Evalynn: Moving Home

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Knowing this was my final time I'd see a lot of these people, Christmas didn't feel right, though all too soon it was over. I was ready to move, ready to say goodbye to the life I knew. I was ready to get to be myself. I'd tucked my Christmas presents into spaces in boxes that I'd long since packed and knew that tomorrow afternoon I was ready to leave. In 48 hours time I'd be at home properly where I belonged and I'd be with mamma, Mick and Benjamin. She'd even texted me that a few minutes ago and now I was figuring out how to reply.
"Its good you had a nice Christmas Ev. I guess its probably a bit hard for you right now given all the goodbyes you'll be doing, but just think on the bright side. In 48 hours you'll be home baby and I can't wait to give you a massive hug (neither can Benjamin). X"
I knew what I wanted to say, it was just how did I word it? Eventually, after several different attempts, I decided I'd got it right.
"Ah I can't wait to see (and hug) you all! I'm ready, just slightly worried about saying goodbye to Lottie, Katie, Ian and Amy tomorrow afternoon. But I'm so looking forwards to being home Mamma. Xx"
I flicked though my colouring book as the message sent, finding a picture I hadn't finished, and stared at it. Would those roses look better coloured in red or pink? Would the cakes look nicer with blue icing or yellow? I started colouring the roses a soft pink, concluding I could always add in red hints later. My phone buzzed and I took a pause from colouring between roses to glance down to see who it was. It was mamma.
"I know it'll be hard baby girl but I know you'll be alright. Somehow us Tozer girls always are. I'll be waiting on Friday afternoon with a massive hug for you because I know how much you'll want one!"
I grinned and texted her back straight away.
"I'll definitely need the hug! And you're right, I'll be alright, because I'm part you and that makes me strong right?"
I went back to colouring, and was just finishing the last rose and coming against the issue of what colour to make anything else when I got a reply.
"So I showed Mick your message because I don't think I'm particularly strong, and according to him yes, being part me does make you strong. I love you Ev. X"
I concluded the icing on the cakes were being coloured blue, and coloured one in before returning my thoughts to mamma's message. I had to re-read it before I could think of how to reply. In the end I settled for the most simple, yet most important to us both phrase I could have sent her.
"I love you too mamma. Xx"

After colouring a few more iced cakes, it was starting to get late, so I put my pjs on and snuggled up to Josie, Tara sat on the edge of my desk watching over me like she usually did. I couldn't get comfortable no matter what I did. I tried for a good hour, rolling over, switching positions and all the other things people try when they can't sleep, but I just couldn't drift off. So I tried curling up to Faye bear instead. That just made me more excited about the whole thing, so I sighed and read a book. I was re-reading a lovely book called Wolf Princess, partly because I'd packed all of my books and I couldn't really borrow Lottie's or Katie's because I'd known I'd never finish them in time before I moved. Reading eventually calmed me down, and I tried snuggling up to Faye bear again. This time I drifted off to sleep without trying too hard.


The following morning I rushed around, checking I had everything of mine and putting things into boxes when I found them. I grabbed my three bears, tucking Tara in my pocket, Faye bear into my backpack for the journey and Josie went in my suitcase. And that was it. I was packed. My whole life sorted into three boxes and a suitcase. It was mad, but it was exciting all the same. I bundled my phone charger and book into my backpack and smiled. This was it and I was ready.
"Do you want to take some snacks Lynn?" Mummy Amy asked me as I walked downstairs to get a drink. "Because I made you a snack box."
I looked at the bag she was holding, filled with biscuits and sweets and took it from her hand. "Thank you." I said to her.
She smiled, then excused herself off to do something else. Sighing I went back upstairs, they were all sad I was leaving and, though I'd known all along they would be, I didn't want them to be. I was going away so I was happy and they didn't need to worry about me anymore, surely that would make them happier? But then I could see why they would be sad.

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