24. Everyone

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Chapter 24. Everyone

Niall snuggled his head onto Josh's neck as he was playing Xbox with Harry. Zayn was smiling next to Harry. There was a knock on the door. "LOUIS! LIAM" Niall yelled and jumped up and ran to the door. "NIALL" Liam yelled and smiled as he walked into the room and hugged Niall. "How was the honey moon" Harry smiled at Liam trying not to keep his eye off the telly. "Great" Liam smiled and had his fingers entwined with Louis. For the past 3 or so days Louis and Liam have been on a honey moon from when they got married. Louis asked him right after they got back together. The whole time they were gone was a lot of sleeping, sex or just hanging around. It was great as far as Liam and Louis was concerned. Louis still wasn't that keen about hanging around with Liam's friends. But he did it for Liam anyways. "Come play with us" Harry smiled at Liam. Liam jumped on the couch and grabbed a remote. Louis sat the bags down and smiled at Zayn. Niall jumped back on the couch next to Josh. Niall and Josh got back together after Joey found out. When Joey found out he didn't want to tell Josh. But soon Josh told Joey and Joey understood. 'True love was always between you two' Joey simply said. Josh and Joey will always be friends thought, but Josh's heart belongs to Niall. And it always will. "HARRY STOP KILLING ME" Harry yelled. Liam just laughed and rolled his eyes. Louis sat at the Small counter at Niall's flat. Zayn got up and sat next to Louis. "So how's you and Harry" Louis laughed and stared at Liam in amaze. "It's a long explaining.." Well Kevin has never to be seen but most likely in jail or across the world. But as for Harry and Zayn they're getting there. There's still anger in them but still they're sort of doing fine. As everything seems fine in the 2 couples and married couple things happen. Mistakes can be made. People can come back. Just anything can ruin all this happiness. But who would have the heart to? Who will need to? Liam and Louis still don't know if they will keep the baby. Niall and Josh don't know if they can ever come out to their parents. Zayn and Harry don't know if they can forget the passed. But that doesn't matter.. Well maybe it does..


A/N: Should there be a sequel? Please tell me! I need to know.. If you guys don't tell me then I won't write a sequel! And sorry I didn't write a Josh chapter.. Kinda.. Well actually didn't know what to write for it! :D So if you need something else to read I have 2 new books, One is Ziam and other is Larry! The Larry one is called Things I can't and the Ziam one is called My brother is Confusing! Please check them out!! :) PLEASE TELL ME IF I SHOULD WRITE A SEQUEL! TILL THEN!! :) xx Hope you enjoyed it! :D

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