phil(ip) - 16 :o

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the taste of your lips I'm on a ride

I looked at the computer screen and frowned

'Toxic? Dan seriously'

'But Phiiiil, please?' He pouted, looking up at me through a forest of dark lashes. How could I resist?

'Ugh fine but I hate you'

'Sure you do' he laughed.

Dan strode up to the tall man in charge of the karaoke machine and told him our song. The man looked slightly confused but agreed and began to set up the lyrics.

The boy dragged me onto the stage and handed me a microphone which I clutched with sweaty hands. I had no idea why I was nervous but Dan's wide smile melted away my doubts.

The opening notes blared out of shiny speakers and Dan leaned over to whisper in my ear

'Page each? I'll start'

I shivered at the feel of his breath on my neck and nodded, smiling crookedly.

'Baby, can't you see?

I'm calling

A guy like you should wear a warning

Its dangerous

I'm falling'

I gasped as his voice filled the room and many people lifted their heads. The notes were perfect and I wondered how Dan managed to get his voice that high.

The figure next to me pinched my arm and I looked up at the screen, realising it was my turn

'There's no escape

I can't wait

I need a hit

Baby, give me it

You're dangerous

I'm loving it'

I grinned over at Dan and he returned it. We sang verse after verse before coming to the chorus which we sang together.

'Oh, the taste of your lips I'm on a ride

You're toxic I'm slippin' under

With a taste of your poison paradise

I'm addicted to you

don't you know that you're toxic?'

The final notes rang out and I placed my microphone down, breathless.

Dan did the same and loud claps filled my ears, making me me look up I'm surprise.

My boyfriend laughed and bowed before grabbing my hand and practically dragging me down the stairs.

'Now was that good or what?' He asked when we reached the floor and I nodded, unable to speak.

Dan's eyes caught mine and he giggled. Slowly, I leaned forward and caught his lips in mine, sucking on then slightly.

'Ew! Guysss'

My older brother came up behind us and groaned, pretending to throw up.

'Shut up Martin' I said, kicking my brothers foot.

'Its not my fault you decided to chew his face off in front of loads of people. Anyway, great singing you two, x-factor anyone?'

We all laughed but were interrupted by a stern looking doctor he coughed sharply to gain my attention.

'Mr Lester, we wanted to speak to you briefly, if you wouldn't mind'

'Of course' I replied, grabbing Dan's hand a beginning to pull him along.

'Alone' Stated the doctor firmly.

I pulled a sad face at Dan and kissed his cheek before following the doctor down endless hallways and finally arriving at a crystal white room.

'Now then Philip, we have some wonderful news for you'

'What's that then?' I asked uncertainly, hoping that it wasn't what it thought.

Ugh I honestly am so sorry, everything I write at the Moment is shit
I am trying I swear
Thanks for reading
-izzy x

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