Phil(AgainYep)- Part 17

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You only live forever in your wildest dreams

'Whats that then?' I tried to keep my face expresionless but my shaking hands must have given away my worry because the doctor frowned and leaned forward to pat my knee. I squirmed uncomfortably and he coughed and removed his hand, shifting in his chair slightly.

'It's good news Philip, dont worry. Now then...' The Doctor clicked away at his pristine white laptop before turning back to face me.

'We have noticed an intense progression in your stability and condition. After much thought, we have decided that you are more than ready to return home!' The man sat in front of me smiled and smacked me on the back just a little too hard. My face, however, remained blank. My whole body was numb. I couldn't go home. I was still ill, I had to be.

'Im not better. I need to stay and get better' My voice was robotic and I furiously wiped away the tears that were dangerously close to spilling over. I was always close to tears but I could usually hide it. Hiding things was my speciality.

'Mr. Lester, I can assure you that you are fully recovered a-'

'NO' I cut him off and sighed, returning to a more relaxed tone 'No. I can assure you that I am nowhere near better. Im still fat and food makes me feel sick. I wont leave until im better which is not now'

I was slightly shocked at the intensity of the lies that were slipping from my lips but it would all be worth it. I'd get to stay with Dan. My beautiful, amazing Dan.

'Mr. Lester I am sorry but your case has been closed. We need your space for somebody else. If you feel so strongly about needing more help then you will have to contact another clinic.'

I was about to protest when a small voice sounded from behind me

'Y-you can't go Phil. I need you'

I jumped out of my chair in shock to see Dan standing at the door, tears drenching his face. Through instinct I ran up to his frail figure and envoloped it in a hug which he gladly accepted.

'I'm sorry Dan, so so sorry' I mumbled into the boy's thick brown hair.

The Doctor cleared his throat and we sprag apart, cheeks burning red.

'You will be going home with your brother today Philip, I think it's best if you start packing.'

I sighed and grabbed Dan's hand, squeezing it half-heartedly.

'Yeah Okay'

We walked out of the room in silence. I stole a glance at Dan every few second but his expression never changed. Salty tears ran down his lightly tanned cheeked noiselessly and his lips were set in a slightly pulled down line. When we reached the double doors of our room, I stood back and allowed him to open them. He didnt though. Instead, Dan stood, frozen in front of them.

'D-dan, come on, we need to talk'

'I dont want to talk Phil. I just want to be with you but I cant. Everything I love gets taken away from me and It isnt fair. Nothing is fair Phil. Its not fair that you got better and I didnt, It's not fair that youre trying to lie just to stay with me, It's not fair that im making you feel bad, but most of all, Its not fair that I know I wont be able to do this without you'

I pushed him through the doors and then he broke down

The tears had stopped but his eyes were glazed over and his body was shaking like a leaf. Shaky breaths made his chest rise and fall unevenly.

'Dan, you need to take a pill'

I grabbed the bottle and unscrewed the lid, carefully tipping out a tiny white tablet.

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