20. Zayn

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This chapter sucks.. well to me.. :/ But I don't know what you guys will think.. NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE AWESOME THO!! Trust me ;)

Chapter 20. Zayn

Harry giggled as I kissed his nose. "Zayn" Harry giggled once more. "What" I smirked as I pecked Harry's lips. "We gotta work" Harry laughed while trying to push me off of him. "Well that can wait" I smirked as I pushed Harry down on the bed. Harry laughed and pecked my lips. "I love you" I smiled with my forehead onto Harry's. "I love you too" Harry smile as he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him and he licked my lip for an entrance. I gave it too him. Our tongues sometimes gliding together or him exploring my mouth. Harry sat up with me still on his lap trying to take my shirt off with out breaking the kiss. I let go of Harry and broke the kiss. He laughed, well I think he tried cause he was out of breathe, and took off his shirt. He then manged to take off mine. Harry pulled me down back into him. I was out of breathe but wanted Harry. "You sure you.. want to do this" Harry said still panting from the kiss. "Only if you do" I smiled. Harry nodded and pulled me into him. Leaving small kissed around my mouth till he got to my mouth. I kissed him with full force. My hand going up and down his sides and him wondering on my back with his large hands. He squeezed my bum which made me moan in his mouth. Then Harry's bed room door swung open. "It's only 3! GOSH GUYS! CAN'T YOU WAIT" Liam yelled and threw a pillow at us. Harry sat up and blushed. I saw a laughing Louis behind him. "If I hear another moan from this room i'm keeping the door open" Liam pointed at us and closed the door as he walked off. "We'll try later" Harry winked and pecked my lips before he got his shirt back on. I looked for mine and finally got it. I slipped it back on and looked at Harry who was still under me. I smiled and got up. I looked at my phone and it was 3:30 already. "Oh Haz, I gotta go" I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door. "But I thought you were sleeping over!" "I am, I just have to help my mum with something first! I'll be back at around 7 or 6 alright" I lied but smiled anyways. "Alright" Harry sighed. "We can keep going when I come back" I winked and Harry blushed. "Love you babe" Harry laughed and pecked my lips. "Love you too, big hands" I laughed. "They're not big" Harry looked at his hands. "Yes they are" I yelled as I ran down the steps to the door. "ROAR" I heard Harry yell before I left the house. I laughed and got into my car.


I knocked on Harry's front door waiting. Harry opened the door and smiled. I quickly pushed him on the wall and kissed him. He kissed back as fast as I kissed him. He pushed me back and looked at me. "Someones ready for this" Harry winked. "Only if your ready" I coughed. Harry shook his head and looked up the stairs. I heard Liam and Louis laughing upstairs. "Oh" I sighed. "Yeah.. And he's sleeping over so I don't think it's gonna happen" Harry sighed and put his arms around my neck. "Alright" I shrugged. "Yeah, but your going to Liam's mum's thing tomorrow" Harry swayed back and forth with my arms around his waist. "I don't know" I sighed and put my head on Harry's chest. "C'mon! He needs you there Zayn" Harry kissed my head. "Alright.. I'll go" I sighed. "WOO" Harry smiled. He put his chin on my head. "Can't we be quiet and do it" I sighed. "Well I don't know. It depends of what you do to me" Harry whispered into my ear and then he kissed my neck. "Are you trying to turn me on?" "I don't know.. Am I?" I picked up Harry and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I carried him upstairs and sat him on the bed. I sat in his lap and smiled. "Your such an odd child" Harry laughed and poked my nose. I got off of Harry and sat across from him. "You don't know how much I love you." "I know" I smiled. "No you don't. If you weren't mine I would make you mine. Zayn your amazing. Your my everything. I just can't tell you how much I love you.. I just-" I cut Harry off by smashing my lips on his. "Harry I love you, I love you forever and always. Together forever. Never saying goodbye" I smiled and put my fore head on Harry's. Harry nodded and smiled at me. I was about to kiss Harry again but Liam came into the room. "Do you guys-." "GOD DAMN IT LIAM! KNOCK NEXT TIME" Harry yelled and got off the bed. Liam looked small compared to Harry. "THE DOOR WAS OPENED!" "WELL THEN JUST ASK IF YOU CAN COME IN OR SOMETHING" Harry yelled back. "THEN HOW ABOUT YOU STOP TRYING TO DO IT WITH ZAYN" Liam yelled back and he still looked sick. "I CAN DO IT WITH ZAYN IF I WANT TO DO IT WITH ZAYN" Harry yelled and was about to punch Liam. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" Liam yelled. "YOUR IN MY HOUSE! HOW THE HELL CAN I LEAVE YOU ALONE?!" "I CAN LEAVE" Liam sighed and looked like he was about to cry. "GO LIAM! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?!" "HARRY-" Liam was about to yell something back but Louis came running to Liam. He wrapped his arms around Liam and whispered something about some thing's not good for him or whatever. Liam went running to the bathroom, I think to puke again. "Liam i'm sorry" Harry sighed as he walked into the bathroom with Liam and Louis. I just sat on Harry's bed waiting for Harry to come back and go to sleep.. Cause I'm tired.. Harry walked back into the room crying. He shut the door and looked at me. "He said he never wants to see me again" Harry started crying. "Come here." Harry cried into my shirt. "Shhh.. He'll forget about it in the morning.. Let's just get some sleep yeah?" Harry nodded and laid down. I tangled our legs and looked at Harry. He put his head in my chest and cried himself to sleep.. If he's crying now wait till tomorrow...                                                            


I woke up to lights in my eyes. "Harry" I moaned as I put my head in the pillow. "Good your up" Harry laughed. I groaned and sat up. "I'm gonna make some pancakes but before I do I need you to help me pick out what to wear!" "Wear something black" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I know, but you need to pick it out for me" Harry pouted. "Fine, go make pancakes and i'll pick out a outfit" I smiled at Harry. "Alright. Liam is in the shower so when he gets out Louis is going in then you alright" Harry smiled. "Alright Haz" I laughed. "Good. Morning anyways" Harry pecked my lips and ran down stairs. Liam walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on. "Morning Li!" "Morning Zaynie" Liam laughed and ran to his room. Louis was eating an apple as he walked up the steps to the bathroom. I jumped off the bed and headed towards the closet. I picked out 2 black jeans and 2 white tees. I don't know if Harry wants to match but that's what i'm doing. I grabbed out 2 ties and 2 black jackets. I looked around for a beanie but couldn't find one. Instead I grabbed a black hat, those ones that M.J used to wear and put it on my pile of the clothes I am gonna wear. I love Harry, he does anything for Liam. He's just amazing.. I wish I had a brother like him, well Liam and Harry are not brothers but they act like it. They just seem like it, that's all.. "BREAKFAST IS READY" Harry yelled. I walked down the steps and saw Harry setting out plates. Harry smiled at me. Then Josh and Niall came through the door giggling. "Hey lads" Josh coughed and let go of Niall's hand. Niall walked away from Josh and just stood there. Liam came down the stairs and Louis was still in the shower. "Hey" Harry finally said. I just smiled and waited for this freaking day to be over..


We all- Well me, Josh, Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis walked into Harry's house. It was a quiet car ride till Liam started screaming out the lyrics to 'Wings' by Little Mix. Liam was crying or just sad the whole time. But now everyone is happy cause Perrie Edwards was on the radio. She has a great voice, sometimes I wish I can date her but then I remember she's famous and i'm not.. I sighed and sat on the couch next to Harry. Niall was on the other side of Harry and Josh was on the floor by Niall's feet. Louis was sitting in a chair with Liam on his lap. Harry turned on the telly and turned on freaking spongebob. "I LOVE THIS SHOW" Liam yelled and started jumping up and down on Louis's lap.. I thought this day was gonna be bad but it was quiet good actually. But tomorrow we have to go back to school. Fuck mondays, but school is almost over. Me and Harry have been talking about going to college but I think I might just get a job and maybe life with him. He said he's game for that but he first needs to find a job. But I just don't want to go to school anymore than I have to..

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