Evalynn: Invitations

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I was really wishing I had Tara at home as I waited for Maria to come and collect me the morning I was going to see mamma again. Instead of being in my school uniform like I would be any other Wednesday morning (I obviously wasn't going to school today as I'd been allowed the day off to go see mamma), I was dressed relatively nice, just because I knew I was getting chance to go backstage and I wanted to make a good impression on H, Lee and Claire. Instead of Tara I was taking Josie, and hoping that I'd be able to keep a firm hold on her at all times. I was pretty used to keeping hold of teddies so I knew I could, just normally it was a smaller one. I fiddled with my tiny backpack, containing a drink and some snacks just to be sure it was still there.
There was a knock on the front door and I was up like a shot, suddenly everywhere at once. This was it, the moment I was getting to go see Mamma on stage again.
"Alright Evalynn chill darling." Mummy Amy to me as she unlocked the door.
"But... But... But today's the day and I can't wait! I get to see mamma and Aunty Lisa and Aunty Clare and Aunty Clara..." I squealed. I knew Aunty Clare was coming to look after me during the show, mostly because apparently Faye wasn't actually allowed to see me for any length of time without her sister seeing me at least once.
Maria looked at me as the door opened and smiled. "I should have guessed you wouldn't be able to stay still. Oh I'm not sure you should take the bear Evalynn, where's the little lamb you normally take?"
"She's with mamma. I left her behind on accident but it's okay cause mamma's looking after her. So I'm taking Josie instead. I'm really excited!" I replied.
Maria smiled. "Alright, come along then."
"Alright Evalynn be good, don't upset anyone or get too in the way will you. I'll be up later when you get home, make sure you text me when you get back to the Gloucester junction okay." Mummy Amy told me.
I nodded, hugged her, then headed to the car. Maria and Mummy Amy talked when they thought I was out of earshot, and I heard the words 'big change' and 'worried' mentioned, though I didn't know what they were talking about. I shrugged it off, it probably wasn't anything too bad, after all if either of them were really worried about what I was doing one of them would have spoken to me about it by now. I hopped in the car, did up my seat belt and positioned my bag near my feet. I sat Josie on my lap knowing I'd need her as I got progressively more excited as the journey went on.


Getting to Wolverhampton only takes a couple of hours from Gloucester, but it feels like eternity, especially when you're very excited and can't sit still. But I made it, and like I'd promised her I texted mamma when we got near where we were meeting. I smiled massively when I saw she was sat on a small wall waiting for me. It wasn't exactly a surprise, I knew she would be so I didn't get lost, but it was still really nice to see her just waiting for me. I took off my seat belt, making a move to grab the door handle and run to mamma when Maria spoke to me.
"Evalynn, I need you to know that anything you might get asked is completely your choice. You don't have to do anything just because your mamma asks if you want to, only if you feel ready." Maria told me.
I glanced back at her. "What?"
She frowned. "Oh of course she doesn't know Ri it's a surprise." She mumbled. "Your mamma intends to ask you an important question, and it's completely up to you whether you say yes or no. It might cause some big changes in your life, but it's up to you."
I bit my lip. Maybe that's what mummy Amy and Maria were on about, because I could now make a vague guess at what that question might be. Would it be her asking me to move in with her? I hoped so. "Okay I promise. You'll meet me where we arranged afterwards?" I checked.
Maria nodded. "I have to!" She laughed. "But yes, I'll be there ready to hear all about it Evalynn."
I'd told her in great detail about the last trip on the train back and, though she probably heard stories from excited young girls all the time after their first placement or home "sleepover", she'd taken it all on board (no doubt making notes for future reference in my file when we got back), and added replies and comments where appropriate.
I opened the door and got out, gripping Josie as tight as I could only to have Maria call me back again. She was lent over the passenger seat, holding my bag out to me. Grabbing it I blushed and mumbled my thanks, and she smiled, nodding in the direction of Faye. "Off you go then, have a nice time and I'll see you later." She said.

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