8. Zayn

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(A/N) Ahh!! I HAVENT UPDATED THIS IN LIKE FOREVER!! XD Well anyways.. :o I found out how to post pics on the side while you ppl r reading dis! xD I'm so slow at learning it's not funny! O_O Anways.. ENJOY THE CHAPTER! :) Next will be exciting I hope, this one is sad :'(!! XD

8. Zayn

I knocked on Harry's door and I heard Liam laughed and Harry sighing. Harry opened the door and smiled. "Hey" I smiled and leaned on the door's frame. "Hey" Harry smiled. "Eh.. I'm gonna get going" Liam sighed. "Where you going" Harry growled at Liam. "Louis's.. I need to help him with something" Liam sighed and grabbed his jacket. It was winter so I was freaking freezing here while waiting for Harry to let me in. I was used to the cold anyways, meaning I was always outside. "Don't forget your hat" Harry sighed and pointed to Liam's hat. Liam moaned and grabbed it. "BYE" Liam yelled and ran to his car. I watched as Liam ran to his car. He kept looking around like someone was watching him, I wouldn't blame him.. "Well come in" Harry laughed. I nodded and walked in. I put my bag on his table and smiled at him. "Oh, i'm sorry. Liam and I finished our homework together.. You got any" Harry sighed and put his hand through his hair. "It's fine Haz" I laughed. I didn't have any anyways. Harry's phone went off and he looked at it. He tensed up and sighed. "What's that" I looked at Harry. "Nothing" Harry looked up and put his phone away. It was like he didn't want me to know anything. "Do you not trust me Haz" I sighed and leaned on the table. "Of course not" Harry lied to my face. "Then why the hell can't you tell me what made you look all scared" I about yelled. "It's nothing Zayn! It's my phone! You don't need to know everything" Harry yelled. "Fine. I better get going anyways" I growled and got my bag. "Zayn" Harry sighed. "No. Bye Harry. I might call you later" I sighed and walked out. "ZAYN STOP" Harry yelled as I was about to get in my car. "What Harry? For you can freaking yell at me again" I yelled. "No! Zayn i'm sorry" Harry sighed. "Alright. Bye Harry" I sighed and got into the car. I didn't believe him. He just yelled at me. I always show him my phone and that's not even the reason i'm mad. It's cause he's always has been so separate from me and saying nothing to me not even a Hi or anything. He's keeping secrets and I wanna know why. Does he like not trust me anymore? Does he think I want to hurt him? I would never hurt him, I love him too much to hurt him.. I pulled out of Harry's drive way and started to head home. My brother was home and my family has been crazy. I just wish Harry would tell me why he's acting like that. I just need someone to talk to and right now Harry's not really the person I guess. Then my phone went off. It was Harry so I just sighed and pulled into my drive way. I opened the door. My mum was in tears and my dad wasn't home yet. "Mum" I looked at my mum. "Oh. Hello Zaynie" she fake smiled and dried her tears. I threw my bag down and went to my mum. "Mum what did he do now?!" "Zayn, it's nothing with you. There's nothing you can do" My mum sighed. I growled and ran upstairs to Kevin's room. "Kevin what the hell did you do?!" "Nothing" Kevin laughed and took one of his head phones out of his ear. They dropped to the floor. "Then why is she crying" I sighed. "Cause Zayn" Kevin smirked. "I don't want to do this anymore" I about yelled. "You started it and now your staying in it" Kevin growled. "But if it means hurting the ones I love-" Kevin cut me off. "They'll never find out silly" Kevin laughed and ruffled my hair. He walked out and left the house. I called Harry back. "Hey" he said happily. "Hey" I sighed as I walked to my room. "You okay" Harry sounded like he was outside. "Yeah. What you doing?" "Oh nothing" Harry laughed. "Okay.. sounds fun" I laughed. Then there was a bang on my window. "Open it fool" Harry yelled. I opened it. "What the hell" I smacked Harry's curls. "Sorry, if you wouldn't answer my calls then I thought i'd come here. So I didn't think you'd call back" Harry laughed and sat on my bed. "Well I did" I winked. "Yeah, where's Kevin going" Harry smirked and looked out the window. "No idea" I shrugged. "Oh great answer" Harry laughed and started to walk up to me. "I know very" I smirked. Harry kept walking towards me and I just jumped on him and tackled him. "Not what I was going for" Harry laughed. I laughed and kissed Harry. He kissed back. His hands moving all around my back pulling me more deeper into the kiss. I felt him lick my lip for an entrance. He explored my mouth and then flipped me over. I smiled through the kiss. Then there was a knock on my door. I pulled out from the kiss and Harry rolled under my bed. I laughed and shook my head. I opened the door. It was my mum. "Have you seen Harry?" "Yeah why" I sighed. "Cause Liam got into a car crash" my mum sighed. "Alright. I'll get Harry. Uh what hospital is he at" I started to panic. She told me the address and Harry got out of my bed. He jumped out from my window and got into my car. I ran down my steps, unlike Mr Batman, and ran to my car. Harry had the car started and I guess he was driving.. This is really gonna be a long ride..

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