23. Liam

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Yes, another Liam chapter.. Only cause you know Zarry is all good and yeah :D! YAY ZARRY! But next will be a Josh chapter.. After Josh is the last chapter!! OMFG!! XD I can't believe it's almost over :'(.. If you guys want a sequel start telling me cause i'm thinking about it but if you guys don't say anything then I won't write a sequel! Well enjoy some Lilo! :D xx AND SORRY IF IT'S SHORT!! O_O JUST WANTED LILO TO GET SOMEWHERE ;D! BUT aye.. I got two updates in one day! be happy xD

Chapter 23. Liam

 I sighed as I woke up. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Are we together or not?! I just don't know and I want to know. But i'm scared I already know the answer. I hurt Louis.. Well I believe I did. I mean I just told him I don't want a family now cause i'm only 17. What more could he want from me?! I wish it was just simple but I understand it would be hard. But I didn't know it was gonna be this hard. I know our age difference is a big problem but he loves me so he should understand. Well I thought he loved me and understood. But I guess he didn't. I'm just a kid. Like he thinks i'm grown up or something. But i'm not! I wanna do things before I have a family. Get drunk, go to a college party, X factor, get a freaking job! Many things I can think of and he doesn't even give a shit. I wanna have a freaking 3 some for all I care! But I don't want to have a kid when i'm 17! Maybe I wanna get drunk with Ed Sheeran like his fucking cat! I don't know.. He thinks i'm ready for all these things but i'm not. Not at all. Not even close. I don't even know anything about taking care of a child. I can watch one, like baby sit one but can't take care of one 24/7! I just.. Gr.. I wish he understood. But he won't only if I told him  how I feel. But he won't listen anymore. He thinks i'm nothing now. I don't know if were over or not though. We could be together but i'm too scared to ask still. Even if we weren't he wouldn't care. All that love I gave him is gone. I wish I just stayed away from his fucking ugly ass face.. I felt a tear come but I wiped it away as fast as it came. I just need to get out of the house. I need to do something. I can't get drunk. Fuck you Louis.. Another thing Louis did to me. I just wish this never happened. I was single and just going to college with Harry and Zayn. Or better, no Zayn, just me Harry, Josh and Niall. All of us going to college together all happy and everything. But no. I won't be happy going to college! I might not even go to college cause I have this thing inside of me! It will get out of my right before college or something. I really wanna go to college without Louis in mind or this child in mind. I don't want either of them anymore. I wish they will wash away like a sand castle after a wave hits it. Why does these things always happen to me?! I have a child inside of me. And my 'boyfriend' is being a fucking ass! And I found out it's not called pregnant it's called mpreg... Just Gr.. It took me a while to notice that Harry was staring at me. "What?" "I can read your mind" Harry smirked. "Oh yeah? Then what am I thinking about" I rolled my eyes. "I dunno" Harry shrugged and sat next to me on my bed. "So where's Louis? I thought he was gonna sleep over." "It's complected" I sighed. "Well Louis called like 5 times this morning.." "Message?" Harry nodded and handed me the phone and walked out. "Hey L-Li.. I'm so sorry.. I uh w-wanna talk to you.. Please call me back.. Y-you don't need to but I just wanna know about us.. L-Liam I love-." DELETE.. I fell down on my bed and curled up in a ball. He was crying the whole time he was talking through that message. Harry came busting through the door and looked at me. "Why did you delete it?! CALL HIM BACK" Harry started to jump on my bed. "Harry! STOP" I yelled. "Come on! I know you love him!" "NO I FREAKING DON'T! HE'S NOTHING TO ME ANYMORE" Harry then looked at the door as if someone was there. "Harry.. You didn't" I looked at Harry and he just stared at the door. I heard someone running down the steps. I pushed Harry off and ran down the steps. "LOUIS" I yelled. Louis was crying as he was about to open the door. "What" Louis didn't turn around. "I didn't mean that.." "Liam don't lie. I know you don't love me. Let's just leave it at that" Louis sniffled and about opened the door. "Louis please stop doing this to yourself" I put my hand on Louis's shoulder. "Your right Liam. Your a kid. I thought your were mature enough for this. But your just a student to me." 'Louie-" "It's Mr fucking Tomlinson" Louis cried and ran ton his car. I wanted to run after him but I know I couldn't.. So that's it. I know the answer..


"Louis please answer the phone" I left the 10th message on Louis's phone. I texted him 20 times but still nothing. I'm gonna go to his house if he doesn't answer me! Then Louis called me. I answered it. "Louie! I'm so sorry.. babe-" "STOP CALLING ME BEFORE I BLOCK YOUR NUMBER PAYNE" Louis yelled and hung up. That's it.. "HARRY! YOUR DRIVING ME TO LOUIS'S!" Harry ran down the steps and ran to the car. I followed and got in the car.. I'm gonna get Louis back one way or another. Cause I know i love him and I don't know what I would do without him. Maybe die. I don't know I just want him here, in my arms with me now. And i'm gonna get him. I just need to know how...


I knocked on Louis's door. There Louis was, red eyes all puffy, in sweats and had ice cream in his hands. I went over this in the car.. I smashed my lips against Louis's. He dropped his ice cream and kissed back. I backed out and looked at Louis. "Louis i'm sorry.." "Liam, i'm sorry I put too much of pressure on you. I know we don't need a family or anything. Just please understand I want a family before I die" Louis laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and our foreheads touched. "Never leave me?" "I promise" Louis smiled and pecked my lips..

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