3. Niall

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3. Niall

It was finally the weekend! I woke up at around 10am or so. Josh was still sleeping.. Me and Josh been fighting for a while so maybe over the weekend we will forgive eachother. I started to make pancakes. Then someone knocked on the door. "It's opened" I yelled. Liam walked in with Harry and Zayn. "Good morning Nialler" Liam laughed. "Hi" I waved. "Whatcha making" Zayn laughed and looked at me while I was cooking. "Pancakes. Josh is still sleeping so don't yell or anything" I giggled and started to flip pancakes. "Niall i'm using your shower" Harry grabbed his stuff and went into my bathroom. But before he went he whispered something to Zayn and pecked his lips. "Need any help" Zayn poked my back. I giggled, "can you find strawberries?" Zayn nodded and went to look for some. "WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA! SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS" Liam sang. "Liam calm down" I laughed. "Can I wake up Josh" Liam started shaking on the couch. "No" I growled. He rolled his eyes and kept watching spongebob. "So what you doing today Niall" Zayn asked while putting the strawberries on the table. "I was gonna go shopping or something" I shrugged. "OMG HE TEXTED ME" Liam jumped off the couch smiling at his phone. "Who" Zayn went over to Liam. We all haven't liked Zayn forever but now it's like he's our best friend. It's pretty cool.. "Louis said that after school on monday I can go over to his flat for he can teach me to play guitar" Liam smiled. "Be careful what you say to him" Zayn winked. Liam shook his head and texted Louis back. Harry walked out of the bathroom with his hair still wet. "Alright i'm going to wake up Josh, you guys can make your own pancakes, just don't burn down the place" I laughed and got a plate and put 3 pancakes on it. I grabbed the syrup and the thing of strawberries Zayn got out and walked to Josh's room. He never locks his door so I just walked in. I set the plate, syrup and strawberries on Josh's night stand. I got into bed with Josh and started to kiss his neck. "Niall" Josh moaned. I started to suck on his neck and he just moaned louder. "Josh you awake" I winked. "Yeah, why you want me up anyways" Josh sat up. I pointed at his night stand. He smiled and got it. He got a strawberry and fed it to me. "Your such a weirdo Josh" I laughed and ate the strawberry. "Watch this" Josh laughed and shoved a pancake in his mouth. "Your gonna choke" I laughed. He shook his head and swallowed it. "Yay Joshie!!" I clapped. He laughed and handed me a pancake. I shook my head and handed it back to him. "So what are our plans for today" Josh sat his things back on the night stand and set his head in my lap. "I don't know.. Mall?" "Sounds good" Josh smiled at me. "Alright well Harry, Liam and Zayn are already in the living room" I laughed. "Cools" Josh smiled at me. "Wait Zayn" Josh's eyes grew big. "Yeah, he's changed" I smiled at Josh. "I'm only going cause you Harry and Liam are though not cause he is" Josh growled. "I know he bullied you Josh-" "He did the same to Harry and you Niall! I just don't want him to do that again to you" Josh sighed. "He won't just come on" I grabbed Josh's hand and took him to the living room. "So we cleaned up" Liam pointed at the kitchen. "Alright" I looked at Josh, he fell asleep in the outfit he was wearing a school yesterday. "So we all good to go" I smiled at Josh. We all ran down the steps of my flat to the car. Liam was driving with Harry next to him. Then Me, Josh and Zayn. I put my head on Josh's sholder and Zayn was just staring out the window. There was something off about Zayn. First he hates us all then he wants to be our best friends. I don't understand him at all. I don't know if this is all some plan to make us like him and then he will just bully us again. I hope what Josh thinks is just something that isn't true. I don't want him to hurt Harry again like he did last time when they were dating. They were best friends till everything just like fell apart. Harry missed school for a week just to be with his family and cry. And I don't know if I believe if Zayn's brother really dated Louis. Well it could be possibale but I don't know anymore. I trust Zayn a little but I just don't trust him like I trust Harry, Liam or Josh. I yawned and smiled at Josh. He kissed my head and smiled back. It was a 30 minute ride to the mall.. This is gonna be a long ride if Liam doesn't turn on the radio. "Ask Liam to turn on the radio" I whispered to Josh. "Liam can you turn on the radio" Josh giggled. Liam nodded and turned on some random song. "LIKE A VEGAS GIRL" Harry yelled and laughed. I'm thinking Harry knows this song, but then Liam changed it to something else. "Thank's Liam I was so not listening to that" Harry smiled and then laughed. "Mama told me not to waste my life she said spread your wings my little butterfly! Don't let what they say keep you up at night! and if they give you shh then they can walk on by" Harry and Zayn sang at the same time. It was kinda cute. Josh just smiled at me and played with my hair. "FEET! FEET CAN'T TOUCH THE GROUND! AND I CAN'T HEAR A SOUND BUT YOU JUST KEEP ON RUNNING UP YOUR MOUTH YEAH" Harry yelled and flipped his hair. I laughed at him. "WALK! WALK ON OVER THERE! CAUSE I'M TOO FLY TO CARE! OH YEAH" Liam yelled. Josh shook his head and laughed also. "Your words don't mean a think! I'm not listening! Keep talking! ALL I KNOW IS" Harry, Zayn and Liam kept singing. Me and Josh just sat there and laughed at them. They are so weird at times, that's why you gotta love them. I looked out the window, so many hobos just standing on the streets. "So many hobos" I whispered to Josh and he laughed. "Maybe you'll be one of them one day" Josh joked with me. "No i'll live in your basement" I laughed. "That's better" Josh winked and kissed my cheek. There's many reasons why I love Josh. His hair how it moves when he plays drums, the way his hands move along with every sound of each beat, his lips are like so soft, his eyes I could just get lost in thoes amazing brown things, and the way his shirts always fits so well on him. The way he smiles or laughs. All his tatoos, and his earrings. He's just so amazing. The way he lights up anyone's day, or just his amazing voice. His laughs just makes me want to jump off a bridge and land no where. I just love everything about him. I love him cause he's Josh, that's all he has to be for me or anyone to fall in love with him. If I wasn't with Josh I don't know who'll be with or who will even put up with me. "10 minutes lads" Liam laughed. "Alright" Harry laughed. "Josh" I shook Josh who was texting. "Yes" Josh looked up from his phone and looked at me. "Who yeah texting" I smirked. "My mum" Josh blushed. "Tell her Niall says hi" I wink. "You know I haven't told her i'm gay yet right" Josh sighed while texting his mum back. "Oh, you'll tell her sometime right?" Josh just shrugged. "I SET FIRE TO THE RAIN!" Harry started yelling. "Harry stop yelling" Liam sighed. Harry changed the song and started yelling louder, "BABY I WAS BORN BORN THIS WAY!!" I shook my head and looked out the window. I could feel someone was staring at me so I turned around and Zayn just moved his head towards the window like nothing happened. There's something off about him and I need to find out. "We are here" Liam parked somewhere and Harry turned off the radio. Zayn got out of the car and took Harry's hand. When Josh got out of the car I jumped on his back. "Niall i'm not gonna carry you" Josh laughed and I slid off his back. Instead I put my arm around Josh and walked towards the mall. Liam was just walking with us texting. "LIAM JAMES PAYNE! STOP TEXTING LOUIS" I yelled. "Grr" Liam sighed and put his phone away. "Is he texting you back or are you just sending a bunch till he answers" Zayn walked up and looked at Liam. "He answers" Liam sighed. Zayn nodded and started talking to Harry again. "Well I want a new iphone case so were going there first" Josh sighed. "We should get matching ones" I laughed and Josh. "Sure" Josh shrugged and smiled.


"Josh! Can we get this one" I pointed at the Teddy Bear one and he just shook his head. Liam and Harry were looking at new cell phones and Zayn was on the phone with someone. "I like this one" Josh held up a case with a J on it. "But my name doesn't start with a J" I laughed. "Yeah there's a N here" Josh showed me it. It had a british flag around it. "But i'm not british" I winked. Josh kept looking. "Then this one" it still had the N on it but it was blue and black stripes. "Is there one with a J too" I walked over to Josh. "Yep" Josh smiled. "Alright." Me and Josh bought the cases and put it on our phones. "So what ones did you get" Liam asked and took my phone. Harry looked at Josh's. "Cool! Now people will know your gay" Harry joked. Zayn walked over and put his arm around Harry. "Where to next" Zayn smiled. "ARCADE" Josh yelled. I looked around and the arcade was right across where we were. "Alright" Liam nodded and started to walk towards the arcade. "Harry let's play guitar hero" Liam smiled at Harry. Harry and Liam went to go play guitar hero and left Zayn with me and Josh. "I'm gonna like go ride the bike thing" Josh pointed to the motorcycle that was a racing game. There was two more next to his. "Zayn you wanna come" I smiled. He just shook his head. "C'mon! It'll be fun" I smile. He walked to the motorcycles. I got on the one by Josh and Zayn was on my right. "Ready" Josh laughed. Zayn didn't say a word, it's like when Harry's not here he tries to hide that he hates us, that's why he so quiet cause he knows he wants to hurt us. So far Josh was in first I was in 8th and Zayn was in 4th. Then Zayn passed Josh and was in first and Josh was in 7th. I finally learned how to go faster so I got in second. We were finally done, after all the not talking crap and I won. Josh in secnd and Zayn in third. Josh smiled at Zayn but Zayn just went to find Harry. "He acts like a little child" Josh whispered as he put his arms around my waist. He put his head on my sholder and smiled at me. Soon Harry and Liam walked over to me and Josh. I took Josh's hands off of me and smiled at Josh. "Wanna go get ice cream or a smoothie" Liam asked. I nodded and walked to the food court. We all got a smoothie and sat down at a table, me and Josh on one side, Liam, Zayn and Harry on the other. "So what we doing tomorrow" Harry laughed. "Sleep" Me and Josh said at the same time, we laughed at eachother. "I can't wait till monday" Liam smiled. "But we have school on monday" Josh rolled his eyes. "I know, but then I get to go to Louis's house" Liam smiled. "Yeah just make sure no teachers find you. Mr Tomlinson will loose his job" I eyed Liam. "I know" Liam sighed. "How old is he anyways" Harry eyed Liam. "He's 21" Liam sighed. "Only 4 year difference" Josh shrugged. We were all 17. Zayn just sat there drinking his smoothie and just listening. "So Zayn" Josh started. "Yeah" Zayn said faintly. "How's school going for yeah" Josh smiled. Almost like a evil smile. "Good.. Why" Zayn rolled his eyes. "Just wondering, your just really quiet" Josh shrugged. I don't know what Josh's problem is with Zayn. He's not hurting anyone, but I just shook it off. "Want to go do laser tag or bowling" Zayn smiled at us. "Laser tag sounds fun" Harry laughed. We all nodded. "Wait where is laser tag anyways" I asked Zayn. "It's at the end of the mall" Zayn pointed striaght and I nodded. We all followed Zayn to laser tag. "I don't trust him" Josh whispered. "Josh it's just laser tag-" "Not that! Just everything about him! What if he's doing this to just hurt Harry again?" I looked at Harry smiling at Zayn. If Zayn does that again i'll hurt him. "And what if he's lying to Liam about his brother? Then he's hurting two people" Josh sighed. "Well we'll just have to see" I sighed. "Yeah.." I don't know what Josh is saying could be true. I don't know what to believe about Zayn really. He always lied to Harry and I don't want him to do it again. Harry doesn't need that again. We all walked into the dark room. "So teams or all just going after eachother" Some person asked as we got out suits on. "Teams" Harry winked at the person, I think it was a girl. "Alright who wants to be red and who's blue" she got the laser guns out. "Wanna be on a team" I whispered to Josh. He nodded and grabbed me and him a blue gun. Liam also grabbed a blue gun and smiled at me. Harry and Zayn was gonna be red. I don't mind Liam being on my team, maybe I can have a talk to Zayn while the lads are playing. "Alright you guys have 20 minutes" the girl smiled and closed the door. When everything started I grabbed Zayn and took me to a really dark place. "Niall what are you doing?" "I wanna know if this is all just a act! I wanna know if you gonna hurt Harry again!" "Niall not now" Zayn tried to go away. "Zayn just answer me" I almost yelled. "No Niall i'm not! I promise! I never want to hurt Harry" Zayn sighed. "Then why are you so quiet to us like we are nothing?" "I just don't know Niall! But please can we just be friends" Zayn put his hand through his hair. "Fine" I smiled and shot Zayn than ran. I heard him laugh and come after me. Maybe Zayn was lying to me but he is really nice. He just better not break a promise or i'll break him like he broke Harry.

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