Evalynn: Endings

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Sorry for how depressing this chapter will be. If it somehow makes acceptable I was feeling quite down I started writing it and it was going to be sad anyway, just now it's more so.

I hadn't given much thought to how I'd say goodbye to Mia and Ash, and what was worse was that, to stop me from upsetting them too much, I didn't tell them straight away. About a week after I'd been told I couldn't hold it from them any longer and it had slipped out. They'd taken it well, better than I'd thought they would, but they were still worried about what it would mean for our friendship. I was worried too. They'd been my friends for so long I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to make new friends I liked as much as them. And how did I say goodbye to them in a short while's time?

"Evalynn. You got the highest in the class on the puzzle challenge yesterday." My maths teacher announced, drawing me from my imagination.
I looked up at her. "No way!" I replied.
"Yeah. You only made one mistake which was in the foxes and chickens problem." She replied.
I blushed while the people sat around me congratulated me. Some of them asked if I'd help them learn how to do the puzzles after Christmas break.
"Alex, Josh as much as I'd like to help you learn them I won't be here after Christmas because I'm moving away." I said.
"Oh no! Who can I mess around with in science now?" Alex asked.
I shrugged. "Sorry. We can keep in touch! I gave you my phone number right?"
"Nah it's cool. Oh yeah! We can still chat its fine."
I smiled, putting my pencil back in my pencil case when Mrs Mannagan told us we were going to do a team quiz in our table groups. It was a Christmassy general knowledge quiz, and it was fun to do with Alex, Josh and Keira because we all knew about different things so it made for fun as each of us took on our own separate rolls for the different rounds. We didn't win, but it was funny all the same.


At the end of my last lesson of the day I had to go though a final 10 minutes of tutor time. My last 10 minutes being in 7L (standing for Longlevens as all the tutor groups were named after a suburb of Gloucester). I didn't really want to because there wasn't much point in talking about what to expect next term given I wouldn't be here, but I sat through it anyway.
"Finally 7L I think we all want to join in with saying a loving farewell to Evalynn, who's moving away to be with her family and won't be coming back in January." My tutor announced. "Do you wanna come up to the front Evalynn?"
I looked up, blushing deeply as I stood and headed to the front of the room. "Thank you." I said very quietly as I was handed a card. "I'm going to miss you guys!" I added. After everyone had said a group goodbye I was sent back to my seat where I opened the card. Inside it said 'We wish you all the very best in your new life with your family' and everyone in the tutor group had signed it, some adding messages to the effect of 'good luck' or 'I'll miss you'.

And then, just like that, it was over, and Mia, Ash and I were walking back from the school together for the last time.
"Man it'll be weird doing this without you Lynnie!" Ash announced as we walked up the hill towards our houses.
"I'm gonna miss this!" I replied glancing between the two of them. "But it's okay. We'll stay in touch. I know we will."
Mia nodded, though she was already welling up with tears and I looked over at Ash. She looked like she wanted to sob too so I sighed and took them both into a tight hug there and then in the middle of the alleyway we were stood in. They both tucked one arm round me and one arm round each other, and we all promised each other it would be alright even though we were all crying.
"You have to meet with us before you leave Lynnie." Mia said to me when I let them both go.
"I will I promise you, because it might be a long time before I next get to see you." I replied.
Mia nodded, wiping away her tears and I bit my lip. I knew this part would never have been easy, saying goodbye to your two best friends and not knowing when you'll ever see them again would always be hard for anyone, but I hadn't expected us all to cry as much as we did in that last walk up onto the park. Sobbing so much hurt. I was almost glad in a way to go into the house and be able to snuggle up to Faye bear. In two weeks time I'd be home and I'd be able to hug mamma again, but for now I was still making do with Faye bear, for now she was still enough.

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