18. Josh

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18. Josh

I woke up and saw Joey's sleeping figure laid on my chest. I kissed his head and smiled to myself. I looked over at the clock and it was already 7.. "JOEY" I screamed and jumped off the bed. Joey's head hit onto the pillow and he moaned. I grabbed the pillow from under his head and smacked him with it. "JOSH" Joey yelled and sat up. "C'mon we gotta go!" Joey grabbed a pillow and started to chase me with it. "AH!" I ran to the porch and quickly closed the door and locked it. Joey came by the door and pouted. "He-he" I smirked and stuck my tongue out. Josh pouted more. Then he turned his head towards the door. "JOSH" I heard someone yell. I opened the door and Joey attacked me. "Get off me you weirdo" I laughed at Joey. He slapped me with the pillow and ran away. I got up and saw Niall standing there. He looked like he was gonna cry but I brushed it off. "Hey NiNi" I laughed. "H-hi" Niall said very quietly. "How you doing" I smiled at Niall. But once we got eye contact he looked away. "Well actually I been thinking-" then Niall got cut off. "JOSHIEEE" Harry yelled as he ran into my flat with Liam and Zayn behind him. "AH!" "What" Harry laughed and jumped onto the couch. I rolled my eyes and looked at Zayn. He looked quiet nice. Liam sat on the couch next to Harry.. Zayn just stood there by the door like the board. "Where did Joey run off to" Niall finally looked up at me. "In the room" I shrugged. Niall looked at what to be his old room and it looked like he stopped breathing for a second. "Zayn you can sit yeah know" I eyed Zayn. He quickly shook his head.. I feel bad for him. But doesn't mean he has to shut everyone out now. I mean Harry's the one with the black eye, I don't see Harry shutting everyone out. Joey walked out of the room and I saw Niall start to make a fist. I walked over to Niall and took his hand. "Don't Ni" I whispered. Niall sighed and nodded. "Don't you guys have school" Joey eyed everyone. "It's half day so we decided to skip" Niall looked at the ground and let go of my hand and his hand wasn't a fist anymore. "Seems legit" Joey laughed. Harry smiled and turned on the tv with his foot. "Could you be anymore lazier" Liam laughed and poked Harry's cheek... "I can" Harry winked with his good eye.. It's nice to be back with the lads but I miss being in Niall's arms

-Earlier that day-

"HARRY" I yelled as I saw Harry getting beat to the ground by Kevin. Niall just turned his head with tears down his face and looked at me. I ran to them and pushed Kevin off. "GO FIND SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE" I yelled and pushed him against a wall. Kevin pushed me back but harder. "Fags" Kevin mumbled and walked off.. Harry got up slowly and just looked at me. "Why the hell were you guys even out here?!" "You know why Josh" Zayn growled. "You guys were this group! Why did he go all ninja on you?!" "Cause we wanted out" Niall finally said something. "Oh what did he say?" "WELL HE DIDN'T LIKE IT! HE'S GONNA COME AFTER US NOW JOSH! YOU JUST SAW WHAT HE CAN FREAKING DO" Harry yelled. "Haz.. Don't yell at him. He didn't do anything" Zayn said calmly. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "Josh i'm sorry" I heard Harry yell. I turned back around and saw Niall looking at me like a lost puppy. I wanted him so sad but I knew I couldn't have him. But back to Harry.. I can see in his eyes he wants help and saying sorry to me was his cry for help. I ran back to them and wiped Harry's tears. "It's gonna be alright.. Zayn do you know where Kevin went?" Zayn shook his head. "Josh your not gonna fight him" Niall put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't you dare" Harry looked at me. "Then what are you guys gonna do? Just wait till he comes and gets you guys?! I'm not letting that happen" I looked at Niall when I said that. I saw him trying not to smile. "Smile, it makes you look better" I whispered to Niall. He smirked and hit me on the arm. "We just have to look for him then. Me and Harry, Josh and Niall" Zayn sighed. "Alright.. Keep your phone's on" I said trying to act brave. "Of course" Harry smiled and walked off with Zayn. I linked arms with Niall as we walked in the cold, dark, scary woods. "So how's you and Joey?" "I don't know. I mean he's nice but I really just see him as a friend." "Oh, sorry you feel that way" I saw Niall smile to himself. Wasn't to himself no more.. I laughed to the thought of Niall still liking me. He would never. He's the one who broke up with me anyways. But whatever. "Well how's school going for yeah?" "Awesome I guess. Can't wait till it's over though.." "Maybe we can go to college together" Niall giggled. "Yeah, that would be nice" I laughed. "I miss you" I heard Niall mumble. "Well i'm right here" I put my head on Niall's shoulder. Niall moved away from me and just let me there to stare at him as he kept walking. He lead me on and just walked away. "Josh I hurt you.. I can't do this!" "People can forget and forgive Niall!" "Yeah Josh, but you tried to kill yourself because of what I put you through!" "It was Zayn, Niall" I sighed. "Still I joined it and didn't give it a second thought.." "But I forgive you Niall.." "You shouldn't! I hurt you too much Josh. You were in so much pain and as much as I wanted to help you I didn't! I feel bad and I regret it! I'm a monster." "Then I guess I love a monster" I mumbled. "Well monsters hurt people.. You don't want or need a monster.." "I love a monster, I want a monster. I need a monster to turn me the fuck on!" Then nothing.. "I want to live with the monster. I want to get drunk with the monster. I want to come out to my parents with the monster. MAYBE EVEN HAVE BABIES WITH THE MONSTER! Just say you want to be my monster and i'll be there" I about cried. Niall turned around with tears in his eyes. "Do you really think i'm a monster Josh?" "Of course not" I smiled. "Good" Niall growled and turned back around. I saw he wiped his tears and sighed. "So you see anything" I sighed finshing our odd talk about freaking monsters. "Nope" Niall sighed and kept walking. I was in the back and he was in front. "Be careful" I about whispered. "I know mum" Niall laughed. "I am not your mum!" "Aha, I know" Niall laughed and kept walking. "Watch out for trees" I winked even though he couldn't see me. Then Niall's phone went off. He answered it and put it on speaker. "We found something.."

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