chapter 10

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⚠︎𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎!⚠︎
⚠︎𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎, 𝚗𝚎𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝, 𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜!
⚠︎𝙿𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 (⚠︎) 𝚜𝚢𝚖𝚋𝚘𝚕.

"Nothing specific happened.. I guess when Bakugou and I finished talking I wasn't comfortable with the silence and I panicked a little. But I'm fine! really guys" Todoroki spoke, he knew his friends would be worried about him but that was the last thing he wanted to happen. Momo sighed as she nodded making it seem like she believed the boy but then again Todoroki knew better than that "Momo, babe, please don't. I really am fine I was just startled a little and Tsu noticed so she brought me here to calm down" he tried explaining again, this time noticing Momo's expression as she seemed to have bought the bait "alright now that Mom is calm we can go eat some food even if I would rather stay here and hug Todoroki because he is halfway tired and cuddly" said Shoji as he let go of the boy in his grip "he always cuddles with you. give the boy some space heh" Tokoyami joked around trying to lighten the mood at least the slightest amount.

The friend group finally made it downstairs after a rough 40 minutes, thankfully none of them were asked as to why they haven't came down earlier but they believed it was thanks to Tsu and Jiro who managed to get the others to lay off of their backs "you really like to keep me waiting huh?" Todoroki heard a familiar voice before the all to familiar tall blonde stepped in front of him "o-oh.. hey Bakugou" his gaze on the floor as he mumbled "everything alright?" Asked the blonde his tone noticeably softer than usual, the shorter only managed out a nod before the doors to the section revealed none other than his older brother Natsu, Shouto let out he breathe he didn't know he was holding "GOOD MORNING!" the male yelled "I'm Natsu Todoroki your classmates older brother for those who haven't meet me yesterday" the older male continued "breakfast is ready isn't it?" Todoroki asked as he stepped closer to his brother "sure is! Follow me to the dinning room everyone" Natsu continued his words from earlier before leaving to the common section in which the dinning room was located "you know this isn't over right?" Said a voice behind Todoroki this time to familiar to not be Bakugou, the shorter sighted "I do.. but right now I'm hungry, can this wait until like next hour?" Todoroki turned around to face the taller noticing his class following close behind talking between them or with his brother "as long as you don't run away from me sure".

10:13 AM -

By now, most of the class has eaten a breakfast. Some still eating and some sitting around the table talking, since they were a large number of students they had to move from the kitchens normal dinning table to the large dinning room that was usually used for when the family had visitors like other pro heros or family members from different parts of Japan, thankfully enough that table had 24 seats, so the class didn't have any problem settling down.
"Alright! So what do you guys say that we go what some movies? I would have suggested a game but after yesterday I'm pretty much out of game idea's" spoke Mina who sat between Sero and Kaminari "We could use the mini theater that we saw on the second floor!" Spoke up Hagakure "choose a movie and we can set it up" Todoroki responded he hoped this way he could sneak out and talk to Bakugou about what happened, hell, he needed to speak to the taller blonde. He just hoped the blonde would actually speak to him and not tell him to pretend as if it didn't happen.

The class has decided on a horror movie, they thought it would be a good idea to watch something thrilling more than anything else.
Todoroki looked at the clock, '10:53' in less than two hours he was supposed to start his training, he wasn't going to let his classmates change the fact that he needs to practice, he looked at some of his classmates, his friend group was sitting together on the floor next to him, he noticed how the Dekusquad wasn't paying any real attention as they were talking with each other. He wanted to look at Bakugou, admire his looks like he usually did from his seat in class but when he looked at the boy he saw those dark orange eyes staring back at him.
Feeling uncomfortable he looked away, he felt guilty for no reason, he knew that. But his stomach still turned on itself when ever he remembered what he did, sure, Bakugou returned the kisses, he held him, hugged him, he recalled the activities from not long ago 'this has to mean something right? He wouldn't do it with anyone' the boy thought, the two never had a well known relationship between them, for most they seemed as classmates or rivals, only some people knew the two were closer, not many knew how they hang out after school hours, how they study in the city's library together, how despite having different tastes when it comes to food, go on their way from school to eat together, they enjoyed each other's company even if it didn't seem like it when in school but then again they are still students in the hero course where everyone strives to become the best.

The young teen looked around the room, he sat behind most of the class the only one next to him, Tokoyami, Shoji and Yaoyorozu. He decided he could use some fresh air and went to stand up from the carpeted floor and leave the room alerting the three next to him incase he was needed.

Once Todoroki stepped outside he sighted, he wasn't used to so many people in his house unless they were his fathers sidekicks or some of their family friends, the boy looked around the garden, the doors to all sections mostly far away as he began walking around the house on the hidden grass path that was only bearly seen, at the end of it he arrived at a small fish pond, it was one of his favorite places in the entire house, it was calm and quiet. You could hear how the small waves shifted around because of the fish.
He sat on one if the big rocks out next to the pond he enjoyed watching the fish.

The garden was large, both front and back gardens had a beautiful view to them too, it was well kept by the garden keepers who came by every week to make sure nothing happened, after all, the members of the house had fire and Ice quirks, so as expected when training their quirks sometimes the gardens would be either burned half way or frozen.

Todoroki looked around the garden, it was quiet like usual, he lived slightly further away from other houses in his street, so it wasn't as loud in the morning times or evenings.

Minutes passed as Todoroki sunk into his thoughts, he soon began to daydream, zoning out into his own little world...

"MAMA!" One scream "DAD STOP IT!" another scream followed by a muffled cry "I CAN'T! TOUYA WHERE ARE YOU?!" his father yelled, the noise of his older sister crying as she was taken away by their mother was heard in the distance as Todoroki watched his father and older brother desperately try to tame the fire his oldest brother Touya started during his training.
Smoke could be seen from miles away, the house was burning at a rapid pace and only one person has yet made it out of the fire, Touya.
Todoroki watched with horror, tears buildings up in his eyes, his vision became blurry with every passing second..

Suddenly he was in the hospital,
"How is he?" Asked Rei, as the doctor exited the room, "he's alright, he overworked his quirk but other than that he is alright, you may go see him" the doctor said, doing his best to smile at the mother, the two, Fuyumi and Shouto watching from the side, tired and scared, their brother Natsuo, in the hospital room in front of them, finally free to see his family, their father was at the police station, filling out the forms of the recent fire at their house and Touya's disappearance..

His body shook rapidly, quietly whimpering from what it looked like, he finally came back to his senses. Panic attack. His third one that month, they were getting only worse and worse.

Five years. It took them five years to come back..

You Are A WHAT?! - A bakutodo story *discontinued?*Where stories live. Discover now