Chapter 20

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17 missed calls, 52 unread messages was what Todoroki saw on his phone screen the last time he looked at his phone.

And currently Todoroki didn't want to look at his phone anymore, it's been three days since he got home, and two days since he last checked his phone, one thing he knew.
His phone has yet to stop buzzing from all the messages he was getting.
He was used to being on his phone, especially when he would usually spend a minimum of three hours just texting his friends when he could, so when he didn't text anyone especially after not showing up to school people began to worry.

A few people were worried more than anything.
Momo looked at her classmates before glancing at the empty space next to her "where are you Todoroki?.." she whispered to herself before she looked out the window next to her seat, she was worried, Todoroki was her friend she felt like he was her younger brother, they always got along, telling each other everything, being there in sad moments, everything.
She knew she wasn't the closest to him inside their little group of friends but she knew that she meant something to Todoroki,  so now? When she was hoping to fell her phone vibrate from her uniforms pocket she couldn't do anything but think, trying to concentrate on the lesson was pointless anyway since every time she tried she failed.
She thought back to the last time she saw the boy, it was at dinner only a couple hours after Shoji yelled at the teen and after her and Tokoyami were told to leave Todoroki alone.
That dinner was quiet, and awkward from their side of the table since they always sat together laughing and joking around, but that time wasn't the case.
That dinner was cold, Todoroki only focused on his food, Shoji seemed ashamed and sad, Tokoyami seemed regretful, Tsu and Jiro felt uncomfortable so they did their best to make small talks between each other, Momo wasn't focused. She just listened to Iida talk about their next assignment due for the month.
The bell rang signaling the end of lesson and the beginning of lunch, she began packing her bag "Yaoyorozu, Shoji , Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima and Tokoyami. I need to speak to you all." 'What could this be about?' She thought.

Todoroki hoped he wouldn't regret giving his brother his phone as he sat on his bed, eyes half lidded, he was tired, more than usual that is..
He sighed as he looked out the window, it was early, the only ones home were him and Natsuo, and Lunch was in not less that three hours 'I could just nap..' the teen thought as he closed his eyes.

"As you may have noticed Todoroki has yet to return, at first I wasn't allowed to tell you but it seems like his family would like to help him though what ever he's going through, so, currently he's at home, he was given a week of vacation to think about things and get better, which is why some of his family members belive its a good idea to invite some of his friends for lunch and dinner, and for some reason you guys were chosen meaning you all will be heading out in less then twenty minutes, outside, most of you have already seen One of his siblings so they might be picking you all up. Go get ready." spoke Aizawa softly 'Boy this day couldn't get better' thought Momo, she could already tell something was going to go wrong.

The ride to the Todoroki household was quiet, small talks here and there but mostly just Midoriya asking Natsuo Todoroki's older brother questions just about everything and
Surprisingly Bakugou never yelled at the green haired boy either.

They finally arrived at the house when they noticed another car pull up they wondered who it could be,
"Ah? Natsu! Shouto said he wanted peace and quiet! What were you and dad even thinking?!" The woman who left the car began to freak out, "calm down Fuyumi, you know how he gets.., besides he gave me his phone earlier today, if that doesn't send your alarm off I don't know what will." Natsuo walked closer to the woman now knows as Fuyumi "fine, but this is on you and dad" she looked at the group of teens "my name is Fuyumi Todoroki, I'm this idiots and Shouto's older sister, it's nice to meet you." She spoke, introducing herself.
Some did the same as they tried to be polite, some just said their names, it didn't take long before they were told to come in by Natsuo.

"He should be in his room right now,  since I have his phone I can't really call him to come down so you can go right ahead to his room"  Spoke Natsuo as he began gathering ingredients to help Fuyumi with lunch, "but how would we know where is his room? Last time we were here we stayed at that one place with the guest rooms" Midoriya pointed out, Bakugou rolled his eyes in return as he began to make his way to the boys room "guess you should go follow him, seems like he has been there" Fuyumi chimed in, a soft smile on her face, even if it wasn't right to invite his friends without talking to him about it, she still thought it was a good idea to bring them over.

A good nap. That was all Todoroki wanted and he managed to get that, that is until his friends showed up outside his bedroom door, "what are you guys doing here?" He asked walking back to his bed shifting into a little closed position as he hugged his knees, the one reason why he went home was to get away from them so he could think.
"Your father and brother apparently thought it was a good idea to invite us for dinner to cheer you up! So what's going on?" Kirishima sat down next to Todoroki "nothing happened.. just didn't feel so well so my dad thought it was a good idea to send me home" he shrugged, Midoriya gave a questioning look "Why did he choose to send you home? It isn't something serious right?" Everybody was now interested, Todoroki sighed, "Yaoyorozu, Bakugou you two have a similar way of working your quirk to mine. Have you ever had any problems with controlling your quirk when you're sick?" Yaoyorozu nodded her head "of course I do! Why do you think did I learn how to control why explosions?" Bakugou barked loudly "what does it have to do with what you're talking about?" Asked Tokoyami "while I can control my right side, my left side gets tricky to control and even the smallest thing can cause me to burn the room, so it's best I just stay here till it passes, you know" Todoroki explained "but-" "SHUT IT YA DAMN NERD!" Bakugou yelled at the green haired boy before he could ask another question, Todoroki wanted to thank him.
he suddenly noticed Mezo's soft smile as he took off his mask and mouthed a sorry to the other, Todoroki smiled as he got up "huh?" He heard coming from some others but he didn't care, he went to hug the taller.

He didn't want his best friend to think he hates him.

(This chapter is a bit messy, I didn't know how I would write it exactly since its more of a filler chapter(much like the next chapterthey will be fillers), so I'm sorry if the chapter was confusing)

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