Chapter 11

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The movie was still going but Bakugou didn't even bother to look like he cared.
He lied saying he was going to the bathroom, before leaving his classmates, he wanted to find Todoroki and speak to him, he needed to explain to him how he felt 'I might have fucked this up big time..' he thought, he recalled not talking to Todoroki after the younger woke up, he recalled his texts from earlier from his friends telling him to ask the boy out, asking HIS crush out, and yet he didn't.

So finally, hours later he chose to go speak to him.
The boy finally managed to leave the so called house section without alerting any of their classmates, he looked at the sky as if hoping for a clue before searching for his phone in his pocket "I'll ask him where he is, and if he doesn't answer then I'll figure it out the hard way.

His room, that was currently the only place he felt safe in, away from anyone who could see him like this.
His duel hair was messed up and the dried tears were still visible on his face along with his red eyes, he has managed to calm his breathing but it was still hard for him to stop thinking about that memory.

A quiet noise came from his phone, signaling a notification and soon came another and another.. and another.
The boy finally built up the courage and opened up his phone only to notice he got messages from the one person he didn't want to see in this situation.

He looked at the text, reading it for the fifth time in a row 'what am I supposed to reply?' He thought, he knew he wanted to answer him but he didn't know how

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He looked at the text, reading it for the fifth time in a row 'what am I supposed to reply?' He thought, he knew he wanted to answer him but he didn't know how..

Seconds passed before the boy sent the other a simple text 'you know where my room is.' Short and to the point, he looked over the texts once again before turning off his phone and placing it on his night stand, he began making up ideas on what to say once Bakugou arrived.

It didn't take long before a knock was heard from his door and as if on command his body felt limp and mind exhausted, he made his best efforts to get off his bed as he slowly made his way to the door. As the young teen finally opened the door to his bedroom he could hear the slight hitch of breath that came from the other boy, he didn't even dare to look the other in the eyes, he knew he looked like a mess,  no one had to point it out for him to know, he was the one how made it happen after all.

"Hey.. what happened?" Asked the older teen Todoroki bit his lip, he didn't have the guts to talk as he felt some tears build up in his eyes.. "I'm sorry, I look pathetic." He declared as he tried to steady his breath.
His eyes widened when he felt two arms grip at his waist, "I don't know who the hell told you it's okay to think that, but they are a moron and I'm going to beat their ass" Bakugou spoke through gritted teeth making the shorter chuckle, "now tell me what the hell happened so that I know how to help" he continued speaking, his grip on the boy only slightly tightened before he led the boy to his bed.


Utter shock, that was all you could see on Bakugou's face, he listened to the younger boy sitting next to him on bed carefully, not missing out on any word, he listened carefully as the younger teen spoke about what happened in the previous hours, adding information when he had to.

You Are A WHAT?! - A bakutodo story *discontinued?*Where stories live. Discover now