Dan - Part 3 ❤

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Hey friend.

So much has happened today, I'm glad youre here to talk.

Let me tell you about it.

'Hello Daniel'

One of the men in the white coats walked in and sat at the end of the bed causing my weight to be propelled forward

'Oops sorry, you're all skin and bones!" He chuckled and then looked at me seriously

'How are we feeling today hm?'

I laughed and looked up at him through my long brown fringe with piercing eyes.

'Eat, vomit, insomnia, repeat' I said dryly and watched in satisfaction as the white coat man's eyes grew wide.

'Oh um, well I have some news Daniel'

Dr Ligouri, that's his name by the way.

I just cal him the man in the white coat, he means nothing to me, he doesn't need a name.

I stayed silent and he pulled out a clipboard, slowly running his finger down the paper

'Ah here we go! You'll be sharing a room with Philip Lester. He is in a pretty similar situation to you, you'll get one well'

I scoffed and lifted my head fully so the man in the white coat could see my face

'No, we won't. We might both starve ourselves every day but I have all the company I need thank you.'

I declared this simply and plainly, gaining an infuriating smile in return.

'Well Dan, we'll see. Your dinner should be here any min- ah here it is'

The weighted door of my room clicked open and a lady in a blue dress dragged a wide trolley into my room.

'Daniel Howell? Mash and beans today'

I gagged at the smell of beans under my nose but managed a tight lipped smile directed at the blonde blue dressed bimbo stood in front of me.

'Yeah thanks' I choked out, pushing my plate onto the side desk.

The man looked at me expectantly

'I'm sorry Mr Howell but we need you to eat up and get ready. Your new room mate will be here in the next few hours.

The word room mate made me snicker. It made this while situation sound like a simple college slumber

'Fuck him' I muttered under my breath

White coat frowned and looked at me seriously

'Daniel if you don't eat your meal it will go on your record and you'll only be stuck in here longer.'

My lips twitched but didn't reach a full smile, they never did.

'Okay sorry' I replied almost innocently,, picking up my plate.

'But you'll have to do better than that doctor'

And with that I lifted my plate of cold disgusting food and dumped it on the mans pristine white coat

'Enjoy' I drawled with a forced smile, then I ran out of the swinging double doors.

I didn't get very far though. Two women in blindingly bright dresses caught me and I began to scream, my breaths getting heavy.

My vision blurred with tears but the faint outline of yet another white coated man could be made out.

'Sorry Daniel' a distant voice echoed

A sharp pain shot through my arm and my blood turned cold before darkness washed away the light.

They made me sleep.

Apparently I was in mind hysteria.

Help me friend. I won't stop waiting, as long as you keep promising to find me.

I have to go now, Philip Lester is coming and I'm still not ready

Remember, I'm still waiting.

- Just Dan x

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