Evalynn: Tickets

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Charlotte and Katie had been keeping something from me since Katie had got back from Uni at the start of December. I, naturally, just didn't know what that was. We were staying at our aunt's house, which gave us little leeway to talk privately so I could ask them what was going on, so I had to be satisfied with the situation. And I wasn't planning on asking them now when I had to share a room with them both for two nights.

Tomorrow was Christmas day, and I was too excited to sleep, as all 10 year old girls always were on Christmas eve. I'd already finished my first book of the night I'd started a few days ago, The Wind in the Willows, and had now moved on to book number two, 500 Mile Walkies. I'd already read both in the past (500 Mile Walkies when we'd been down to Devon during the summer), but I loved them both too much to not read them again. I loved the smell of Mummy Amy's old books from when she'd been growing up, so I'd read many of them, and was looking forwards to reading more as I got older and she let me read more of them. I'd got to about half way through North Cornwall: the Difficult Bit in 500 Mile Walkies before I had to surrender and go to sleep.


I woke up to Charlotte (who, along with her sister, I was sharing the back bedroom with) shaking my shoulder. "Wake up Evvie, it's Christmas!" She said.
I smiled at her, then pushed the covers off me. "Lets go! Lets go!" We weren't allowed to open our stockings until after all five of us had eaten breakfast, so it was customary for us three to go wake up Mummy Amy and Daddy Ian. Although Katie usually didn't join in these days.
Charlotte smiled at me, and we ran up the stairs to the room that Mummy Amy and Daddy Ian were sharing. Charlotte didn't resist, jumping at her parents and yelling "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" But this year something nagged and held me back. Something was off balance, something was about to change everything, but I didn't know what. I pushed my thoughts back and joined Charlotte in noisily waking up our parents.

When they finally got out of bed we ate breakfast together. Charlotte and I ate quickly, way more excited by the idea of finding out what was in our stockings than what our food tasted like. Or what flavour jam my Aunty had. Mummy Amy ate more slowly, but as soon as she was finished she headed into the living room and I heard her put on a Christmas CD. Daddy Ian gave both me and Charlotte a glass of fruit juice that he told us we had to drink before we could go into the other room. I downed mine whist hardly breathing between mouthfuls.
"I'm ready!" I squealed, after swallowing the last mouthful and slamming my cup back down on the table.
"Go on then Evalynn." Daddy Ian said to me.
I grinned at Charlotte and stuck my tongue out at her, before heading into the front room for our stocking presents. She stuck her tongue out in return and soon followed me in. We sat on the sofa together and waited for Katie to be ready. When she finally managed to join us, Mummy Amy gave each of us our stocking. I could predict what sort of things would be in it, but it was always exciting being the first presents I got to open on Christmas (before the presents from my family and the family friends).

Predictably, Santa had left me a reading book, pack of socks, shampoo, pjs, and some nice bubble bath, along with a handful of other little presents. But I was excited for after lunch when we got to open the big presents. Because somewhere there'd be a present from my birth mum. And I was so excited to see what she'd sent me. The morning dragged, Christmas morning always did. As spoilt as I sounded when I complained about it, I didn't want to play the card game I'd got in my stocking presents, I wanted to open the other presents. Not for the material items, for the bi-annual contact from my birth mum. I wanted more hints towards who she was - from her presents, from her notes - and where I might find her one day.


"Right Evvy, do you want to go first?" My aunt asked. Charlotte and I had sorted the presents by who they were addressed to, and now the three us kids were sharing a sofa together.
"I can do." I replied, picking up the nearest of my presents. It was from another of my Aunts, and contained a fleece jumper I knew I'd probably never wear.

I got a wide variety of gifts, DVDs, a box of sweets, more books, and now there were only two left. One was an envelope, the other was a weird shape. One was from my birth mum, one was from Katie. I took my pick ready to unwrap my next gift as Mummy Amy carefully unwrapped the iron bead place mat I'd made her.
"Oh Evalynn it's lovely." She said.
I grinned at her, unsure of what to say, and looked at the envelope. "With love from Katie." All I knew was that Charlotte also had an envelope, and her's was also from Katie. I looked at her around Lottie and smiled as I carefully unstuck the flap. There was a letter folded inside. From inside the letter a photo fell out. The promotional photo for the new Steps tour.
"Happy Christmas, and also Happy Birthday. I planned this to happen for both.
On the 13th of April you will be coming to Cardiff Arena with Lottie and I. Confused? Think about who's touring in the Spring.
Still confused? I know how much you love them, and I know Mummy thought you were too young to go see them live next year, but I spoke to her and asked her to let you go. She agreed, but made me promise that Charlotte and I would go with you and look after you. So Evvy, if you hadn't figured it out yet, you're coming with me and Lottie to go see Steps' tour in the spring. The tickets are arriving in February time for us.
Lots of love,
Katie Xx"
I looked at my foster sister, lost for words. "You... you encouraged her to let me go?" I asked, unsure if I'd miss understood.
Katie grinned at me. "Indeed I did."
I stared at her, then jumped up from my seat and hugged her. "Thanks Katie! I love you, I love you so much!"
I sat back down, and stared at the photo, as we went round the circle again. Charlotte's gift from Katie was the same as mine, though what exactly the letter said was slightly different.
While my uncle was unwrapping his 3rd bottle of rum Charlotte lent over to me. "We invited Mia and Ash to come with Lexus as well."
I smiled. I already couldn't wait.

Soon my turn came around again and I looked at my final present. Assuming my guess was correct, this was from my mamma. And I was right. I ripped off the paper, excited to see what was inside. A purple fleece blanket, decorated with white lines creating boxes. I unfolded it, my natural curiosity taking over, to see how big it was, and there was a card inside. I opened it up and smiled. There was my note from mamma.
"My darling Baby Evalynn (though I don't suppose you're a baby now really),
I don't know what your plans for this coming year are Evalynn, but in case you're planning on travelling like I am, I want you to have this. When I used to travel a lot I always took my fleece blanket for comfort - to remind me of home, and so I could stay warm and snuggled up when I was travelling - so I thought maybe you'd also like one.
All of my love Mamma. Xx"
Then her favourite heart inside a heart symbol to sign it off. I pulled the blanket close to my face and sniffed it, it smelt nice. I then folded the blanket and tucked the card back into the middle of it, before putting the blanket into my bag of presents.
"Who was that one from Lynnie? And what does the card say?" My Uncle asked.
"It's from Mamma. The card just says about how when she used to travel she always took a fleece blanket with her." I replied.
"Do you know who your Mamma is? Or are you a bit young to start trying to find her?" My uncle asked again.
"I don't know. But one day I will." I said.
"Now now, it's Christmas, so lets not go upsetting each other." Mummy Amy butted in.
I looked at her and nodded. I was hiding my tears, but later I'd let them out. When I could curl up with Faye Bear, Josie and Tara (my name for the toy lamb I'd always had). One day. One day I'd be able to ditch the accumulated bears for telling my problems and tell mamma about this.

I was happy. I had my new letter from Mamma, I had tickets to go see Steps, and I had a new blanket. And maybe while she was travelling she'd come and find me. It wasn't impossible after all.

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