Dan - Part 1

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Ok disclaimer, I was 12 when I wrote this. I am now almost 19.  Huge TW for awful grammar, spelling and frankly a poor portrayal of mental health disorders. You read this at your own will and comments asking me to correct any of these mistakes is pointless because I log on here at most once every 2 years. With that, enjoy.

Hi friend.

I'm glad I have you tonight, I'm so alone.

My Mum finally got rid of me, said I could do with some 'proper help'

That's what they said too, the man in the white coat.

Apparently I was pretty close to dying.

He got kind of mad when I laughed but I suppose he doesn't realize my intentions. That's what all doctors are like if I'm honest.

'Daniel this is very serious'

'Daniel you must eat'

Hey, did you know my room has two beds? Course you didn't.

Well it does. I hope nobody moves in, they might snitch on me for hiding food down the back of the radiator.

And the pink pills. I hide those too.

I'm not taking them, there's nothing wrong with me, I just need to get myself normal and then I can stop throwing up every night.

Its really late you know.

I can't sleep though and they wouldn't let me bring my keyboard.

Said it'll disturb my 'neighbours'

They found my blades too. I screamed when they took them.

The men in the white coats.

This place is stupid, its full of depressed teenage girls crying over pictures of Harry Styles.

Wait, there's somebody outside my room.

No no they can't bring somebody new into my room I don't want to share.

Please help me friend.

I don't know who you are but please help me.

- Just Dan x

Ohh I know its so short but i'll upload Phil's entry tonight okay???
Who could be moving into Dan's room
*whispers* pretend you have no idea
- izzy x

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