Danny - part 7 〰

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You,before you start, open a new tab on youtube and play take me to church by hozier. I woukd put it in the side bar but they all have copy right :/ enjoy!

Please stop. You made me hurt Phil.

And now you're telling me to do so much worse.

I don't want to wear the crown, I just want to let Phil hold me and help me

Don't you want me to get better?

Maybe if I tell you everything you can understand.

I guess you've had more practise, not surprised the way you eat.

How could I? I knew how much words hurt, running home from school every day and crying. Fat. Greedy. Pig.

And then I said that and I became the bully I'd always feared.
Good, he deserved it

The voices kept telling me all these things

They keep telling me to do things I know are wrong

The crown isn't what I want.

I lay in the dark night and the heart wrenching feeling of loneliness overcame me. I wasn't thinking friend, I swear. I just... I got into his bed and fell asleep to the beat of his heart. It felt good. I'm sorry.

The voices screamed at me, told me to get out. I didn't though.

I woke up to a bright sun, blinding me. I reached out but only felt emptiness.

'Phil?' I called shakily. Oh god, I'd scared him away
Good job you ugly pathetic twat.

The bathroom door creaked open and I flew at the figure that stood in the frame. We embraced but as Phil went to pull away, I gripped him tighter.

'I don't want to hurt you Phil, they want me to but I won't'

The boy peeled my arms off his bony body and looked me straight in the eyes. Blue and brown

'Dan, please tell me what you mean. I promise I can help you, but only if you tell me what the matter is. Please Dan, you mean a lot to me'

Phils eyes became misty and he turned away from my gaze, wiping them furiously.

'Phil I can't, they won't like it'

When he turned around, Phil's expression had changed dramatically

'Who won't? Dan just tell me what the fuck you mean!'

I was quite shocked at his sudden outburst
I told you Dan, he's a heartless dick. Just tell him how useless he is.

'No, leave me alone' I mumbled, covering my ears
You stupid boy, you can't block me out, i'm in your head.

'Please, i'll do anything if you leave me alone. We can like Phil, please please please'

A pair of warm arms shook me and the voices screamed. They filled my every thought, every movement.
Go on! Just tell him to fuck off, we don't need him trying to force food down your throat.
'NO NO NO' my screams were hoarse, and seemed quiet in my head but from the way my throat was scratching I doubt they were
He's gonna get those stupid white coats in again, do you want that?

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