chapter 1

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10:57 PM, Sunday night-
Todoroki's family household-

The door slid back to a close as Shouto turned around to face the bright corridors of his home,
The young teen just got back home from another night out at the club he worked at.
He walked down the corridor when he was met with an open door to the living room, his father sitting there watching TV 'he probably waited for me to get home' Thought Shouto "it's good to see that you're back home son" Enji welcomed his son, the two's relationship was never the best, but as the years went by Enji grew to understand what he did wrong and started to make up for it in the best way he could to his three children "yeah, I didn't think I would come back this late.. I usually get off early on a school night. Sorry for making you wait" admitted Shouto as he looked embarrassed a smile creeping to his face, noticing his father smiling lightly, "you had fun, it doesn't matter if you were later than usual. But I do suggest getting ready for bed" said Enji getting up to pat his son on his shoulder earning a nod as the young teen left to go to his room.

It took him about five minutes to get to his part of the house as he passed his sisters, brothers, and fathers parts of the house.

Shouto always loved having his own section to the house as it consisted of his things and rooms he found needed such as a bedroom, bathroom, and a training room along with a decent dance studio for the days he didn't have time to go to the club he performed at, he was thankful his father thought of the idea back when he was only born, after all the family always had money to spare, the salary of the pro hero alone was enough to pay for the house and more, so when shouto was born the family chose to change the way their house was built, sure it was a long and torturing year but at the end, it was worth it. The house consisted of five floors not including the basement and attic in which they stored some of their old belongings.
The house had a large garden to it, some would even go out and say the Todoroki's house was one of the biggest mansions in the city they lived and was easily larger in size when compared to the yaoyorozu's family's large mansion, but one thing that stood out in the Todoroki's house was that it was separated into multiple sections, seven to be exact.
Each consisted of their own five floors, a small basement, and an attic. The sections were separated in a simple way, one section belonged to the main rooms, such as a kitchen, dinning room living room, a small gym, a few spare rooms, two bathrooms and a decent sized library, the second section of the house and closest to the first was Enji's and Rei's the parents section, it consisted of 10 rooms much like all the sections in the house, one was for Enji's many rewards for being a hero, one was used as a place for them to pay there bills and count their earnings as a couple much like an office, one was used as their shared bedroom, two were used as separated bathrooms because of their different styles and tastes and of course each took a room for their own need, Rei chose to make a work room out of it, while Enji made another workout space and office for himself, the other three were used for storage mostly, so did the sections of Natsu and Fuyumi's sections looked like with their own illustrations such as no Gyms but Fuyumi sure had an office in which she would work her job as a teacher from when she had the chance, and a room for Natsu to study his medical records as he learned to become a doctor.
Shouto's sections was on the far end of the house as he enjoyed it like that, one of the section next to his belonged to Natsu, his sections consisted of his own large bedroom, a workspace for school work, usually people would say it resembled a large living room and an office altogether, a gym and a dance studio, 1 large bathroom, a guest bedroom incase a friend of his would ever come over and have to spend the night, a traditional shower, a mini kitchen, his own as he called it 'snack room', a TV room for the nights he wanted to watch a movie, a large closet and one of his most favorite rooms, his old play room, although he would never admit it to his friends but he always had a weakness for soft stuffed toys that he stored there along with some other things he found 'useful' the last section of the house was previously used by the oldest son, Touya, but after unfortunate events and his disappearance the section was changed largely and mostly by Shouto, he made the section to consist of a small movie theater, a game room with all sorts of things, an indoor pool for the fun part of the idea, a large study room incase he even needed to use it and with Enji's permission he took down the walls in the third to fifth floors remaking the place to hold 3 new medium sized Bathrooms and 5 more large guest rooms. The house was truly something most people could only dream of.

Soon enough Shouto started getting ready for bed, after all he still had school tomorrow and from what he remembered he had a school trip to attend to so even more important then a normal day.
He was excited he loved school trips, but he knew he had to get the happy feeling to quiet down as quickly as possible, after all, he was known at school to be the cool always calm Todoroki, some even though he didn't know what basic fun was, but that was the vibe Todoroki had chosen to give off at school as to not attract too many people to swoon over him as the son of the no.2 pro hero Endeavor.
As Shouto began to take off his make up from previous events he chose to go ahead and turn some music on, the walls were thick anyway, not sound prof but it was definitely hard to hear what was going on behind the walls of his section of the house, so no one could hear Shouto no matter how much he sang the songs, soon enough after taking off all the make up he took off his normal clothes remembering to put the clothes he preformed in in the laundry, and he soon stepped into the shower before heading off to his soft bed for a good night's rest.

Soon enough he was ready for bed as he finally took the towel off of his head as he let his damp hair free choosing to blow dry it before settling in his bed, the teen was currently in his Pj's a shot baby blue tank top along with some pearly white short shorts alongside with a silky white kimono robe to finish off his look.

As Todoroki dried his hair his mind went off to think about someone, more specifically a hot-headed Teen older than his by almost ten months, Katsuki Bakugou, his crush since the beginning of his school year at AU, he didn't know how it happened that the older teen caught his eye so quickly but he didn't question it, he just chose to go with it, the crush never fading away except for those nights when he would stay at the club, telling his father he was staying over for his workmates shows but in reality he was having fun playing around with someone who he knew would make him feel good and satisfied for the rest of the night and maybe next morning, his thoughts were cut short soon after, his hair finally dried, Shouto quickly sprayed it with some liquid moisturizer and went off to bed, a small smile plastered on his face.

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