Faye: Gloucester

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I carefully closed the door to Benjamin's room and headed downstairs to the living room, where I already knew I'd find Mick. While I generally hated how it felt like time was passing too quickly (especially now with Benjamin), I was excited that tomorrow was almost here.
"Mick I'm going to Gloucester tomorrow!" I told him excitedly with one of my favourite infectious grins. I was going to have a meeting with Evalynn and her social worker, and from what I could tell on the matter both Evalynn and I were far too excited. It was going to be the first time I'd seen her since she'd found out I was her mamma and I was interested to see how she'd react about me now the initial excitement of the discovery had worn off. I was actually slightly worried she wouldn't want to be heavily involved with me any more, especially now she'd probably watched the TV show about the Steps tour (in fact I knew she had, she'd been very excited in telling me about it).
"I know! You've told me a few thousand times in the last few days." Mick replied smiling at me softly. "I'm happy for you, and actually I'm starting to get a little excited too, it'll be nice to see her again if she decides she does want ta come." He knew what I was planning to ask her, we'd discussed it intensively and concluded that the plan we now had was the best on we could have. Especially given I was once again trying to co-ordinate everything for a brief period of time I wasn't doing Steps stuff, and I only wasn't because Claire had insisted on having October half term off from work so she could spend time with Charlie. Complain about her devoted mothering as I did, there was a little part of me that was immensely thankful for it.
I nodded. "Yeah I think Ben's hoping she will too."
Mick laughed. "Yeah, I think he loves her already. Hey you might get some peace every now and then, imagine that!"
I contemplated hitting him playfully, but instead I smiled and snuggled closer to him "He really does, and he misses her. I love you so much."
"I love you too Tozie-boo." He said, gently pulling me a little tighter against him.
I tried not to laugh at his use of his favourite nickname for me, and cuddled up closer to him. With the two of us like this it was hard for me to imagine that I'd thought I'd found true happiness with Evalynn's father. Mick just made me so happy.


The following morning I was up earlier than I needed to be, Mick had dropped Benjamin off at pre-school on his way to work, so it was just me at home. I didn't need to leave for another hour, so instead of leaving stuff to be forgotten in a last minute rush I checked I had everything I needed in my bag. The plastic wallet I'd put Evalynn's birth certificate and adoption paperwork in (so it didn't get creased or wet in my bag)? Check. Wait, was the paperwork actually in there? I opened it up and it was, so the whole thing went back in my bag. A drink? Yep. Snacks (obviously much more important than a lot of things)? I definitely had a few of those. My locket that was twin to hers? No. I ran back upstairs to grab that, carefully put it on without using the mirror, and then felt satisfied I must have everything. I knew I had the purple maternal bracelet, because since I'd give her hers I hadn't taken mine off, except for shows and when I knew I was going to get wet.

I ate breakfast, then sat around watching morning TV and not doing much. I could start packing to go away at the end of the week, but that was an over-rated idea. I kept checking the time, paranoid that if I didn't I'd miss my opportunity to see Evalynn, and when the clock read dead on half ten I put on my shoes and coat and headed out. The journey to the train station was soothing and allowed me to not need to think about anything I didn't need to. Today was a happy day, I would see Evalynn again and she'd be really happy to see me. Why would she be excited about this if she didn't want to see me? She probably wouldn't. It'd be fine.
I loved trains, I loved long journeys watching the countryside going past and knowing in a few hours I'd be the other side of the country. Most people had thought I was weird when I'd said I didn't like being famous because I couldn't do normal things like get the train places and have picnics, but I'd always loved both. Apparently, most normal people didn't like getting trains, but there's always an exception, and I was usually it.

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