chapter 21

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Lunch went by fast, and he was happy for it.
He knew that the minute they finished eating he could take everyone to the one section they were at when they slept over.

And thankfully for him he was correct, currently they were sitting around at the large game room, Yaoyorozu, Mezo and Tokoyami were sitting around as they spoke with each other, Todoroki guessed they were speaking about the event that happened, Kirishima and Deku were having fun playing one of the games on the TV with Iida yelling at them for being to competitive, and Bakugou was sitting next to Todoroki both on the phone.

Bakugou couldn't focus on the happening, he opened a random app and made it seem like he was on his phone as he tried to get his mind off of what was currently going through his mind, Todoroki Shouto.
It took his about five minutes before he sighed, he couldn't take it anymore as he got up and stood up grabbed Todoroki wrist and pulled him out side the room to the garden, not even bothering to tell the others not to follow them.
"Do you need something? Baku-" "did I do something wrong?" Todoroki couldn't finish his sentence before Bakugou pinned him to one of the closest walls and asked him the question, he glanced at his eyes before he looked around the garden "you didn't do anything wrong" Todoroki spoke "then why are you acting like this? Please Baby.. what happened?" Bakugou spoke softly this time, his hands still on both sides touching the wall, no allowing the shorter boy to much movement "I-it's nothing.." Todoroki began stuttering, his eyes began to get glassy, he was holding back from crying Bakugou noticed it "hey, you know I'm here for you. I love you just please tell me whats going on inside your mind.." Bakugou was concerned and Todoroki could have sworn this was the softest he has ever heard Bakugou speak, if he was in the right state of mind he wouldn't have thought that that was what broke his focus as he began crying "I-i just, I thought that after what happened you wouldn't want to see me or be with me" he did his best to speak as he tried to calm down, Bakugou pulled him in close for a tight hug "I want you to know that I don't give a single fuck about how ugly or bad or whatever you think you look like, you look amazing, you're beautiful, smart, talented, super strong and you are so much more than that, that I just don't have a way to express it with words, just please! I love you baby and I don't want you to think any differently" he spoke as he let the younger boy let his emotions out.
It took him a while but finally he calmed down enough to look at the other Bakugou sighed "I don't give two flying fucks about what happened, you look amazing and hey, if you are still harming yourself then I'm here, talk to me, I don't need you in pain. Okay?" Todoroki looked at the taller boy he smiled slightly, happy to know Bakugou truly loved him 'ending this isn't worth the pain i would put him through' Todoroki thought as he felt a hand against his cheek, he looked into the blondes eyes before they locked lips with each other.

"N-NO WAY!! KACHAN? TODOROKI-KUN?!" they heard Midoriya yell making them almost immediately separate from their kiss "So is everything back to normal now?" Asked Tokoyami with a smirk "Who would have guessed that they left for a makeout session" Shoji laughed "now hold a second! Bakubro! What is going on?" Kirishima asked the flustered blonde, he looked aside, and he swore to himself Todoroki never looked any cuter, his face was red from embarrassment and he did his best as he tried his best not to run back inside his section and lock himself inside "Shitty hair.. can't you tell or are you that dumb?" Mocked Bakugou the red head as he grabbed onto Todoroki's waist pulling him close hearing Todoroki's surprised yelp in the process.
"Wait now, hold on! You two are dating? How come we never noticed it? We literally live together!" Kirishima again questioned earning a groan from the blonde "yes Kiri, Baku and I are together, and you didn't figure it out because your brain doesn't work half of the time." Todoroki spoke bluntly adding a small smile after the sentence "Now I'm interested, How long has it been since you got together?" Asked Midoriya looking at the two "what is it to you, you creep." Bakugou spoke harshly "Okay! Let's not fight here! How about we go back inside? We can talk there" Momo chimed in, thankfully helping to calm down the blond and saving the green haired one from possible injuries.

This time everyone sat much closer to each other, Bakugou and Todoroki sat together seemingly comfortable and not planing on letting go, Kirishima and Midoriya sat on opposite sides of the two, Kirishima was closer to Bakugou while Midoriya was closer to Todoroki, Iida sat down along with Momo, Shoji and Tokoyami. They were all interested to know what happened and how did the two get into a relationship, well half of them at least "alright so, how long have you two been together?" Asked Kirishima "do the math, it happened the same day you two didn't leave me alone just because I didn't sleep with you" Bakugou spoke as he wrapped an arm around Todoroki's waist making the other snuggle closer to the blonde, "hold on, you two have been together for almost four months and we didn't know?? Oh God Mina will be so pissed" Kirishima pointed out "to be honest they did keep the secret pretty well" Tokoyami earned some confused looks "we knew from the start, we except for YaoMomo, who learned a week later" explained Shoji "I thought i was your closest friend! How come I didn't know about this?" Midoriya asked the younger teen "You do understand I have known those three ever since middle school? I mean, Shoji knows me better than anyone currently in this room" Todoroki answered, noticing the slightly disturbed face Midoriya made, he guessed it was from shock "hey! What about me?!" Bakugou asked the boy in his grip earning a chuckle from the other "you're close, but there are just a couple of things he knows more. You'll figure them out eventually" he placed a kiss on his cheek, earning surprised gasps when nothing happened to him he looked around the room, caught off guard "What?" He asked innocently "I will never understand how you can be so serious and deadly one moment and a total soft boy the other" Tokoyami joked "I could say the same thing to you, but do I say it? No" Todoroki answered the teen sitting infront of him.
The rest of the day went by quicker than most wanted it too, But they were thankful they got to spend the day with Shouto, They were all currently heading back to the kitchen for dinner, Thankfully the students had around two more hours before they had to leave and go back to their schools  dormitory "So I Guess this mean you are not coming back with us huh?" Yaoyorozu asked the boy sitting across from her at the table, He shook his head "Unfortunately not just yet, but you guys don't need me there, I will be gone for just four more days, after that I will be back at the dorms" he spoke looking around the room, as if something was bothering him "This time you better text us too, we will send you all of the school work you might need!" Midoriya smiled at the younger, Todoroki nodded smiling back at the boy.

'Things didn't turn out to be so bad after all' he thought to himself as he kept eating his food.

You Are A WHAT?! - A bakutodo story *discontinued?*Where stories live. Discover now