him while he put half of the bagle in his mouth. "There'e your boyfriend Joshie" Zayn laughed. "DON'T YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE ELSE TO BE" I yelled. "It talks like a duck, it walks like a duck it's a fucking duck" Niall sang and didn't look at Ajay and Zayn. Niall makes everything funny, it's amazing. "It's almost 7 we should get going" I smiled at Niall. Niall nodded and ate the rest of his bagle. I don't think Zayn and Ajay moved but I didn't care we'll just walk passed them. Well try. Niall got his bag and threw mine at me. "Thanks" I smiled. He smiled and me and took my hand in his. We walked down the steps to my car. As we walked down I noticed Ajay and Zayn were still there. "We'll just walk passed them" Niall smiled and kissed my cheek. I nodded and blushed. Niall and I walked down the steps and Zayn and Ajay were whispering about us cause they were pointing at us. "Well isn't it Mr and Mr Horan or Devine" Ajay winked. "Come on Josh" Niall pulled me towards the car. I went with Niall to the car instead of talking to them. "Yeah just walk away" Zayn rolled his eyes. "Yeah people don't stay with problems" I rolled my eyes and got into the car. Niall laughed and started to drive to school. "Why does Harry trust him" Niall sighed. "I don't know, I think we need to warn himm though" I shrugged while looking for some music to put on. "Yeah, turn something on before I do" Niall laughed. I kept looking till I saw Little Mix. "MAMA TOLD ME NOT TO WAIST MY LIFE SHE SAID SPREAD YOUR WINGS MY LITTLE BUTTERFLY!" Me and Niall sang at the same time. Then me and Niall laughed and I kept looking for a new song. "Well fuck that, were at school" Niall laughed as he pulled into his normal place. We usally wait for Harry and Liam but Liam said they were gonna be late. Niall put his arm around me as we walked to class. Then I saw Mr Tomlinson. "Hey i'll see yeah at music class" I smiled. Niall nodded and pecked my lips. "Aye Mr Tomlinson" I walked over to him. "Yes" Louis aka Mr Tomlinson smiled. "Uh.. Just asking what happened to Liam that night you two were together?" "I don't want to talk about it" Louis sighed. "No please, tell me" I grabbed his arm. "Josh i'll see you in class" he growled.

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