10. Liam

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10. Liam

I walked into Louis's small flat and sat by bag down. "So Andy's not home.. So anyways, what you wanna do" Louis laughed and sat his bag by mine. "I don't know.. I can help you make dinner or clean" I smirked. "No I can do that Li" Louis laughed and started to make some tea. "No, I wanna help" I sighed. "Li! Stop trying to be perfect! Just realize you already are" Louis smiled and cupped my face with his hands. "I'm far from perfect" I mumbled. "No. Your more than perfect.. If there was a word for that.. Well there is and the word is Liam" Louis laughed and pecked my lips. "Louis you really shouldn't kiss me" I sighed. Zayn and his friends who like stalk me could be watching me and Louis right now. That could ruin everything. "Why? Do you not like the way I kiss you" Louis winked and pecked my lips again. "Louis really stop" I blushed and playfully pushed Louis back. "Come here Payne" Louis laughed and hugged me. I put my head in his chest and smiled. Louis let go of me cause the tea was done. "Want some" Louis smiled. I shook my head and sat on a chair by Louis's small counter. He sat next to me and poured himself some tea. Josh was gonna pick me up in an hour.. I never wanted to leave but I need to help Harry with the Zayn thing. "So why did Harry skip school today" Louis smirked. "How did you know he skipped?" My eyes grew wide. "Cause he's in my class and he wasn't there" Louis laughed and poked my chest. "Uh cause him and Zayn had a fall out" I shrugged. "Oh that's sad" Louis pouted. "Not really. It was the best for all of us" I sighed. "What does that mean?" "Nothing.. Just Zayn wasn't really who we thought he was I guess" I shrugged. Lying to Louis hurt but I don't want Zayn to mess with him more than he needs. "Oh, pretty confusing but oh" Louis laughed. "Yeah" I smirked. "Is Harry gonna be alright?" "I don't know" I sighed. Zayn can hurt Harry more now cause they broke up. But Zayn didn't look sad he just looked like he wanted something. From Harry. Which killed me. I don't want Zayn to hurt Harry or anyone. It's just so confusing.. "Are you sure you don't want any" Louis pouted. "I'm sure Lou" I laughed. I looked at my phone it was already 10:23pm.. Josh will be here by 11.. "Can I uh use your shower" I blushed at Louis. "Yeah go ahead" Louis laughed. "Thanks" I smirked and walked to Louis's bathroom with my bag. I dropped my bag down and started the shower. "Need any help" I heard Louis yell then laugh. "No! I got this" I yelled back. "Alright" Louis yelled. I stripped down and got into the shower. The water felt nice on my skin. I could just forget about everything. As I started to feel safe I heard Louis yell. "NO KEVIN! I'M NOT HELPING YOU" Louis screamed. I think he was on the phone.. "I KNOW! STILL DON'T TOUCH HIM- Fine Kevin" I heard Louis sigh then throw something. I sighed and let my hair go in my face. "White lips, pale face. Breathing in snow flakes. Burnt lungs sour taste. Lights gone. days end. Struugling to pay rent. Longs nights strange men" I started to sing lightly. "They say she's in the class A team! Stuck in her daydream! Been thsi way sence 18 but lately.. her face seems.. slowly sinking waisting" I sang a little louder. "Crumbling like pastries. And they scream the worst things in life come free to us.." I sang and heard someone walk in the bathroom so I shut up. "Uh it's just me" I heard Louis sigh. "I'm sorry was a singing too loud" I blushed. "No it was amazing.. Kepp going" Louis sighed. "No i'm good" I laughed. I saw Louis's shadow slide down on the wall by the shower. "No, it was perfect! Please" Louis wined. "Cause were just under the upper hand. Going mad for a couple grams. And she don't want to go outside, tonight. In a pipe she flies to the Motherland. Or sells love to another man. It's too cold outside for angles to fly. Angles to fly" I sang and I heard Louis start crying. I pulled the curtains over but hid my body. I took Louis's hand. "Talk to me" I smiled. He nodded. "Come on" I laughed and pulled Louis in the shower with me. He still had his clothes on but he was getting wet. "Kevin keeps calling me to try to bail him out of jail" Louis sighed. I didn't know what to actually say.. "Uh.. are you going to?!" "I don't know" Louis sighed. "Don't!" Louis slowly nodded. I smiled and pulled Louis's wet body to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I smiled at him and our fore heads were together and he finally kissed me. I kissed back. He pushed me against the shower wall and his hand went down to my back. I licked his bottom lip for an entrance. He gave me an entrance and I explored his mouth. I squeezed his bum and he moaned. Then there was a knock on the door. "LIAM" it was Josh. "Shit" Louis mumbled. "ONE SECOND" I yelled to Josh. "I'll be in the car Li Li" Josh laughed. I blushed at Louis and he smiled. I got out of the shower and got my clothes back on. Louis changed his outfit and then we walked out of the bathroom together. "See you in class Li" Louis smiled and handed me my bag. "Yeah" I laughed and took my bag. Louis pecked my lips and I walked out. I ran down the steps and got into Josh's car. He was crying. "Josh what's wrong" I sighed and took my thumb and wiped his tears. Josh showed me his phone..

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