Chapter 22

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'The big three' so were the top students of UA called, the consisted of two boys and one girl,
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado

Currently we're helping train class 1-A.
Well, most of class 1-A since Bakugou was on house arrest and Todoroki didn't feel welcomed to train with them since he didn't have his hero license like the others he stood aside from them, as he watched his class try to take on the third year student Mirio.
He didn't want to admit that he basically just watched as they failed to take on the older, "his quirk seems to take on a different level than ours, how is that?" Todoroki asked Aizawa who simply smirked "his quirk isn't something you might have seen before, and true while you all seem to have amazing quirk his is only up a level higher because he had more time to learn how to control it" spoke a voice unfamiliar to the boy, he turned to face the shy Tamaki "I don't belive it's his only advantage, he seems to be able to focus while keeping his head clear, mostly working by muscle memory for the most part" Todoroki spoke earning confused looks from both Aizawa and The third year "how'd you pick up on that so fast? I honestly thought it would take problem children the least time to understand and yet he us still trying to figure it out" Aizawa asked confused, Todoroki shrugged "all of his attacks consist of close range and hand to hand, meaning his quirk is only useful to that extent, but he talks to every like its nothing all while using his quirk to his full advantage, if I had to guess both from his fighting style and his quirk he trust his muscle memory when it comes to fighting and his ability when it comes to his quirk" Todoroki spoke fast yet clear enough for both to hear, Tamaki smiled, interested by the boys ability to catch those details so fast "are you sure your quirk isn't analyzing a person? You seem to be good at it" he commented, Todoroki thought back to his fight at the beginning of the year with Iida and Midoriya against stain, 'thanks to the old man analyzing a person from the way they fight to the way he gets around it isn't that hard, just like when I figured Stains quirk..' he thought "guess I just got a talent to reading a person" he shrugged, earning a chuckle from his homeroom teacher "Endeavor taught you well I see, its honestly a shame you can't be up there, maybe you would have been able to help" he spoke looking as another student fell to his knees defeated by the older "its seems like my quirk wouldn't have been to much use, or at least not my ice side that is" Todoroki though out loud.
The fight didn't take long before it ended, class 1-A left defeated and embarrassed from the events that happened only minutes ago, Todoroki watched as his class mates began to make their way to the showers outside the training ground they currently used, his home room teacher Aizawa too left minutes ago, as he made his way to the teachers lounge for his lunch break, he was only left with the top three students, "so split hair!, how come you didn't give a shot at beating me?" Togata asked the younger teen "My quirk isn't suitable to fight some one with a quirk like yours" he stated simply as he began to make his way out the training grounds "you should give yourself a little bit more credit, you managed to catch on to his quirk pretty well not to mention fast" Tamaki spoke up as he walked along side the boy, "you seem to know your abilities really well!" Cheered Nejire as she ran to the boys, "thank you" Todoroki smiled softly at the older girl "course! Honestly you seem really interesting, would you mind if to spend lunch with us! I kinda want to get to know more about you Todoroki" She spoke earning a nod from Mirio and a head shake from Tamaki "Nejire you don't know the boy! Leave him be" spoke the shy one earning a punch to the ribs by the older blonde "I wouldn't mind, My friends and I usually skip this period of lunch until around there are 20 minutes left to it" Todoroki admitted earning a smile from the girl "awesome! We'll meet you at the entrance to the cafeteria! Take your time" Mirio spoke up as he began to walk to the changing rooms belonging to class 3-A, Todoroki simply nodded as he began his separate way to his classes changing room.

The day went remotely fast after the training session his class had and the lunch he spent with the third year olds, he was actually happy he got close to them, they even exchanged numbers since "we all have good marks! If you ever need help with anything school related or you just get bored text us!" By Nejire's words, they all could help Shouto out if he ever needed it.
He appreciated their help more than anything, sure he was surprised that the third years out of everyone wanted to help him, give him their numbers and eat lunch with them but he didn't complain not one bit,
He enjoyed his time with the third years, he got to know them well, he got to joke around with them, he got to watch both Togata and Nejire tease Tamaki who he later learned were all in a relationship together, for almost a year now.
It was then when he finished his final period that he noticed Nejire opened a group for all four of them, and so on his way back to the dormitory who was he not to text the group of students who were so nice to him.

Finally he arrived back at the dormitory he noticed that he came in fairly early as only five students were already there, some of which included Yaoyorozu and Iida, he believed he also heard Midoriya as he began his walk to the stairs, taking his time to get to his dorm and get out of his uniform,
"Took you long enough, I was wondering when you would get here" he heard Bakugou as he stepped into his already unlocked dorm room "you found my spare key? Or did I forget to lock the dorm?" He asked the blonde who just chuckled as he pulled out a key with his rooms number on it, "since I'm on cleaning duty and you guys are off studying leaving me here alone, I went over to Aizawa's office here in the dorms, and noticed he had copies of all the rooms, at least like three times, guess its incase we ever loose them or something but I took two, one for me in case I ever need to get inside your dorm and one for you for my dorm" he explained earning a groan and a disappointed face from Todoroki "you know you could get in even more trouble for that right? I don't need you on cleaning duty for a key when I could've gave you one" he places his bag on the floor near the door and made his way to his bed where Bakugou sat, he kissed him softly on the lips and nuzzled his face into the crook of the younger boys neck "I didn't know you made a spare, and I already have them so no point in putting them back is there?" Bakugou asked his lips brushing against the boys neck, he smiled in return "I'm not covering for you if you get caught" he laughed slightly "and I wouldn't have let you anyways, now come on, dinner will be in like three hours, and I had a long day cleaning so I need a nap and I wouldn't mind having you nap here with me" spoke the blonde letting a yawn escape as he fell back sinking into the soft mattress, Todoroki rolled his eyes before to, settling down on the bed, moving closer to the older teen who in return wrapped his arms around the boys waist and lightly kissed his forehead.

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