Phil - part 2 ✨

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I'm scared Diary.

We went to look around this hospital today.

It was a special one, to help me.

Dad says its for the best, maybe he's right.

I don't want to let you down, I promise i'll still write to you every day, even if I get better.

When we went to look at the hospital Doctor Ligouri says he has the perfect room.

I bet he does.

He let me look through the window on the door.

There was a boy in there Diary, I dont know if I like him.

He had a book, a bit like you actually. It was black with a gold binding.

Crushed, that's what he looked like. He was crying too.

I hope he didn't see me looking.

He was very thin. I don't know why he was in there, he had a perfect body.

That's what I need to look like and then this whole thing can be finished.

I'm in my own bed now, I think this is the last time.

I had some dinner today, mother made me.

It was tasty but I shouldn't eat really

I still haven't got rid of it yet. I should do that soon.

I'm not looking forward to meeting the boy, he'll probably make me eat like everybody else.

I hope he realizes how perfect he is.

- P x

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