Phil - part 6

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Hey there Diary

I'm not sure what to do, I think Dan is sick.

Not just anorexia and bulimia, he keeps saying about these voices

He says the voices said he can't like me.

Maybe he's scitsophrenic. I won't say anything yet, not until I'm sure

Also, he said something about wearing the crown.

Maybe he means beating his illness and feeling like a champion?

I don't know. I guess I should tell you about today.

I felt so guilty as I sat on the end of Dan's bed and watched him sleep

I had to call them though, he needs food.

We both do, but I can take care of myself

A twitching caught my gaze and I saw Dan's hand move before he slowly opened his gorgeous chestnut eyes

'Hey there beautiful' I cooed, before gasping.

Hopefully he'd be too out of it to remember that later

'Hey' he replied croakiky

I held out my hand to help him up but he eyed it and stood up by himself

'I'm not allowed' Dan said simply and clearly, padding over to the bathroom

"Not allowed to what?" I called out desperately but the door was slammed in my face
What isn't he allowed to do? Maybe he's hearing voices. I should tell somebody but what if i'm wrong? He'd hate me

My stomach churned as worries filled my head, a sick feeling flooding my veins
I still hadn't emptied out last nights meal

It wasn't too late, I hasn't used the bathroom yet.

But did i really want to? Surely I wanted to get better. Any positivity was pushed away as I lifted up my shirt and saw the rolls of fat that were revealed.

I waited patiently for Dan to come out and as soon as he did, I bolted for the door, locking it sharply.

Silently, I emptied the contents of my bloated belly and smiled in content. I was much better at it than Dan, he made such awful noises.

I unlocked the door and was met with a sad face which instantly made me feel guilty

'Don't think I have no idea what you were doing in there Lester. I know'

He said coldly, the sadness turning to spite

'At least I can do it without making the notice of a dying dog' I spat, instantly regretting it

'I guess you have more practice, not surprised the way you eat'

Dan raised his voice and tears pricked my eyes

I knew it, he saw me just as everybody else did. The boy opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off

'Hah well sorry Mr Perfect.'

It was only 8:26 but I slid into my pyjamas and buried myself under a mountain of duvets and pillows and closed my eyes.

For the first time in ages, I fekk straight to sleep

I can feel a warm presence in my arms and opening my eyes slightly, I can see a head of chestnut brown hair.
What was Dan doing in my bed?
Oh well, couldn't say I wasn't enjoying it
The scribbling of a pen nib made me sigh, accomponied by soft mumbles
'I'm sorry. I didn't want to. You shouldn't make me do these things Friend. We like Phil. We can like him. I don't have to wear the crown'

Oh god
The voices.

What is this crown I hear you ask
Well my little muffins you will discover this soon
But for now
Tis goodbye.

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