Chapter 16

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Dancing was hard.
It was a workout for anyone who tried it really.
But Todoroki found it the exact opposite, he has finally finished stretching, ready to dance and practice the dances he and some of his friends were going to have to dance together the next night.

He opened his phone to look at the list of song they were going to dance to 'this is gonna be long' he thought looking over the list:
1. WAP
2. Gasolina - mix
3. Body
4. Bad guy
5. Finesse
6. Twerk
7. Thick
8. Let's get loud
9. 7 rings
10. Azukita
11. Manolo
12. Mic drop
13. Tap in
14. Woman like me
15. Wild thoughts
16. Havana
17. Cheap thrills
18. Swalla
19. Bodak yellow
20. My oh my
21. Thats what I like
22. Feel it still
23. Party
24. Believer
25. Power
26. High hopes
27. Taki taki
28. 34+35
29. I like it
30. Gangsta

To say that list was manageable he couldn't.
Sure he was used to dancing five to ten dances on normal days or openings but that was something he didn't think was possible.
Thinking back he remembered that they were told not everyone will dance in every dance unless they were leading the routine or someone was injured and they were the next best option. Meaning even if he wasn't supposed to dance in all dances he had his work cut out for him 'better start practicing I guess' he sighed placing the speaker down on the grass and turning on his first song on the list.

20:18 PM, 1-A's Dormitory -

"Everyone! Dinner!" Yelled Hagakure and soon footsteps followed and soon the class was down at the dinning area, all except for one "where's Todoroki?" Asked Iida looking to make sure everyone was there ready for dinner "thats weird. Isn't Todoroki usually here helping set the table?" Asked Sero confused "he didn't help us today.. he might be in his room?" Momo suggested "I'll go check! You guys can go sit down for dinner" suggested Midoriya as he ran up the stairs to Todoroki's room.
It didn't take him long before he came back "Todoroki-kun isn't there! He's door was unlocked too" Midoriya informed the class, the news alerting them, "we should go look for him" Denki said getting many nods from the others "Alright! Most of you will stay here! I want five of you to go and search for him outside he might have gone out when no one noticed!" Iida spoke loudly "me, bakubro, Deku, Kaminari and Tsu can go look for him outside" spoke up Kirishima almost immediately surprised when he didn't hear any problems "alright! Everyone else search the dormitory" Momo stood up from her chair.
Usually no one would be so on edge but this time was different.
After all, Todoroki was still hurt, his leg and arm may have healed for the most part but he still wasn't allowed to use his quirk.

The group of students exited the dormitory and almost instantly looked around hoping to spot him "Let's start walking around, I know Todoroki likes being in quiet places so maybe he went somewhere quiet" Midoriya suggested "he does go to the grass field at school when he gets a headache from training"  Tsu spoke up "guess were searching grass fields" Kirishima sighed "why did you even need me here?! I could be eating already. Damn Halfnhalf will be fine" Bakugou retorted, true he was worried for his boyfriend but no one in the class knew the two were together and unless Todoroki wanted to tell them he would be more than happy to keep his mouth shut, "to remind you, the four of us can't use our quirk much like Iida and Momo! If something happened at least we are in the best physical shape to help him out and Denki and Tsu can use their quirks" Kirishima answered Bakugou earning a groan in return "say am I imagining it or do I hear music?" Questioned Denki suddenly earning everyone's attention "what the hell are you talking about Dunce face?" Asked Bakugou 'Todoroki did like to dance' he thought "now that you say it yeah I hear it too" Kirishima spoke up as he began walking.
As the group got closer and closer the louder the music got before finally it stopped "think he might be here?" Asked Midoriya looking around "dude look straight" Kaminari laughed and soon everyone  were looking to see who was infront of him "are we not gonna call over to him?? We have to get back s-" Midoriya began talking when the sound of music began back up "oh I'm watching this!" Bakugou laughed he couldn't wait to see his boyfriend dance again, the song playing was all too familiar.

The group was standing is awe amazed to see the happening infront of them, watching every move the duel hair colored teen made, catching glimpse of his face from time to time.

Before they knew the song was over and the teen fell to the floor, tired.
"Todoroki-kun! Are you alright?!" He heard the loud yell and recognized it instantly "MIDORIYA??" he questioned as he quickly got up from the ground noticing the group of teens, they stayed quiet as Todoroki caught his breath "never knew you could dance todobro!" Kirishima ran up to him giving him a side hug "uh-huh t-thanks Kirishima" he spoke clearly embarrassed "hey he means it! Those were some sweet moves!" Kaminari cheered Todoroki "how come you never told us you move like that! Mina would have been so happy! We have to tell her!" Again Kaminari spoke, Todoroki shook his head "please don't. I really don't want anyone to know about this" he spoke tired from his long period of dancing "uh guys, sorry to interpret but we have a dinner to eat" Midoriya said, Todoroki gave him a confused look "how come you came here searching for me if dinner is ready?" "Midoriya didn't find you in your room so everyone decided to look for you" answered Tsu "Didn't you think to just call me? I'm thankful you were worried for me but we do have phones on us" Todoroki pined the bride of his nose hearing the embarrassed laughs from the other "can we get back to the dorms now?? I'm hungry ya damn extras" finally spoke Bakugou, Kirishima sighed "I guess we should start going back".

Thankfully this time Todoroki texted the others informing them of the confusion telling everyone to go eat.


Hello everyone!
Happy new year!
I hope this year will be good to us all
And I hope your year has started on a good note!

I wanted to thank all of you for getting
us to this point and time!
It makes me really happy!

Do you guys want me to publish the next chapter today?
(I have already finished writing it 😋)


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