Lion - Part 19

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'Run away? What do you mean?'

Dan's hair blew in the cold night wind and flicked at his face like dark flames. It reminded me of autumn leaves being swept away in the breeze. His eyes reflected against the blindingly bright moon, making them sparkle like diamonds. Precious.

'Run away from here Phil, save me. I'm not safe here'

He looked desperate, leaning right over the window sill to shout down to me.

'Careful! I'm coming. Is this what you really want though?'

The shivering boy looked uncertain for a moment as he leaned forward again to speak to me. His mouth opened just as a huge gust of wind blew through the trees, making them rattle.

Then he was falling.

Tumbling through the air, growing closer and closer to the ground. A shrill scream burst from his lungs, suddenly giving me the power to run forward. I'd never moved so fast, air smashing into my face like cold, mercyless waves.  It all seemed to go in slow motion. Dan's scream became distorted and then stopped. A huge weight was plummeted into my arms and the air was still once again.

Dan looked up at me and threw his arms around my neck.

'You really need to stop saving my life like that'

'Never' I whispered firmly, squeezing him hard.

We stood like this for what seemed an eternity but in actual fact was only  few minutes before I set Dan back on his feet.

'Are you Okay?' I asked, realising what a fall from 10 feet up could do to you.

The figure in front of me smirked and leaned forward, brushing my lips before kissing them with great passion

'I am now' he breathed in my ear. My hand found his and stroked it softly.

'Good...Now, where exactly are we going?'

The grin slipped from Dan's face at my words and turned into a frown

'I dont know Phil. I dont care as long as i'm with you'

I smirked and he blushed

'Ew cheezy. Well I have money, lets just walk and see where it takes us'


That's what we did, we walked through the forest at the back of the hospital, marvelling at it's beauty. The way the sky went from pitch black to a navy blue and the stars slowly began to fade reminded me of a pair of tye dye jeans Dan had. He always looked hot in those. Huge trees towered over us and branched out, creating a kind of tent over our heads. I wondered how people could have the heart to cut down such amazing pieces of artwork. Because that what nature is, art made by the world itself.

I looked over at Dan who was smiling to himself. I guessed he liked the forest too...Or maybe it was just the pills.

Oh shit, his pills. We'd left them.

'D-dan?' I shook his arm lightly and his head snapped over to look at me


'We...we uh, left your pills'

A heavy sigh left my boyfriends lips and he stopped walking to rub his head. His eyes were scrunched up and he looked to be in pain.

'Why is everything about the fucking pills? I DONT NEED THEM OKAY?'

Dan kicked the ground in frustration and I stumbled backwards. I'd seen him like this far too many times, anger flickering in his eyes, fists clenched.


'NO PHIL YOU DONT GET IT!' His voice raised from a shout to a scream and I covered my ears in horror 'JUST LEAVE ME ALONE'

'Dan? What are you talking about?'

The boy turned to face me and I gasped as his strong hands pushed me to the ground. Memories flooded my mind. I felt every punch, hit, kick, push all over again, pain rippling through my body. I knew it was too good to be real, he hadnt changed at all.

Part of me told me it was his illness but the other part knew better.

'Oh here we go. Its just like when I was 14 isn't it? Well go ahead Dan, beat me up' I shocked myself with the words that left my mouth but it was too late.

'What? No..I was just angry'

'What like you were angry all those other times? I thought you regretted those days but obviously not because you seem to be having your fair share of fun'

'Maybe I dont regret it'

Dan's words rang out through the whole forest and sent another tsunami of hurt through me


'You deserved it. Every. Single. Hit. You deserved all of them'

My bottom lip trembled and tears threatened to spill over but I wasn't going to cry for him, the boy that bullied me for 3 years.

'Fuck you' I whispered hoarsely

And then he ran away. He ran away, leaving behind all his problems just like he had so many times before.

Anger seeped from my pores and evaporated into the early morning breeze. I wasn't going to let this slip again, I wasnt a scared 14 year old anymore

I found my phone in my pocket and flipped open the lid, switching it straight to the key pad.

I typed three numbers as tears seeped down my cheeks


'Hello, which service do you require?'

'Police please'

'Hello, this is the Police, what is your problem and location?'

'Uh, its my boyfriend, he's a danger to others. He used to abuse me and has done so just now. He ran away but I'm in the forest at the back of RedHerring Hospital'

'Thankyou for your call Sir, we will be there as soon as possible'

A huge sight left my lips and I threw my phone half heartedly at a nearby tree, watching it shatter, a perfect example of my heart.

The next chapter is the last lovelies!

Sorry dont be angryyyy

-Izzy x

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