Authors Note

1.1K 38 22

Hello! ^-^

Well, this is the end of A slim chance *cri*This is basically just a load of ramble so you can skip it if you want.

First of all, I have so many thankyou's to say.

Thank you so much  to everybody who has supported me through this story and stuck with my awful uploading scehdule and someties terrible writing when I really couldn't be bothered (oops).

Thank you to everybody who commented and voted, i love to read through them all and smile at your fangirling.

Now heres the sad bit : Theres no sequel :0

I'm reallly happy with the way this turned out and I dont want to drag it on and ruin the whole story. I am also going to work on a new story soon as I'e had a few ideas.

But yes, i cannot thank any of you enough. This story has 1.5k reads and I've only just finished it so I can only imagine how far it might get.

Im very sorry for ending it sad but the effect is alot better in my opinion so...

I want to thank @gabo_0128 @literally_phamily and @Lester_Hugs for making me carry on with this, there have been so many points where i truly believed I'd never finish it but I have and It was very fun to write and also read (yes ive read it too)

Woo, thats its.

Im so sad this is over but it was alot of fun.

This isnt a goodbye, its a see you soon ;)

- Izzy x

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