DannyBoy - part 13 (MuchUnluckiness)

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The song is immortals by fob

I was born sick
But I love it

His lips were warm on mine, sending shivers down my spine. I wanted nothing more than to pull him closer and hold on forever but I wasn't sure I could. I pulled away and dared to look into those icy blue eyes, willing myself not to get lost.

'Oh' Phil whispered, his mouth in a small ring of surprise.

I rubbed my neck awkwardly, playing with a hangnail

'Oh?' I replied, keeping my gaze down

The boy took my hand to prevent me from picking my finger and looked at me properly,  studying me.

'Did you want that to happen?' He whispered

I wasn't sure what the answer to that was. Did I want it to or was I confusing feelings? I'd never had a best friend

'I..I don't know' I sighed truthfully 'sorry'

Phil rubbed my hand and gave his trademark sideways smile

'Its cool, I shouldn't have got my hopes up' he gasped as soon as the words has left his mouth

'What..what do y-you mean?' I stuttered. Did he want that to happen?

'Nothing . I um..how about we get some food?'

'Phil just forget about the fucking food for a second okay?' I snapped and his bit his lip 'What do you mean? I have a right to know!'

Phil sighed throatily and squeezed his eyes shut tight.

'I said, I shouldn't have got my hopes up'

And then he got up and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I'm not sure where he went, probably to find some stupid food.

My thoughts were confirmed as the boy who crowded my thoughts appeared in the doorway with two steaming plates.

He placed one on my lap silently and sat beside me, taking a knife and fork in his hands.

'Phil..' I began but he cut me off.

'Just eat Dan, your health is more important than all of this'

I nodded and picked up my cutlery. Phil cared about me and I cared about him. We were like brothers in a sense.

My head began to get foggy and I could feel the bad thoughts coming back so I grabbed my tablets and swallowed one. its was sad how his whole life revolved around a simple pill.

'You okay?' Phil asked, concern filling his beautiful eyes.

'I'm okay' I answered, returning my cutlery to my hands. I managed almost three quarters of my meal which made me smile. Phil noticed too and he gave me his widest grin, white teeth flashing and blue orbs sparkling.

An incredible sense of love for this boy swept over me and tears filled my eyes.

'Phil?' I whispered but he didn't hear 'Phil?!' I said again, but louder

The boy in question turned around from whatever task he was undertaking and smiled, before seeing the tears in my eyes and frowning.

'Dan? What is it?'

'C-can I have a hug' I choked out trying to contain the waterfall which threatened to spill over my eyes

Phil didn't even reply, he simply opened him arms and I entered them gladly, breathing in his homely smell

'What's wrong?' He asked, sounding worried.

'I wiped my eyes but still managed to cling onto Phil

'I-i just like you a lot Phil and you..you're my best friend and more. I've never felt like this with anyone before. Whenever I see you smile this overwhelming feeling of happiness comes over me an-and I don't know really. You're just so special.'

Phil also began to tear up and he squeezed me hard

'Daniel James Howell you idiot I love you so much' I smiled but then released what the boy had said and froze.


'Dan..i-im sorry I shouldn't have said that I'm an idiot i-'

'No' I said 'I..I think I love you too'

Phil peeled himself away from me and looked me in the eyes once again

'Are you sure? I don't want you to say it if you're not sure'

Then I don't know what happened, but it just felt right, like time had slowed and was giving me the perfect opportunity.

I kissed him again, but this time it was different. It was loving and real, not forced and angry.

I pulled away and looked at Phil, confidence flowing through me.

'And that time I wanted it to happen'

Sorry not much happened but I felt like we kinda needed to catch up with how Dan was feeling and stuff
Buy anywayyy
I feel like shit at the moment so I know that seeing you all enjoy this will cheer me up so ty
- Izzy x

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