DanDan - part 11 :D

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The song is, sugar, this is gospel. You can either find it on yt or click on the link In the side bar (it won't play directly bc copyright )

oh fuck you, you can go cry me an ocean and leave me be

I woke up to the warmth of my best friend lying beside me.

Was Phil my best friend, or was he more? I'd kissed his cheek yesterday, what did that mean? I couldn't be bothered to think about it anymore.

I dragged myself out of a nest of blankets and gently shook Phil until his eyes began to flutter

'Phil, it's checkup day, come on'

Out of nowhere, Phil lunged forward to hug me, making me topple over.

'What was that for?' I asked, chuckling at Phil's blushing face

'I'm not sure, just bevause youre special'

Now it was my turn to blush, what was he on about?

I decided to let it slip and got myself ready quickly, grabbing the straighteners.

'Dannnn' Phil moaned from behind me 'I like your hobbit hair'

'I don't!' I replied, bringing the irons to my hair. A tickle on the neck stopped me and I cried out. Oh shit. What was he doing

'Phil' I gasped 's-stop it'

The boy giggled and carried on poking me

'N-no Phil, stop please' I squeezed my eyes shut and begged myself not to let this happen in front of him.

'Dan? Oh I'm really sorry I didn't hurt you did I?'

'No, you didn't. My neck is just um...sensitive'

'Oh' Phil whispered quietly, going even redder.

I quickly fixed the situation by taking Phil's hand and squeezing it

'I don't have time to iron my hair now anyway, let's go'

Phil looked down at our hands and then back at me and grinned, he was so cute.
Ha homo. Your best friend almost made you hard. Pathetic.

I shook my head furiously and Phil looked at me worriedly but I just smiled and we carried on walking.

When we arrived at the checkup room, The doctor was already waiting outside the door.

I removed my hand from Phil's and smiled apologetically

'Ah, gentlemen. Welcome. Now, will you be sharing a session or would you like to go separately?'

'Together' I blurted out quickly and the doctor smirked slightly before saying

'Of course, please, come this way'

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