Danielle - Part 9 ^~^

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Sort for no update yesterday! I was socializing ugb
Enjoy :)

I know you're angry with me for telling

I know I shouldn't have done it

But what's the use in dwelling

On a deed that is already done?


I knocked sharply on the bathroom door but I only heard the heart wrenching noice of heaving as Phil emptied his stomach into the toilet

He was probably disgusted with me for being such a bad person, beating an innocent boy senseless. I wasn't expecting a reaction this dramatic, but that just shows how shallow and selfish I am.

'Phil please let me in' I called for the 100th time, yet again gaining no reply.

I couldn't just stand here. Working up all the energy I could possibly summon, I lifted up my leg and booted the door, one, two, three times.

On the third kick it swung open, revealing a boy sodden in tears and vomit lying on the floor, shivering as if it was snowing inside.

'Phil come on' I whispered softly, reaching out to help him up.

The boy screamed and utched away from my touch, quivering in what could only be seen as fear.

'Get the fuck away from me' he hissed, tears still running down his red cheeks.

'What? Phil, I would never hurt you. That was all so long ago'

'You hurt him' Phil whispered simply

'Phil, do you know this boy or something? I could, if you do I could find him, say sorry?!'

Phil laughed but it wasn't in humour. More frustration

'Know him? Did I know the boy you beat every day just because your mental brain told you to? Oh yes I know him very well.'

I gasped suddenly

'Phil this is great! I could tell him th-'

'Shut up Dan and look' The boy beside me growled and I turned to face him.

Phil took His hand to his head and grabbed a big tuft of hair, lifting it up to reveal blonde roots before his mop of black hair.

I frowned in confusion, why was he showing me this?

'Phil, that's great but um.. Now isn't the best time to be showing me your hair?'

Phil let out an angry sign and began lifting his shirt.

I felt my cheeks get hot and my breath hitched in my throat. Not now Dan, not when he's in here.

I glanced back at Phil and saw his blue eyes staring straight into mine, narrowed slightly

I let my gaze drift down to the boy's abdamon and gasped yet again when I saw a great white scar. I felt ill.

I knew what this was.

Dan you idiot, stupid useless ugly fucking twat.


'Phil, my man!' Dan shouted loudly so the whole corridor of people could hear him, he didn't want people getting suspicious.
'How about you nip around to my house at about 5:30. We have that project to finish, remember?'
'Um..uh yeah we do but uh i'm busy so-'
Dan clapped Phil's back in what would seem like a friendly gesture to most, but was actually a form of torture. Ice cold hands on newly formed bruises.
'Well then, you'll have to stop being busy, won't you Philly?'
Dan's nickname for Phil made him feel sick but he smiled so that nobody else would notice.
'Ye-yeah um okay cya then bye' Phil gulped and then sped off down the hallway.

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