PhilLester - part 14

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This was no accident. This was a therapeutic chain of events

I slowly pulled away from the kiss and looked straight into Dan's eyes

'You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that' he whispered, still not breaking the gaze

'Then why didn't you?' I said, frowning slightly

'I-i couldn't' Dan finally looked away and I rubbed his arm.

'I know, it's okay' He looked at me and smiled making my stomach flip



'I-i love you' Dan looked up, his mouth a small 'o' before smiling widely

'I know' he replied, softly.

I felt a pang of dissapointment as he didn't say it back which the boy seemed to pick up on. He gave me a sad smile before saying

'You know how much I wanna say it back Phil but.. I'm not better yet'

'Yet..' I nodded reassuringly and Dan pulled me in for a hug.

'I forgot to tell you, it's visiting day tomorrow' I mumbled into his shoulder

I felt the body beside me jump slightly

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Don't worry, the clinic sent a text to all out parents'

Dan nodded slowly but his smile had gone. I decided not to question it and rubbed his hand

'We should go to sleep you know, it's late'

We both got changed and got into our separate beds

'Night Dan'

'Night Phil'

I clicked off the light and settled down, exhaustion overhwleming me. My eyelids became heavy and I was almost asleep before a voice interrupted my sleep

'P-phil? Can I..uh sleep with you?' Dan's voice was thick and broke at the end, making my heart break with it

'Of course' I lifted up the edge of the duvet and the boy climbed in, snuggling up to me.

'I like you a lot Phil. More than like'

'I know Danny'

He sighed one final them before his breathing became heavy, obviously asleep.

I woke up to an empty bed and panicked slightly before seeing Dan pulling on his skinny jeans. He then went on to pull off his shirt, making my breath hitch in my throat. His was body as still very bony but not as much as when I first arrived which made me smile with pride.

Dan turned around and I pretended to just have woken up

'Morning sleeping beauty, you better get ready quick'

'Why didn't you wake me?'

'I didn't want to, you look adorable when you're asleep'

I blushed and Dan winked, making my stomach burn.

I managed to get ready in the short time I had been provided with before a nurse brought us an unappetizing breakfast of jam on toast.

I managed all of mine by Dan only ate a slice

'Dan...' I began, looking at his plate

'I'm sorry' he choked out and I coukdnt resist pulling him into a hug.

'Shhh, its okay Danny, its okay'

Dan pulled away and surprised me with a kiss which quickly became heated. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I made a small gap. Our tongues danced together, exploring each others mouth. A giggle ended the kiss and I raised my eyebrows at the boy


He laughed again and I couldn't help but smile

'Your mouth tastes like jam'

I laughed and slapped his arm.

'C'mon, let's go see our family' I smiled at Dan but he looked troubled. I didn't question it because I didn't want to ruin the moment.

We strolled through the corridors and finally came to a big waiting room. I scanned the room and spotted my brother running towards me. We embraced and he ruffled my hair

'Hey little bro! How goes it?'

'Great! Where mum?' I looked around the room but saw no sign of Any other familiar faces

'Ah, well um., she- she didn't wanna come Phil'

Anger boiled inside me but I didn't want to ruin the day

'Oh well, I have you. Hey Dan, who ca-' I turned around to look a t Dan but was greeted by an empty space. Where did he go?

'You lookin for that brown haired kid?' Asked my brother "he went that way"

Uh this is bad sorry
Writers block sucks but I have a good idea for the next chapter so I wanted this one to be over
But ahah thank you for 1k reads I smile
- izzy

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