Dan - part 7 (extra)

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Flash back-

'Oi! Fag. Where the fuck do you think you're going? We haven't had our fun yet' a sly smile crept onto my lips but I felt sick inside. Why did I do this? Ever day. I beat him. That poor boy who his in the library every break time.
I was only 13 and I was a bully.
The boy we victimized has blonde hair, which was slightly on the ginger side. He was tall with a crooked, pointy nose. And here he was. Snivelling on the floor in front of me.
Go on Dan, show them who's boss, give him a good kick.
I did as the voices told me, just like always. My foot connected with his stomach and a cry of pain echoed throughout the abandoned hallways of school. The noise tore my heart in two.
'Shut the fuck up you wimp' I hissed, trying to sound threatening. It wasn't because I was scared of a teacher coming and seeing me. Oh no, it was just the fact that I couldn't stand to see the boy in pain. His beautiful face drenched with tears, scrunching up every time I moved.
Fucking homo it hissed You'll beat him until you learn to hate him, you hear me? He's a fucking ugly worthless fag. Tell him. Tell him dan.
I screwed my eyes shut tight in an attempt to block out the cruel words but instead I heard manic laughter. I opened them again and looked down at the boy  again.
'You're just an ugly worthless gay boy and I never want you to forget that.'
I sneered in his face. I gave the boy one last kick and walked away, as if nothing had ever happened.
On my walk back home, I couldn't stop thinking about all those times I'd hurt this poor boy. He was so nice before I started hurting him. He was lively with lots of caring friends but the voice made me ruin that. I've beaten all the happiness out of him
Good job Daniel, I'm impressed! We'll have to do that more often
'No please. I don't want to, please don't make me. I won't go near him again. I don't love him really, its just a hormonal think I promise'
You better hope it is. Because if it isn't Fag Boy, you'll be punished. You are going to keep beating up that stupid boy. I mean it.
'Yes sir' I whispered. That's what they liked me to call them when they were angry.
Good boy. I'll leave you now. For a while
I sighed in relief and ran all the way home. I opened the door and luckily my mum was out. She always was. I didn't tell anybody but it hurt not having a proper mum. Sometimes she doesn't come back until 4am and when she does she's drunk.
I ram up to my room, tripping on the top step and hurting my ankle
'Fucking fuck shit fuck!' I yelled, punching the wall beside me. I didn't even care about the blood that was running down my arm from my knuckle. At least it was my own blood for once.
Laying on my bed, I couldn't get him out of my mind.
His soft hair and and crooked nose, that smile. The smile that I ruined.
I knew his first name but not his second. I guess I didn't care enough to try and find out.
All because I wanted to make myself feel good. Wear the crown. They always told me that doing this would make me a champion, everybody would love me. It would make me feel amazing. But it never did make me feel good, and the only thing I was wearing was the face of a bully. One that a poor boy dreaded to see. They said it would make me feel good. Like a champion. That one day I would wear the crown. But that day still hasn't come. Instead i'm beating a boy just to shut up the voices in mheady
That poor poor boy.
His name was Phil.

And now im 17 and I'm yet to find Phil and apologize for all those years. Maybe I will one day and i'll be able to see his smile once again.

+DW dw that bit at the end is supposed to be repeated, dan was a fucked up  13year old+

Owowowo will dan ever get to aplogise to his victim?
Did you like the music BTW
Its a cover of jealous by labyrinth
I love it omg
And yes you finally see the crown thing ah
But who is this mysterious Phil
-Izzy x

/if you see any mistakes I'm sorry but plz ignore bc wattpad is being laggy and won't let me go back and change stuff ty/

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